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Author Topic: Evil PC  (Read 877 times)


Evil PC
« on: October 01, 2004, 07:47:00 am »

  [SIZE=18]No character can start out evil, but through a long term duration of RP can be shifted towards LE or NE (NE will be rare) but never CE, CE is reserved for NPC’s only. Any character that is approved for evil will have worked and RP’d at it for a significant amount of time and done it in style (not killing, murdering, maiming—that is not what we want here!). It will not happen over night and it will not happen within a month, it will be a long term RP—pretty much so that I get an understanding of what evil is to that character. If for some reason a character is not approved please do not get upset, it is something that will have to be done from time to time because I (and the team) must look out for the better good of the community and the server.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Evil for Layonara, being a family oriented server, must be a “tolerable evil”, there is no murder or rape etc. this can not and will not be allowed. An evil PC in Layonara is really only one that displaces negative personality traits; they are not murderers and such. Being evil is not necessarily going out of your way to harm others. On Layonara, with the number of quests that are run all of the time, it will allow for evil PC’s to be RP’d so long as it is done in a logical and meaningful way, and without breaking rules—basically it must improve Layonara in some meaningful and RP fashion without breaking rules. Now, there may be a few (rare) exceptions to this if it is being watched over by at least one GM and that GM has run it by the GM team well in advance—but it will be very rare.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Any person that is approved as an evil character needs (and must) realize how their actions when role-playing evil affects the rest of the server population (even if they are not logged on) and be considerate of the community. If this does not happen that PC will be retired, you will only get one warning and then it will be retired.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]This means that evil PRC’s will now be opened, however it will be very difficult to RP towards and it can not be submitted at character creation—it can only happen through game play. You must have approval to start working towards evil and after a large amount of online RP you must have CDQ to get to the final step of the evil alignment and it will not be a one session CDQ.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Playing evil may mean your character is not liked on the server (if the population knows about it) and you may be an outcast from society, but that is part of the price one pays for being evil.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]A final note and reminder: Hostile actions towards PC’s must always be pre-approved by a GM and a GM must be in attendance while it is happening. It is hard to get approval but it has and does happen from time to time.[/SIZE]


RE: Evil PC’s on Layonara
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2004, 02:36:00 pm »
Update on Playing Evil Characters
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am seeing a disturbing amount of poor RP by some players that want to play evil and/or are doing evil things.  This needs to be cleared up and made crystal clear so that the community and the RP is protected....Therefore
A note on Evil Characters:    They are without a doubt the most difficult alignments to play here on Layonara.  Since we are a non-pvp server it is very important for me to find the right balance of evil/good and players that can represent evil characters.  Evil does not mean being a jerk, being a show off, or for that matter calling people names.  Evil does not mean for instance that a level 3 character will threaten or tell off a level 10+ character—that is just stupid, not evil—it is also very poor RP because you (the player—and your character would as well) know you would get worked over in a heartbeat, lets not go down this path.  Evil does not mean using the excuse of a non-pvp world (or thinking on those lines) and/or threatening some lame excuse that involves guards etc.  Playing evil on Layonara is not somebody playing (for instance only) NG and doing evil things, that is not evil—that is somebody not playing their alignment.  Let’s be smart, there are many ways to play evil but this stuff that I named is childish and is not a true RP style.  Yes, sometimes it can and will happen but usually it will be during a quest or some sort of situation that actually calls for it and is not a childish stunt or poor behavior.  Playing evil is difficult and as such you are going in to this knowing there are strict rules in place and they are there for good reason.  They are here to protect the community and to protect RP on Layonara—no other reason.  Note One: If you slide too far evil your character will be turned to an NPC, and you will not have a choice in this matter as it is your playing of the character over a period of time that caused it to happen—this will happen over time and you will be well aware of it if you are paying attention.  As you are playing we are going to start actively sliding alignments as we see them and call them, it has to be a judgment call and I have a great team and will trust in their calls.  If you slide too far evil (i.e. to CE) your PC will become an NPC and you will not be playing it any longer.  If you are talked to by a GM I suggest you listen, not argue your case over and over.  If you see your alignment shifting then I would suggest you learn from how it happened and not argue every step of the way or over and over.  Note Two: If you are trying to play your character towards an evil alignment and hope to get your alignment changed you must submit a change in your character bio as well as create a detailed and on-going character development thread here on the forums.  If the GM’s see a player playing their character over a consistent amount of time without a development thread nor an approval to play evil your character will be turned to an NPC.  You, the player, will have no say in this matter as it is your play style over a period of time that has caused this to happen—again if you pay attention you will see this happening with alignment shifts and/or speaking to a GM a few times.  This note protects you from Note One happening—the approval process that is.
  Note Three: In order to be approved to play an evil alignment you must have played here on Layonara, at least fairly actively, for a minimum of six months.  You must have at least one character that is 13th level or higher to be considered as well as a majority of the GM Team must vote for the character to be approved for an evil alignment when the application happens.  This will give the team and I time to evaluate your style of RP as well as allow us to understand what you would bring to the table by playing the alignment.  On top of that it will allow me to make a fair judgment call on whether or not you can handle the large responsibility of playing evil here on Layonara.  The 13th+ level character does not have to be the one that is applying for an evil alignment--you just need to have played here for a while and this helps to show us you can handle character power and such.
    Note Four: CE will never be approved for a PC.
      Final Note: Yes this is strict and yes there are a lot of judgment calls but we have a large team of GM's and I trust the GM's--they are the most mature group of GM's that I know so I trust them.  On top of that the GM team discusses many things so rest assured you (and your character) will have been discussed numerous times.  This is not a "The GM is always right" thing but rather it is the GM Team and I trying to make sure this world remains a good and strong community as well as allowing us to focus on RP in a very action oriented world.


RE: Evil PC’s on Layonara
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2005, 12:47:00 pm »
Bumping so it is not deleted.

