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Author Topic: Epic Weapons  (Read 1801 times)


Epic Weapons
« on: January 13, 2007, 10:36:54 pm »
My character has an Epic weapon. (hellish whip lvl req 29) I was told that i am not to sell or trade this item for anything else. we killed a Lich for it and theres perhaps a handful of players who can use it.
Could I get some clarification on what we can and cant do with these items?

*hangs ugly whip in bank chest till he has exotic weapon feat and changes class to evil paladin and 17 levels later*
There can be only One.


Re: Epic Weapons
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 02:23:37 am »
I thought I'd seen this for sale elsewhere; I was not aware they were not allowed to be sold. Considering the level requirement and the fact that its a whip, it's not like anyone would buy it, anyway. I don't mind high level drops in weird places as sometimes it's cool and flavor, this one seems kind of...extra high, though.


Re: Epic Weapons
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 03:55:35 am »
My character, Arkolio, got one of these in a drop once in the Nameless Dungeon. I had the same query as the lens price was like 300,000 or something. A GM that was on at the time (can't remember which one) simulated that I sold it at a pawn shop and received 2,000 true for it which was higher than what the pawn shop actually offered :) but considerably lower than the lens price :(

Don't know if this was an 'official' stance or just something that happened off the cuff but it seemed fair to me at the time .... although I will feel very hard done by if you are allowed to sell it for a cool quarter mill to Eld, Remi, Ozy, Triba, Rev, whomever that can actually use it!!!!


Re: Epic Weapons
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 05:11:38 am »
This is a legitimate drop, nwn inflates prices tremendously so while the level is 29 the strength of this whip is hardly reflective of its level. Anyone paying that amount of gold probably needs to get out a little bit more and since its not particularly simple to get one of these the pawn shop prices are not excessive.
  You're free to do with it anything you desire.


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RE: Epic Weapons
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 05:14:54 am »
This item is one of those things that the NWN engine prices higher than what is their actual worth. This is what leads to the staggeringly high level requirement, in itself the whip isn't overly unbalanced and you should be free to use it as you please.

Considering that the level requirement makes this item that is already usable in very limited cases practically useless I would suggest that you submit a bug report regarding the item. I think it should be possible to redesign the items properties in such a way that the same practical result would be achieved trough a lower level requirement. The most simple way to do this would seem to be to replace the OnHit property with standard Fire damage.

Edit: Right, beaten to the punch by Pan. Shucks.


Re: Epic Weapons
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 12:21:33 pm »
It was Quantum that told us OOC after we had returned from Nameless dungeon and rolled for the items, that it was not to be sold or traded. I didnt stop and think at the time,.. Well what are we supposed to do with it anyways?..

It was an awsome time down there Thanks Quantum I never really knew how deep it goes, The party worked well together you know who you are!  I counted about four levels after the door to the crypt, Wow. !! More than you bargained for thats for sure,a great dungeon !
 Well thanks for the enlightenment on this folks, hope this helps someone else.
There can be only One.

