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Author Topic: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules  (Read 1906 times)


An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« on: June 06, 2005, 04:59:00 am »
From the posted rule
  "Griefing is the act of intentionally causing another player emotional harm by a verbal assault. It is also the act of intentionally causing players to not be able to have fun in the world (following them and being a nuisance, blocking doorways, pick pocketing/stealing, kill stealing when asked not to, camping when asked to leave an area, being rude and obnoxious etc.) Doing so will get you a warning and a three day ban on the first occurrence. The second occurrence will get you a seven-day ban and the third will get you banned from the server.  Another form of griefing is the act of attacking NPC's or stealing from them. This is not tolerated. It will get you a three-day ban the first time, a seven-day ban the second time and then a perma ban on the third. Do NOT attack or steal from NPC's."
  The update on the rule:
  You are no longer allowed to send "in character tells" to other players.  If it is "in character" then say it out loud (or whisper it to the player) and emote the action out loud so that others know what is happening around them.  It is not "in character" if you are sending tells to a player--period; rather it is a form of harrasement hiding behind the guise of roleplaying "in character".  This update is due to abuse over time and a rare few people just not understanding that it is not roleplaying but rather it is a form of harrasement and very poor RP and I will not tolerate it any longer.


RE: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
I believe I know what you mean, but I assume we are still allowed to send IC tells, when person A is in Leilon, person B in Port Hamshire and both of them would like to meet. Just a question that came into my mind since you didn't mention it specifically.


RE: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2005, 09:07:00 am »
Yeah im a bit confused about this too... Are you talking about griefing in tells, or are all tells now considered OOC?


RE: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2005, 09:29:00 am »
  L said, "If it is "in character" then say it out loud (or whisper it to the player) and emote the action out loud so that others know what is happening around them."
    What I hear it as is, if you're in a big group, don't send IC Tells to other characters and act like it's role playing. Whisper it, give other players a chance to eves drop, and instead of just sending a tell do something like (*mumbles to Ahndar* "When was the last time you took a bath" *waves his hand in front of his face*) It can be in a whisper, so only Ahndar could hear it, but then other people would at least know something happened.
    As for IC Tells like sending a bird out, that does seem a little foggy, however I know that many many people do that. It's just impossible to set up spur of the moment meetings/discussions or trades without it. But it's L's decision. :)


RE: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2005, 06:04:00 pm »
"...  What I hear it as is, if you're in a big group, don't send IC Tells to other characters and act like it's role playing. Whisper it, give other players a chance to eves drop, and instead of just sending a tell do something like (*mumbles to Ahndar* "When was the last time you took a bath" *waves his hand in front of his face*) It can be in a whisper, so only Ahndar could hear it, but then other people would at least know something happened..."
  That is exactly what I mean ZV, thank you..  As to sending tells to players and such, that has not changed, you can send tells to whomever you want.


Re: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2006, 08:26:05 am »
A reminder on this rule.


Re: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2006, 05:50:41 pm »
I have a small question to this. Drow Sign. I have always (and this is the ONLY time I talk in tells IC) done an emote *Daralith signs to SoandSo* and sent them a tell with the IC part.

Now usually that is the only drow around, and since Drow Sign is listed as a langauge drow now, but with no ear in game to use it...I always thought this a way to RP the sign langauge. If there were ever any drow around, I send them the same IC tell since they can understand Drow Sign as well.

Is this a no no as well? Do you want us just speaking in drow and then emote before we do it something like *Daralith is signing, so you don't really hear him speaking in drow, and if you know drow that doesn't mean you know drow sign, so you don't know what he is saying* =P hehe

I always use common sense, but rules are rules and I don't want to get a smack down for this. I fully understand what and why you made the rule Leathnar, I just wanted to know if what I had been doing is allowed still?



Re: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2006, 06:00:11 pm »
Drizzlin, since we do not have an ear for that language it is good that you are RP'ing the drow sign language in the way you do. Sending tells to the drow that would know it after you have done an emote that you are using it is a good way to solve the problem.

gilshem ironstone

Re: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2006, 07:19:02 am »
I have also been sent tells from characters trying to get in touch with me along the lines of: *A bird drops a note in front of you*  Your staff is ready.  Is this okay?  I thought it was an ingenious way to use tells and will out it in my bag of tricks if you will allow it.


Re: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2006, 07:24:51 am »
@gilshem, yes that is fine as well. I would like to suggest that individuals use the message system in LORE. It IC drops an actual bird in the game that gives a character a message (note). So instead of just an RP tell it actually peforms the action. But yes, this is fine.

gilshem ironstone

Re: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2006, 09:48:19 am »
I have always used LORE's bird system to send messages and will continue to do so.  Just wondering if this would be frowned upon as an occasional tool.  Besides, who doesn't like getting mail delivered?

Talan Va'lash

Re: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2006, 12:26:39 pm »
I often use the "tell bird message" method when I have to send a message as I'm often playing on a Mac, and the mac version of nwn is gimpy and there is no way to minimize or get out of the game to use LORE short of logging out and exiting NWN. The downside is that you have to be on the same server.


Re: An update on the griefing/harrasement rules
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2006, 08:22:29 pm »
"....I have always used LORE's bird system to send messages and will continue to do so. Just wondering if this would be frowned upon as an occasional tool. Besides, who doesn't like getting mail delivered?...."

Not sure I am reading this correctly. If you are asking if it is okay to use the LORE bird system to send messages it most certainly is and is exactly why it was created. Not sure I know what you mean by 'tool' other than to send a message which is perfectly fine and encouraged.