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Author Topic: Rumors spread through Hlint!  (Read 164 times)


Rumors spread through Hlint!
« on: June 14, 2009, 01:40:51 pm »
The town's gossips all know what the hottest story in town is. Rumors of Elastic (or Ellipsis, or was it Ephasia?), a fire-headed girl, sprout up in streets, inns, and dinner-table discussions of good, decent Hlint folk.

*overheard in the streets between two women talking at market*
"Did you hear the latest about Elastic?"
"No, what?"
"I heard she was spotted in town, twice! You wouldn't believe who she was askin' fer."
"A Duchess-"
"She's lookin' fer a Duchess, I said."
"A Duchess, here?"
"That's what I said."
"Well, what's she lookin' round here for a Duchess for? A Duchess 's royalty! Ain't been no royalty 'round here a while. Must be mental."
"Mus' be. 'S sad really."

*In the Wild Surge Inn between old friends*
"You 'ear 'bout Ephasia?"
"Who? Oh!-you mean Ellipsis?"
"No, no. Ephasia, small lass, red hiar, walkin' 'round askin' for food an coin?"
"What, like a beggar?"
"Well no, 'cause if'n ya answer no, I hear she'll fight ya fer it."
"What a lil' girl? Ha-"
"Don't laugh, she'd fix you right on the floor!"
"Reckon she won't, I-"
"Beat a dwarf-"
"What? I never beat no dwarf!"
"She did, she-"
"She what?"
"-boxed him but good I hear."
"Tha's no beggar, 's a bandit! But she a girl you say? Young?"
"Yeah, yeah, real short-like, a kid."
"Well 'en no worries! Can't bother me in here! Barkeep, another round!"
*the men laugh*
"But s'r'ously," one says as he puts down his mug, "What's'is world comin' to, little girl gotta beat up dwarfs for food!"

*two farmers walking along a wall, repairing it when it needs repairing*
"You hear about that girl up yer way, yet?"
"What girl?"
"Elastic'r somethin' like that."
"Oh yeah, her? My wife been tellin' me 'bout her."
"Yeah, 'parently she likes fire."
"Fire, you say?" One man says, looking at his fields, then back to work, "There's a hole there."
"My side," the other says automatically, putting the stones back in place, "She's talkin' 'bout fire 'n balance 'n what not an' boy what a temper."
The other man pauses, "Sure, fire's good fer balance, let's me clear a land easier, an' scorchin' a field can actually help it grow, but it's only so good if yer usin' it fer somethin'."
"'S true, but she says fire's it. Tha's the best'r somethin'."
*The farmers get to the end of the line where the corners turn, finishing their work*
"Well she can stay away from my fields come harvest time."
"Mine, too. Should send her up Jenkins's way, he's got a real nutter, too."
"Oh yeah, heard about him. So, same time next month?"
"Oh sure, but-"
"Good fences make good neighbors, neighbor," says one farmer as he's walking the other way. The statement causes the other farmer to stop and look back.
"Oh, nothing."

Other rumors are coming in from the caravans. They speak of curious activity around the goblin caves, as if the goblins had suddenly taken to farming. They report seeing unusual amounts of chickens pecking near the Red Light Caverns. Similarly, there are many strange reports of birds in the area that "look like they're wearing suits". No one is sure why, but one thing is for sure, it seems the adventurers are trying to stop the goblins as the chickens are never seen when there are adventurers around.
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Re: Rumors spread through Hlint!
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2009, 05:55:01 pm »
A passing merchant is overheard telling others about a small red haired, red clothed girl calling herself Elastic while he was taking some refreshments at the local watering hole.

'This young girl wanders about asking people for money or she will fight them, so stay out her way. Sounds like a protection racket to me,' he says, ' but she says it's for honor. She says she's something to do with balance and flame, but it's probably a lot of nonsense.'

The merchant finishes his ale and leaves to go when one of the patrons asks him when he met this girl.

'Oh, I didn't meet her. I bumped into a woman you told me about her. Her name? Let me think... oh yes, she said to call her duchess I think.'