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Author Topic: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons  (Read 424 times)

Pen N Popper

*notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« on: March 16, 2008, 10:59:43 am »
[SIZE=18]~~ Whispers of Dragons ~~[/SIZE]
The Dragon's Whisper is seeking to compile all known details of the current going-ons related to dragons.  Regular updates will be delivered by falcon to subscribers and contributers.

Please include names of witnesses to described events as well as dates.


We'll see how this goes.  Those of you with plot quest details, please consider sharing sparse details with me.  I am envisioning this more as a "powerpoint" overview of what is going on:  Dates, witnesses, pertinent NPC names, guesses at implications, etc.  No need for anyone to compose prose with dramatic flair.... unless they want to.  ;-)

I'm OOCly curious to hear what's going on in the land in relation to dragons.  Perhaps others are too!

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Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 11:00:21 am »
In a house outside Prantz, a tiny figure kneels atop the large desktop.  With a dexterity born from years of practice, his hands deftly trace out letters on parchment with a sparrow feather quill.  The crisp letters, large in comparison to their author, take shape, "Dragons..."

After each session atop the desk, Bumblebee gathers up his latest notes and makes his way to his favorite postmaster for delivery.

Quote from: *finely scripted notes on parchment*

~ 1420 ~

During the climax of events leading to the skies being cleared, a woman is taken into custody and ordered to stand trial.  It is whispered she escaped before this could happen with the aid of those marked with green dragon tatoos on their shoulders.  (More information needed!!)

~ 1425 ~

Kharaz, Voice of the Eternal Flame, Servant of Fisterion, King of Dragons spoke at the crossroads.  Though it's been some years since then, a few more details were remembered by the locals in regards to the cult:
[INDENT] "Some of them stand out due to their tattoos. A green dragon's head, often found on neck or shoulder. As I said. The tattoo depicts the head of a Green Dragon. It has also minor magical properties which fade when the owner dies."
[/INDENT]A group sent on Fisterion's behalf to protect the white dragon on Krashin from harm by a "green dragon cult." (*note* Shiff for details, others there?) A green dragon beset the group, though they managed to slay it. *note* More details needed

~ 1428 ~

A dragon in Dapplegreen?  Another or the same in the mountains outside Vehl (bronze or brass perhaps).  *note scribbled* See Quantum as he cared for its injuries until it went wild and escaped.

Further whispers indicate that Quantum has a sample of serum of some sort.  Clerics in North Point on Dregar, after tasting it (*note* details needed here) began to change form, becoming dragon-like.  The serum was acquired from this Green Dragon group in some way.


In the Dragon Isles (Cassan?) a group comes upon a secret harbor where a group of marked with green dragon tatoos has an injured red dragon tied up.  Apparently some sort of ritual was going on, though the whisperer of this tale failed to note their religion or other important facts.  (Has no one any sense of the importance of details!?)  No further details are known.

~ 1429 ~

A dragon-like creature attacks North Hampton.  It was slain by *leaves a blank area*.  It's suggested that true dragons do not care for these beasts.
[INDENT]In the days of darkness and greed there came to be the vilest of afflictions
 wrought from the minds of those whom would unleash pestilence upon their own blood.
 The screams of torment filled the air as blood congealed to a rancorous purulent sap from which life ebbed.
 Wings fell from the skies and the rot polluted the soil and air.
 Blood against blood.

    [/INDENT]A boy, speaking only elvish, is prevented from being abducted.  The foe are marked with tattoos of a green dragon. (*note in margin* A cult?)  It is said the boy is a "dragonling" and was delivered to Fisterion.  (*scribbled* By whom?)


The apparition of a blue dragon is slain (*note* names?) on Alindor.  For what purpose?  A real blue dragon was controlling the apparition.  A ruse to throw off the real scent perhaps?

~ 1430 ~

On the Glittering Isles, not far from the Cloven Mountains, a group including Omer and Elohanna Dawnstar, faced down the undead spectre of a dragon.  They found it through a gorge with two dragon statues at its opening, then went deep into the peaks.  The isle itself is populated with corrupt dragon-like creatures.

Further notes ~ Some additional names to be queried:  Plenarius, Abiorn, Tobias, Clarissa, and Krys.


Rumors of a dragon guarding Phal.  Why would one do such?  On their own behalf or anothers?

A trip there is certainly warranted.

More details on Phal ~ I have confirmed that a dragon, sickly with blackened drool, is indeed "protecting" the town.  

The Kingdom of Nesar, south of the one in which Phal resides, has closed its borders.  Refugees streaming from the north (*note* What is happening to drive people from their homes?) are being turned back or worse.

The dragon's name is Bastion and is apparently being directed by the town's leader, however that may simply be a front for its true master.

