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Author Topic: Wholesale graverobbing!  (Read 84 times)


Wholesale graverobbing!
« on: June 04, 2008, 04:43:34 am »
The Mayor of Ridgecrest has sent a panicked notice around to all nearby towns - the Ridgecrest cemetery has been sacked!

There's no other word for it - every grave has been dug up and ransacked, mausoleums smashed open, the recently dead and the long dead exhumed and absconded with equal abandon.

The gravedigger, his assistant, and three woodcutters who were last seen near the cemetery have vanished as well.

Any information leading to an explanation of these bizarre events would be appreciated and rewarded!


Re: Wholesale graverobbing!
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2008, 09:00:43 am »
Nemo scribbles on the Poster

Nemo sawed a little man that smelled bad saying he hads lots of bodies to sells...  He was weird...  Nemo thinks he was being naughty...  Maybe Nemo knows?  

Find Nemo!  Nemo will Tell!  Yup yup!


Re: Wholesale graverobbing!
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 08:31:11 pm »
Another notice is delivered by runner to the towns of Eastern Mistone - it seems the same fate has befallen the graveyard in Khemit!  Hundreds of graves dug up, mausoleum doors smashed in or... eaten away by something.

A member of the town guard, Garrald Ironshoulders, a dwarf, who was patrolling near the cemetery last night, is missing, as is the graveyard keeper and ten head of cattle which were grazing outside the graveyard fence.

The mayor notes that many townsfolk, particularly the Ironshoulders family, are distraught, and adds his voice to that of Ridgecrest's mayor in asking for any information leading to the perpetrators of this vile crime.


Re: Wholesale graverobbing!
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 04:45:28 pm »
The furor surrounding these thefts of the dead becomes a clamour, as a third mayor adds his voice to the mix:

The Mayor of Paruin reports that his town's graveyard has been pillaged, just as the last two sites.  Upon receiving notice of the previous two robberies, a detachment of a dozen militiamen were stationed around the graveyard, with instructions to watch for graverobbers.  Eleven of the men vanished on the night of the pillaging.  The last is catatonic.

Upon arriving at the scene, some villagers managed to get a few words out of the man, who was pale and rocking back and forth.  The mayor includes, in the notice, a transcript of those words, in the hope that they may help track down the perpetrators of mass grave robbing and abduction:

"Great feet pound the ground... drooling... burning... metal bones, no!... one-armed man - no, two armed!  *manic laughter leading to catatonia*"


Re: Wholesale graverobbing!
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2008, 09:23:55 pm »


Re: Wholesale graverobbing!
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2008, 02:38:58 am »
// For those who missed the other post, this quest has been moved to Saturday, June 7th.