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Author Topic: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting  (Read 4145 times)

Thunder Pants

RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2004, 02:32:00 am »
actually, this is an old rule thats been in place since V1, just people forgot about it, this ruling is the reason most crafts require you to hold something in your hand to craft (if your polymorphed you can't equip anything)

you can still have summons in town i would suppose and while yes running through town while as a troll may be easier on you since your carrying so much stuff, don't be surprise when people run away when they see you coming, or if you get followed by some angry warriors there to find out why there is a troll in the town

if a person has an undead summon with them, and you are a paladin, don't think you absolutly have to attack the undead and smite the necromancer, as for most paladins in layonara the codes state violence is a last resort, if you want to yell at the necromancer about how his companion is an abomination to all lifeforms and that he shouldn't pull some poor soul from their eternal slumber just so he can have a body gaurd, go ahead, but expect a witty and snide comment back

honestly with all the rangers, druids, mages around seeing animals and tiny dragons is fairly common place and while some tailors might look at a bear and wonder what he'd look like as a rug, doesn't mean that they would look out of place, although any commoners in some small towns (not counting Hlint here, lets face it is there anything that could happen in hlint that would shock people?) might find the companions/familars a little odd and children would probobly gather around in awe

anyway i'm just rambling now anyway so i'm done, no crafting while polymophed simple as that and it's not a hard rule to follow really


RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2004, 08:25:00 am »
As to this question... "Oh, and to get the amplification question answered: does the restriction also apply to hauling 150 logs, or a ton of ore back to town?"
  No it does not apply to that.  However rest assured that if a GM sees you online crawling (ie slow walking) back to town after harvesting you will most assurely be ambushed (after all you are an easy targer for the bad guys).  We have oxen in place so that you do not have to slow walk like that.  Now IF we ever get rid of the oxen system then obviosly we will lossen up the rule on slow walking--but until then be forewarned.  Oh and if you get killed when slow walking don't get mad at a GM, because after all it is your character that made themself the easy target (can't move fast, can't esacpe, can't run etc.).


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    RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
    « Reply #22 on: November 28, 2004, 01:16:00 pm »
    Completely fair. I'm not trying to cause any dissent, just play within the framework. Thanks for the place to play and the great people to play with!


    RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
    « Reply #23 on: April 12, 2005, 12:48:00 pm »
    Bumping so it is not deleted.


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      RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
      « Reply #24 on: June 19, 2005, 07:50:00 pm »
      I read the first post in this thread and thought that it was a good idea, sounded logical and on other servers I play on similar guide lines are taken.

      That pc's would not wander into town using their polymorphed shapes since the npc's which are not represented would not accept them.  

      This of course would not be a blanket ooc rule but represented by ic laws.  Settlement A, a good human settlement would have its guards shoot on site a zombie form or a troll form.  Settlement B, a half orc settlement might not shoot the troll onsight and might let it through.  Familiars would be not allowed to go around in public in many FR enviroments thus it would be accounted for in ic laws that they are requested by local authorities not to be summoned.

      That a polymorphed character can not take part in tradeskills is also  ic'ly logical.  An iron golem with hands the size of ale barrels will not be able to tinker around and make a magical ring the size of which is intended to fit a halfling.

      But as I read down the list I became a bit more skeptical of the other opinions posted.  Most particularly after Highwaymans response, not only with the curious opinion that 99% of the time outside of town is combat/crafting but that it should be a ooc balance issue.

      It is totally ic for a mage to polymorph into another form in order to do something.  The last server I played on, still do play on, had a crafters guild which would hire out mages to carry ore for them in their enchanced magical forms.  The dwarfs would crack the rocks, put them in bags then the umber hulks would drag them.  Even more fitting with iron golems or giants.

      The polymorph spells are better used in a rp fashion than a combat one, using umber hulks to dig through walls, undead to sneak into a crypt, flying capable creatures to fly and so on.  Isnt much point in turning into a giant for combat but is a pretty darn useful one in turning into one to carry a sack of granite rocks, or step over a wall which is curiously blocking the way to all in game avatars.

      Granted, a polymorphed creature should not enter town in such a fashion as to be detectable by the npc population but there is no ic reason why they should not be able to do so if none detected.  An iron golem could enter under invisibility or greater sanctuary.

      Note that this isnt the opinion of someone who crafts, nor even of someone who has a character on this server yet  ;) Just an opinion of a nwn player who see's many different servers and ways of dealing with things.  After all the core aspect of a rp server is that things are done ic, with ic motivation, action and result.  Saying that you cant carry object X when polymorphed because you can carry too much of it doesnt have much of a rp basis.


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      RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
      « Reply #25 on: June 22, 2005, 03:42:00 pm »
      I was highly impressed the last time I saw a town guard stroll over and arrest an errant hero for vagrancy and indecent behavior.  Apparently, being tired from fighting ogres is no excuse for sleeping in the street and changing clothes in public.  The fellow was fined and quickly sentenced.  Now opinions may vary from town to town, but I expect law enforcement to be extremely intolerant of people who instill terror in the local population.  They might also feel compeled to cage dangerous wild animals.  Players who insist on ignoring local conventions should expect repercussions when visiting orderly cities.