"I saw the dragon of copper hue with my own eyes. The few dragons I have had the misfortune to meet in times past have been majestic beasts .. as awe inspiring as this world weary traveler has ever seen. This one in Phal was certainly big - bigger than my house - though hardly awe inspiring." ~ confirmation that the dragon was no "
gossipous illusion" by Arkolio de'Averlain


At first seemingly unrelated, [strike]Mariner's Hold[/strike] Audira was blockaded by pirates.  With the help of some notable dragon-called, however, the pirates were attacked.  It was only when a dragon appeared, that the tide turned in favor of the city's navy and its helpers.  The dragon (*note* copper or bronze perhaps?) also showed signs of being sick with the same symptoms as noted on others.  At the conclusion of the battle it flew generally westward, its destination unknown.

With the correction of the town in question, new information has surfaced.  The Kingdom of Sedera has just signed a treaty with the Kingdom of Kuhl for trade.  A coincidence the city of Phal is there?  (*note* [strike]Did that dragon really fly east and not west?[/strike]  It flew east.

In the course of this operation, it was learned that the pirates had been organized by some unknown influence to disrupt the traderoutes.  (*note* Why and by whom?)

*note* The sight of the actual battle was off the coast on an island; closer to Vanavar perhaps?

[/FONT][/SIZE][/I]~ 1434 ~

Rumors have it that a dragon has made its home in a forest on Voltrex. The exact details aren't know, except that it's a female.

~ 1438 ~

Word is out about large scale fighting on Belinara - in the Kingdom of Kuhl to be exact. There is talk about civil war, about remnants of Sinthar Bloodstones forces returning in strength, about dragons in the sky, about creatures ascending from the Deep, about fire falling like rain from the sky. The Hilm Protectorate has called for aid.


Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2008, 05:43:25 pm »
*updates his notes and sends out copies to many old and new acquaintances*

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2008, 12:41:08 pm »
*more notes are written up and sent out to a growing list of names*

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2008, 07:45:30 pm »
As with any one-man newsletter operation, sometimes fact checking falls far down the list of things to do.  :-)  My thanks for the many IC and OOC corrections to the information; keep it coming!

In fact, I have decided that henceforth I shall endeavor to always include spelling errors, gramatical errors, wrong place names, and anything else I can think of.  Why?  Because it's the most feedback I've ever gotten over something I wrote.  LOL

Though unintentional, take careful note of which kingdom is having the refugee problem.  Once you've discovered my mistake, it will perhaps give you a hint as to why the problem could be happening.  If I'm wrong, someone should probably tell that little brownie.

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2008, 08:17:26 am »
*makes some corrections and updates, sending copies out on winged feet*

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2008, 07:23:02 pm »
*reads his notes over and wishes he had more to add*

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2008, 10:30:51 pm »
*sends out updated notes to those on his list with updates marked in green*

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2008, 06:51:24 pm »
*wonders at the lack of whispers of dragons*


Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2008, 12:14:29 pm »
*whispers come in the form of a cheetah cub with a rolled leaf for bumblebee*

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2008, 12:38:43 pm »
As scant few whispers make their way along the trails, Bumblebee redoubles his efforts and sends falcons out to his myriad contacts.  The message says simple:  Dragons?  ~~Bee

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2008, 09:10:38 am »

I'm not sure if there is anything going on with the dragons in this plot or not, which is part of the reason I started this thread to begin with.  If you have snippets you'd like to share ICly with others, please post them below.  Just put a year (and month if you know it) and the rumor/fact.  Just a sentence or two is plenty.  Other useful information to include:  Where did this happen?  Who was there?

I'll repeat my often said mantra:  Please don't say, "I could tell you but my PC wouldn't," or, "I'll tell you when it's all over."  This world encourages IC sharing of information and that is what Layonara is about: A good story.  If you honestly think that sharing details with your fellow players is bad, then it's perhaps worth revisiting your logic to find an IC excuse to change your mind.  It's easy to say you can't share it, but it's more fun if you work a bit harder to find a reason to spill the beans.

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2008, 07:40:23 am »

Though Bumblebee is now retired to raising a family and being an active layman in Prunilla's church, he would still welcome whispers for this timeline.  Simply post a reply here or PM me with a timeline tidbit:

1430 - Joe and Sam infiltrated the tatoo clan in the Kingdom of Kong and learned that, silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!

Just include a date, names of PCs and/or noted NPCs, and a location.  (Items without a date cannot be put into a timeline, after all.)  A sentence or two of what the event resolved, what questions it raised, and even what it leads to further down the timeline are important.

An IC secret of an historical event is just wrong.  Word leaks out.  Bite the bullet and spread the bad rumors too of how you destroyed an entire city, freed an evil dragon, killed a good one, missed the boat on a clue, etc.

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Dragon's Whisper ~ Whispers of Dragons
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2008, 02:38:12 pm »
As of 1434, rumors have it that a dragon has made its home in a forest on Voltrex. The exact details aren't know, except that it's a female.

Further details desired.

Prunilla's servant

