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Author Topic: A situation arises...  (Read 11205 times)

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #180 on: October 14, 2012, 10:04:30 am »
*By the time Kromlek finds Lance he is reading the report of the battle by one of the liutenients, he acknowledges Kromlek as he aproaches*  Captain Kromlek, **he nods at him, his face its somehow grim upon hearing the report, once Kromlek explains his intent , Lance nods*

Report please with the 32th Unit, they are formed also by some brave dwarves that have the very same intent of you
*he shows on the map several groups already dispatched for that attempt *

**he pens a document and present it to Kromlek* this will put you on charge of the said unit, report to me when back. Time to make an acount of the loses.

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #181 on: October 14, 2012, 10:09:16 am »
*During the next days, Sundance is a hub of activity, but this time a diferent kind, between the skirmshes that came during the battles the shadow of death can be felt over the area, this town paid a lot for being in the borderlines, its said that by decree of Commander Lance, there will be honored one year of Mourning for the ones who fell into this battle, Prayers are done over the Hilm civiled areas for the rest of the brave souls that paid the ultimate price.

- Its is by this people example that we live, its for this brave actions that we got inspired to keep fighting, cause we are the shield of those who can't defend themselves, honor be to them. One year of Mourning will be set into Hilm territory -  *The words of the Commander Stargazer are rummored to be *

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #182 on: October 14, 2012, 11:33:05 am »
*After the ceremony, Jil would speak with Ferrit and Sehky before she departed.  At the stable she would arrange the saddling of a horse to take her to Sundance, where a scout or returning messenger would return it.  Upon arrival there, she would see the horse taken care of and then proceed to Lance's tent to give her report.  If time allowed she would then return home to attend to other matters.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #183 on: October 14, 2012, 01:47:05 pm »
*Lance wll see Jill with some skepticism, and some mixure of feelings some relief and other part of not really amused ( probably the war thing ).

Now there you are. What happened?  why did you left the position?

*he asks in a somehow profesional manner, the worries of the war obvious on his tone*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #184 on: October 14, 2012, 02:08:55 pm »
After receiving his marching orders, William joins a treck of soldiers, traders and adventuerers to Sundance, where he reports to the tent of Commander Sir Lance Stargazer. Sheltered by the heavy, sun-bleached cloak, the young paladin stands outside and observes the encampment and listening to the people around him until called into the Commander's tent.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #185 on: October 14, 2012, 02:31:04 pm »
The last standing orders you gave to me I retrieved for you.  Then while out on another foray, I ran into Steel's band.   They found my information useful and as they were driving deep in an assault that would take them to the heart of the matter, I gave them my services.  Upon our return to the surface, the enemy pushed forwards once again, and since I was there at the front, I would help push the enemy back.  It would have seemed cowardly for me to turn my back on the same problem that we all have been facing.  Besides, I would not leave my friends out there to fight without being by their side.  We pushed them back many miles and regained much ground.  The enemy then fled, well, what was left of them.  With all that I have seen and encountered, I knew this news would be important to you.  As others have returned to their homes, I did not, and instead came directly here to you to report.  By my reckoning, Sir, the skirmishes I was in, the information I found, has been what you have been seeking.  Now, is there something else I may do for you?

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #186 on: October 31, 2012, 04:53:51 pm »
*Lance looks at Jill with a calm and yet disappointed look* If that is the extent of the expectation, then yes, you fullfilled the orders.  I thought we were talking about the scouts that were under you, In fact it was you who brought the information on your men to have been trapped there. *he turns towards the map* Anyway, I am glad that you are fine and that the war is over by the time being.

We are good Jil, you did what you thought you should do. No use to dwell into this now.

If you excuse me I need to keep observing the drills and scheduling the troops over for the skirmshes left.

*With that and obviously not really in his usual cheery mood he leaves the tent*

// He will not move that fast to not hear any reply, though so feel free.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #187 on: October 31, 2012, 07:19:06 pm »
*Jil stands there for a moment, thoughts running through her mind.  She did her duty.  She took no one from this camp to reduce the numbers protecting it and was given no further orders.  She felt she had done what was required of her and more.  She showed the men here, and her captured scouts, that even as Scout Commander, she would go to the depths for them, literally.  She looks at Lance as he gazes over his paperwork, and she knows, he would do the same if in her position, and she hides a smile.  She gives him a salute.*

Yes sir.  If anything more is required of me, please send word.  I'll see that it is done post haste.

*She turns smartly and exits the tent.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #188 on: November 01, 2012, 05:58:04 pm »
*Lance looks at her and nods*  Nothing its requiered right now Milady. I'll send a bird when something its happening, since its my guess you'll be leaving soon.

Hope to see you around next time you are over here .

*he keeps walking out the tent to finish his duties, after all not everyone is able to leave as that.  *


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #189 on: November 03, 2012, 04:28:13 pm »
His final act was BOOM - the song written after the trip to the pits and the closing of the shadow portal.  His baritone was rough after three hours, his higher notes not as smooth, but they loved it.  Siphe Principality loved it.  And after all the fighting and singing for the dead, he was positively high singing for the living.  So much energy, the waving of hands, the willingness to release themselves to the music and all the emotions carried with was where he should be, it was always where he should be.

Arms in the air with Bella held aloft, bowing, blowing kisses, then sliding backstage - or, in this case, behind stacked crates that left him a semi-private space to think and prepare - and it was over.  The crowd dispersed in clumps of chatter.  The sound flowed over the wooden boxes like a fitful stream, and he picked out a sentence here and there in the flowing mix of words.  Folding his arms, resting his chin on his chest, he stopped listening and just...heard.

Torches were being lit along the walls when he opened his eyes.  Nothing now but faint, scattered conversations staining the gold-washed darkness.  Time to go.  No farewells - he didn't know if Jaedon or Daniella had attended the show, they didn't stand out if they did, but he was sure any announcement of his egress was unnecessary.  He wasn't planning on being back anytime soon.

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #190 on: November 07, 2012, 04:40:24 pm »
*After some time Lance calls Jill inside a tent for a private talk, this on the last day before departing towrds Hilm, Lance will look upon Griff Voraxians and inform Vrebel to coordinate with the rest of the Captains for the preparaition of the move of the chapters*

*There is some tense calm as this happen, There are still some chapters that will remain into Sundance,to put things in peace on Sundance and to the South, to fight on the remanants of the horde, to keep peace on the troubled land of Hilm.*

*During the next months, Sundance military presence is continually being reinforced and there is a chain of small quarters beetwen Sundance and Briardusk , small camps are build to keep a line of moving militia beetwen the cities this to keep the resources moving and the elements ready for action when needed*

*Back on Hilm after the arrival of Milady Daniella back to the Castle, and her departure about one week later, a huge caravan has been seen heading towards Fiorez city, for the protection of the lady, there are members of the Company of the Star personally guarding the carriage*

*The dust settling.. a tense calm ....*