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        RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #26 on: September 05, 2006, 12:17:09 am »
        How about badgers?


        Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #27 on: September 05, 2006, 01:14:59 am »
        I'm interested to know if the following is allowed or not.

        My character a LN sorceress has a familiar a pseudo dragon that sometimes does things for her, Like deliver a note to someone they both know or get help for something. This often requires the familiar to got into town alone and without my sorceress pc. WOuld this be allowed or is this not excepted and can I get the familiar killed by merly showing his face in town?

        I know it's know use telling he won't attack people ore creatures unless he has no other option. and most of the time he only attacks if his mistress (my pc) is in trouble because she has gotten her self in a situation she cant get out of. (like being serrouded by to many hostile creatures.

        so is it allowed to have draconia do small things for Sonya(my pc) or not? I never had problems before with this.but with all the rulles changing i'd like to know before Draconia(familiar) gets killed and sonya does something that could get her killed. Sonya loves draconia like she loves her husband. both a different kind of love but could result in the same action if they get killed.



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        RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #28 on: September 12, 2006, 06:58:19 pm »
        I just want to make sure I understand the rules...  Bear with me because I'm new here...

        I was reprimanded for being in animal shape and having my companion with me in Hlint-- I didn't know of this rule so that's my fault... Though as I understand it now by reading these messages as long as you don't craft, shop, etc. animal shape is okay so I'm not sure if I broke the rules at all.  

        My druid was conceived as being more comfortable in animal shapes (like the small cat or bird or wolf) than as a human, and she tries to make friends by seeing how people interact with animals (as opposed to walking up to them and saying hey I'm a druid, let's go kill some orcs.)  So it's a big part of the role-playing for me if I can take cat shape, etc. when socializing in town (but not buying or crafting.)  As I understand the rules this is okay (and I sure hope it is) but if I'm wrong please let me know


        Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #29 on: September 12, 2006, 07:25:34 pm »
        It's pretty much common sense. Don't walk through towns and cities as Bears, Panthers, Dire Boars ect. Birds, cats n' such wouldn't be payed much mind by the towns folk though. And no crafting in animal form. Just don't make sense. That pretty much goes for all Polymorph and Shifter Shapes as well. Use common sense and you'll do fine. (People break the rule all the time by dragging in their Hellhounds, Pseudodragons (guilty) or shifting in Hlint. Just try and catch yourself when you do it. You'll slip up at least once though, we all do it, don't sweat it though.)  :)


        Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #30 on: September 12, 2006, 07:28:41 pm »
        What ZV stated is correct. Other than those situations you can freely shapeshift/polymorph etc.


        Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #31 on: September 13, 2006, 02:42:00 am »
        So I can't get my pseudodragon familiar to go in town and get messages to friends? To bad. Oh whell there goes that RP.


        Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #32 on: October 02, 2006, 03:42:39 pm »
        Consider that should the world be accuratly portrade..your pseudo dragon would have been shot down by the archers on the wall long before it got close enough to distinguish between a wyrmling or familiar


        Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #33 on: October 02, 2006, 03:48:54 pm »
        Or chased out of Hlint with pitchfork weilding peasants because you MIGHT have something to do with the haunted crypt because of that skeleton you have with you


        Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #34 on: October 02, 2006, 03:51:01 pm »
        And certaintly fired up because your in a deadly beast form... wild and dangerous animals.. or exotic forms such at umberhulk would have the town compltelty in war mode to keep you from killing off people.

        And consider how angry the mayor and council would be after finding out that you were just a mage... consider that they might punish you or request payment for putting their guards on alert


        Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #35 on: October 03, 2006, 01:11:07 am »
        thanks for putting it that way doc. It makes it alot clear. I kinda forgot about the idea of the towns having more poeple in them then we players can see. and all the things that would go around them.


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          Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
          « Reply #36 on: December 21, 2006, 03:29:54 pm »
          i am told pixies are humanoid and friendly and hence OK to use in town. I RP my pixie familar as my charecters Best Friend and also as a entirely diff being in and of and unto herself a seperate and unique being. Ive been told me many a PC that they think the Pixie is just plain cute ect not scary ( pixies are very small and harmless looking fey ! )

          if theres anything wrong with me RPing my pixie in town i need to know :) till then i shall continue using my pixie in a RP fashion ( it is alot of work to keep changeing from pixie to char for back and forth converstaions i will have ya know !! but its fun !! )


          Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
          « Reply #37 on: December 21, 2006, 03:33:17 pm »
          The above rules do not apply to familiars, if I am reading them right.
            Also atip, so you don't have to continue to change back and forth, and to allow for smoother and cleaner looking Rp. Type "/dm ; Blah, blah. I'm a cute pixie." Or is it :? Who knows a semicolon or colon on the GM channel before what you want the bug to say.


          Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
          « Reply #38 on: December 21, 2006, 03:34:54 pm »
          /o f


          Re: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
          « Reply #39 on: March 21, 2008, 07:08:48 am »
          just ocnfirming, are Faerie dragons ok to haaveo ut in town since they are cute and not scary looking?