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Author Topic: Xora issues a warning to the High Boyer  (Read 387 times)


Xora issues a warning to the High Boyer
« on: November 15, 2011, 08:15:21 am »
Urgent messages arrived at the High Boyers residence today from Xora about the fact that she has sighted Fisterion himself circling Molten Island seemingly searching for something. What is unsettling is that there were another three dragons flying with him. Xora was not sure if this boded ill for Boyer but felt the High Boyer should be aware of what she had seen.

The High Boyer, still trying to help his nation recuperate from the war in Belinara, the famines caused by the war in Sederra and the loss of manpower in his nation immediately dispatched additional scout units to the north eastern beaches of his realm in order to remain alert for impending dragon attacks.
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Re: Xora issues a warning to the High Boyer
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2011, 07:39:24 am »
*Storold sends a few willing people to help the scouting parties if the Boyer allows outside help to be distributed towards the effort*


Re: Xora issues a warning to the High Boyer
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2011, 01:25:04 am »
Even as Storolds supporters arrive and additional Toranite soldiers and start to move north to keep an eye on the regular patrols being flown by Fisterion it happens...

In the early morning hours, two weeks after Xora's warning advanced scouts light beacon fires near the northern beaches as Fisterion and three more dragons flying with him leave Molten isle and cross the sea to Boyer. Almost in defiance they fly directly over Xora's tower, Fisterions massive bulk casting a long dark shadow over the land beneath him.

More beacons are lit in the path of the dragons, fearful people scream and run for shelter anywhere near the dragons path. Those watching and waiting for the signal beacons prepare defences in case the dragons arrive where they are but still the dragons fly deep into Boyer crossing right across the breadth of its land in a show of strength not seen by the so called King of Dragons for many many years.

Eventually he comes to the lands north of Willows weep, right to the coast where a large temple to Mist is located and it is here he finally descends.

Fisterion, Self titled King of Dragons, spirals downwards followed closely by screaming and roaring dragons and brings a reign of death and fire unseen by many except those who perhaps witnessed Ractrafiorez's vengeance at Fort of Last Hope.

Fire, acid, scalding hot liquids and spells rock the lands around as they unleash into the temple completely devastating it, the small village around it and the lands for a mile in every direction. Ships in the small cove are blasted out of existence, the water boils from the intensity of the fire of Fisterions breath and dead fish soon litter the beaches.

And when they rise.....not a soul remains, every man, woman, child, building, vessel, beast, priest and all who lived on the site and for a mile distance....are no more.

Then with complete impunity Fisterion rises with his kin into the sky and deliberately flies a line over Northpoint causing widespread fear and panic as he does so before winging his way back to Molten Isle.


Re: Xora issues a warning to the High Boyer
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2011, 03:24:48 am »
*Storold chuckles as the news reaches him*This only goes to show how fickle the favor of the Lady of Storms is. Let this be a lesson to all who serve or consider to serve her, you might believe that one man is an island, but when it comes down to it you will be dead without friends.
I believe there is no further reason to patrol here, I will take my men back to Point Dart. If you toranites want to play cleanup crew you can be my guest. But I have no interest in helping those who believe they are self sufficient.

