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Author Topic: Word on the Street : Mariner's Hold  (Read 268 times)


Word on the Street : Mariner's Hold
« on: June 04, 2008, 12:03:45 am »
Life is taking somewhat an appearance of normality. Healers from various temples have set aside minor differences to come together in this time of need.  Even Xeenite healers have been seen tending to wounds other than those of barfights and hangovers.  Generous amounts of Xeen's gifts also help those not wanting to remember the horrors of having loved ones washed away.  The general mood is against both Mist and Shindaleria in the city at this time, though Mist bears more of the ill will than Shindaleria.
 The gnomes of Stone have gained much respect with the populace for their skill and tolerence in healing.
 The steady unloading of materials from Mistone helps to keep moral high. The several cases of ale by a generous dwarf are not unwelcomed. Baking supplies and fruit from the Orc Bashers means that the traditional Halfling Pie Soltice can still be celebrated.
 The temporary shelters still house many families as supplies are slow to trickle in.  Those that have new homes are quite proud to point out the Rael or Erilyn planks.
 Some of the dwarven youths displaced from the Sun hills have taken an interest in the Junior Masons, a training activity organized by the masons sent by Lord Rael. They seem to be doing an excellent job of learning an horable trade and are invaluable to the stonemasons building and repairing the damaged foundations in the city.  Interest is such that it is thought that by winter Non dwarven branches of the youth group may be established.
 Coin donated by many a well meaning soul has meant the difference for many a family but the coin only goes so far.  Winter approaches and with just the clean-up complete there is worry about houseing the displaced when colder weather hits.  Builders are moving as fast as they can but shortages keep things at a crawl.
 There are some rumors that Taur'en has established a mill just across the border to supply lumber to the city. No one knows who is financing the mill but there are many speculations depending on who you ask and how much they've had to drink.  Rumors range from Mentor Bydell himself to private investors from Corsain and Mistone.  Some even say Taur'en dwarves have taken to clearing forest to prospect for new mines.
 The North wall repair is almost complete. The strange ruins discovered turned out to be a pile of marble stones. They were hauled away in carts.  Likely they are the footings for one of the new pier posts.


Re: Word on the Street : Mariner's Hold
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 05:55:32 pm »
OOC this is how it breaks up:
 [table=head;sort=1a,2,3] Building Materials| Needed| NPCs| Players| Collected| % Collected|
 Planks| 15945| 3000| 152| 3152| 0.20|
 Studs| 3549| 350| 7| 357| 0.10|
 Wire| 2521| 500| 2| 502| 0.20|
 Staves| 6837| | 65| 65| 0.01|
 Glass| 10160| | 238| 238| 0.02|
 Sand| 12160| | 60| 60| 0.00|
 Clay| 16344| | 129| 129| 0.01|
 Ingots| 3774| 250| 93| 343| 0.09|
 Tools| 2182| 400| 32| 432| 0.20|
 Molds| 850| | 152| 152| 0.18|
 Cloth| 9890| 200| 162| 362| 0.04|
 Limestone| 19245| 3000| 21| 3021| 0.16|
 Buckets| 2101| | 0| 0| 0.00|
 Rope| 375| | 100| 100| 0.27|
 Summary - average of 10% of building materials have been accounted for, with shortages in some areas.
 [table=head;sort=1a,2,3] Food and Clothing| Needed| NPCs| Players| Collected| % Collected|
 Bread| 80| 0| 68| 68| 0.85|
 Fruit| 100| 0| 43| 43| 0.43|
 Ale| 50| 10| 168| 178| 3.56|
 Eggs| 70| 0| 0| 0| 0.00|
 Milk| 60| 0| 55| 55| 0.92|
 Meat| 60| 10| 75| 85| 1.42|
 Fish| 40| 10| 95| 105| 2.63|
 Cloth Cloaks| 100| 50| 3| 53| 0.53|
 Basic Boots| 100| 50| 9| 59| 0.59|
 Basic Robes| 100| 50| 19| 69| 0.69|
 Blankets| 100| 0| 89| 89| 0.89|
 Aloe and Comfrey| 70| 0| 148| 148| 2.11|
 Holy water| 100| 0| 100| 100| 1.00|
 Cots| 100| 50| 0| 50| 0.50|
 Light Healing| 100| 0| 48| 48| 0.48|
 Medium Healing| 30| 0| 45| 45| 1.50|
 Food supplies are well above target; hence the ability for an regular feast to occur and boost city morale in the face of disaster. Clothing, blankets and some healing is lagging behind on the player side of things.


Re: Word on the Street : Mariner's Hold
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2008, 11:41:57 am »
* Barion hears that the clean-up is mostly done and building materials are now needed most to fight off the colder winter , he hires a few carts and buys shovels , picks and other equipment and starts gathering *

" lets get them the sand and clay they need , together with the limestone to build durable houses for the people "


