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Author Topic: Rumors Spread through Port Hempstead  (Read 120 times)


Rumors Spread through Port Hempstead
« on: June 14, 2009, 09:50:59 pm »
News arrives that a small party of 50 -200 persons of  unknown origins has left the Battle Helm moors. The persons are not Trolls or Swampkin. Could it be the the start of the invasion?


Re: Rumors Spread through Port Hempstead
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 09:31:29 am »
*Once this news makes its way to the Wolfswood Ranger Headquarters, Rodlin sends word to have three scouts attempt to track down these 'persons' and relay all intel back to HQ. He also has a small contigent of scouts stay in the Moors for warning of new movements."
 *As he looks over the maps of the Moors briefly confirming his decision, he goes back to the Commander and discusses matters such as manning, employment of patrols on Alindor, training, etc...*


Re: Rumors Spread through Port Hempstead
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 06:24:18 pm »
* Caerwyn exits the Battlehelm Moors near the Dapplegreen Road and rushes, with all speed, to Stormcrest Crossroads to send a message or two. That done, he grabs a hot meal and a stiff drink and heads immediately back to the moors *

