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Author Topic: Refugees  (Read 169 times)


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« on: June 18, 2005, 01:16:00 am »
"I'm tellin' you," a young man continues with alacrity and some aggitation as you get within earshot, "I ain't never seen so many rag-tag creatures in one place in my life.  Hundreds of 'em, all from Hurm and such.  Seems the whole fishing and boatin' industry there is goin' under."
  A Blackford Castle agent listens to the young man's rantings for a while.  He seems unimpresseed.  When there seems to be a conversational crack to interject a few words, he does so sharply.  "We are aware of the situation.  There's quite simply nothing we can do.  Dregar's coasts have been deadly, even for the most experienced sailors, for many moons now.  Those who make a living from the sea are wandering to find new homes all across Layonara.  Surely your docks can receive a few of them."  He pauses to take a calming breath.  "Tell your harbor master that we have people looking into it now.  But understand that there is alot going on in the world and we'll figure something out as soon as we can."
  Recognizing that he has just been blown-off by the Blackford bureaucrat, the young apprentice of the new Leilon harbor master emits a dissatisfied puff and turns to travel back home.