In-Character Forums > The Dragon Storm Campaign

A situation arises...

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Daniella looks to William as he shouts a request at her.  "Permission denied."  She looks at the soldiers gathered from both sides.  "You all have your orders.  Dismissed."

"Yes ma'am."  When dismissed, Mari turns with the Ninth but not before a look at some of the second Toranite Cavalry and a stern tapping of her ankh, seemingly as a reminder.  She can be overheard talking to one of the younger Ninth as they make their way back.  "You heard the lady, let's get on patrol.  I'll walk with ya."

Or that way, of course. Slow, slow, and with patient steadyness...
He acknowledged the dismissal with a swift, appropriate response following military routine. Upon dismissal, he returns to his post and continues the work he was given with the rest of the Ninth at daybreak. But not without continueing another work he deemed even more important now than ever before: sure, he had tried it slowly, very slowly since he was here, but now it was time to continue with the getting-to-know of hearts and minds and applying what he had learned and observed into trying to bridge the gaps, show them that we must stand together as one or fall alone in the darkness. That we all carry a small light and that we must stand together to drive back the darkness.
"Come pits and high water, I'll be there next to ya, because we must stand together as brothers in arms or die alone." He says to the Ninth next to him. Then he pauses. "I'm fighting for Toran and those here and those back home, so the darkness does not consume all. What're you fighting for, if ya don't mind me asking?"

The Ninth he addresses looks back at him with a grimace. "You're green, you'll learn. We fight for our land, our families and our Lord." He looks over your shoulder. "Heads up, a Fourth approaches."

Moments later the Fourth Rank that had fetched Daniella originally  called out orders for them to move on.

Within an hour of the confrontation Jaedon Siphe, followed more slowly by Sir Lance emerged from the pavilion where their discussions had taken place. Both bore serious expressions.

Jaedon Siphe drew on his gloves and took his swords back from his Third Rank Bodyguard who had stood at attention outside the pavilion the entire afternoon.

"Order the groups to form up I want to be inside our lands within the hour."

The Third rank nodded to a sixth rank nearby carrying a silver horn. The man raised it to his lips and blew three short bursts, the sound carrying across the clearnings where both groups were encamped. A flurry of organised activity ensued as the Siphe Garra assembled to leave.

Jaedon Siphe saw Daniella striding towards him purposefully and before she could speak he frowned. "I'm leaving in the next half hour, I'll give you that long to speak to him." He indicates lance who was talking to some of his own men outside the pavilion. "You make your decision who you are leaving with after you speak to him." With that he moved towards where his own men were breaking down their temporary camp.


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