Re: Word on the Street : Mariner's Hold
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2008, 03:04:18 pm »
// With the NPC, up to date PC and Foundation contributions
 [table=head;sort=1a,2,3] Building Materials| Needed| NPCs| Players| Collected| % Collected|
 Planks| 15945| 5000| 1412| 6412| 0.40|
 Studs| 3549| 350| 277| 627| 0.18|
 Wire| 2521| 500| 300| 800| 0.32|
 Staves| 6837| 120| 565| 685| 0.10|
 Glass| 10160| | 1328| 1328| 0.13|
 Sand| 12160| | 1500| 1500| 0.12|
 Clay| 16344| | 2929| 2929| 0.18|
 Ingots| 3774| 700| 500| 1200| 0.32|
 Tools| 2182| 600| 282| 882| 0.40|
 Molds| 850| | 152| 152| 0.18|
 Cloth| 9890| 200| 1162| 1362| 0.14|
 Limestone| 19245| 3000| 2521| 5521| 0.29|
 Buckets| 2101| | 250| 250| 0.12|
 Rope| 375| 100| 100| 200| 0.53|
 [table=head;sort=1a,2,3] Food and Clothing| Needed| NPCs| Players| Collected| % Collected|
 Bread| 80| 0| 68| 68| 0.85|
 Fruit| 100| 0| 43| 43| 0.43|
 Ale| 50| 10| 168| 178| 3.56|
 Eggs| 70| 0| 0| 0| 0.00|
 Milk| 60| 0| 55| 55| 0.92|
 Meat| 60| 10| 96| 106| 1.77|
 Fish| 40| 10| 95| 105| 2.63|
 Cloth Cloaks| 100| 50| 3| 53| 0.53|
 Basic Boots| 100| 50| 9| 59| 0.59|
 Basic Robes| 100| 50| 19| 69| 0.69|
 Blankets| 100| 0| 89| 89| 0.89|
 Aloe and Comfrey| 70| 0| 175| 175| 2.50|
 Holy water| 100| 0| 100| 100| 1.00|
 Cots| 100| 50| 0| 50| 0.50|
 Light Healing| 100| 0| 48| 48| 0.48|
 Medium Healing| 30| 0| 45| 45| 1.50|


Re: Word on the Street : Mariner's Hold
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2008, 07:17:49 pm »
Repairs are coming along well. It was a tough winter for those forced to face it in tents and borrowed accomadations.  Many were forced to leave the city and head to rural villages and the like, though money and work in Mariner's Hold was good, raising a family in a tent was not.  Those boarding houses on the other side of the city that were  not hit turned into a gold mine for their owners with the cost of rooms sometimes quadruple what would normally be charged and rooms divided in half to make more space and more profit.
 The barracks alotted to the masons and troops from Lord Rael are modest as is the black flag with the red circle flying above it.  The human and part elven troops sent abroad by the dwarven lord seem to blend well into the city, though with their arrivial there is a noticable decline in the number of Berilite healers around the city. Those seen are never gnomes but of a different race in the service of Her Perfection.
 Rael's men help to organize the building and things are going orderly.  On the advice of his Rael advisor, the King has set limits on the amount of food and building materials each vendor may have and a ceiling price they may charge to ensure that all the masses have equal opportunity to resources and not just the wealthy.  There is some grumbling about this in Deliarite circles but it is minor.  There are still plenty of avenues to make a coin in Mariner's Hold.


Re: Word on the Street : Mariner's Hold
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2008, 06:42:07 pm »
The cold winds of Febra blow through the everpresent tent communities on the outskirts of Mariner's Hold.  The winter this year has not been without incident thus far.   Heavy cold rains plagued the city for nearly a week in mid Janra bringing much of the construction to a standstill. Luckily the rains meant that ice made a late appearance in the harbor and the last of the major dock repairs were made just before the Febra gales began.  These repairs now mean that more ships can begin to use the harbor at once now, decreasing loading and unloading times.   The final push of materials was provided by one of the everpresent vessels flying the colors of Erilyn and a dwarven clan as well as a new Lucindite banner low on her mast.  Bronze, wood, rope and mortor were unloaded as well as a shipment of winter clothing and heavy canvas for tents.
 The rains sparked an outbreak of Vitia Cough. The dimished numbers of Berylite healers was felt by the populace, but thankfully the causalities were few. Food supplies remain steady and most of the new year festivals were able to be celebrated in the city.
 The city walls have not only been repaired but fortified in some places by the generous Rael masons.   The marble reminents found uncovered by the wave were deemed by these masons to have excellent mortor properties and were recycled into the repairs.  Citizens were encouraged to donate pieces they had found to the effort.  For many years the citizens of the city have picked up odd bits of marble from the streets,walls and nearby forest and these pieces too were accepted.


Re: Word on the Street : Mariner's Hold
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2008, 09:53:03 am »
* a letter with the OrcBashers seal is delivered to the office of the Chamberlain of Mariner's Hold *

Sir or Madam Chamberlain,

Due to recent needs for the city of Mariner's Hold for regular supply of building materials , we of the Orc Bashers guild would like to request a meeting with you and those in charge off the city regarding a proposal .

This proposal is about funding / building , hopefully a few , buildings to aid Mariner's Hold now and in the future with work for it's populace and worked materials that are now needed for the rebuilding .

These buildings would not only provide for a steady flow of material resources for the rebuilding of the city but it would also create economic growth. This growth would come by way of work for those that have become unemployed due to recent events and as the city becomes replenished it could become a city revenue resource for exports to other communities in need of supplies.

We believe this to be of great benefit to the city and would offer our assistance in building a kind of " working village / settlement " . We would also work with local druids to help provide a balance so that nature may continue its course and provide natural healthy resources.

Hoping that this letter finds you and we can set up a meeting to discuss this further , sincerely,

The Orc Bashers.

// If this is approved and needs a GDQ , then we would love to see what time would suit us as players and the GM that can / would run this . Hopefully we can plan this with Minerva since she is the GM in charge off Mariner's Hold .