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Author Topic: A situation arises...  (Read 11203 times)


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2012, 07:09:04 am »
Several hours into the roughlands on their journey north again Lances column had made good time but as dusk was but an hour or so away Lance was keen to put as much ground beneath his peoples hooves as he could.

Suddenly his senses reeled with the feeling of impending evil, his horse felt him stiffen and whinnied in response slowing its forward pace. Lance turned in time to see shadows arising from the clefts and gullies of the rugged terrain around him. They closed on the column and chaos erupted.

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2012, 01:51:59 pm »
**The impact to the column was surprising, the two men of the left side of it fell without oportunity, the shadowy figures ripping and breaking thru the armors and shields, the surprise attack was effective on that regard,  no one expected an attack into the own Hilm territory*

**Even with that the moment last few instants, Upon looking at the situation, the yell from Commander Stargazer was heard clear *

- Hold the formation, people, We must not let them get the best of us. -

**The battle that ensued after that was bloody, the enemy a known one but diferent this time, the shadow humanoid form pierced thru the ranks, and yet for each hilmite that fell another fill the position, the situation looked grim for the column of Hilm, when the loud voice of Lance was heard again and that being repeated by the sargeants*

- To the east men, To the east,  Form the line we'll face them in the pass, fight my people, this is the time for show us our bravery, Toran fight with us today. -

*The ranks filling in place figthing and facing bravely pulling back into a defensive formation, then the light was made, upon his white and faithfull Stallion, Lance was seen with The Steadfast Standard on one hand and the trusty blade on the other, The horse lifted itself on their rear legs kicking one of the figures, the field was filled with light , and the men inspired with the spirits and bravery from  Toran's blessings*

**The battle was resolved easily the light made the creatures withdraw, but so did the Hilmites, the price was high,, the battlefield was littered with the men who bravely died on this new threat*

- Gather our dead, people - *Lance spoke* - We'll pay them  respect - *Lance them calls a rider and present him a scroll case *  Make your way to Hilm, inform our situation and the attack, tell them to be ready for our arrival -

*Another day, another battle and yet another bad news for Hilm, Lance look upon the battlefield with heavy heart, but then looked upon the direction where Fiorez city is, then towards Hilm, his resolution renewed*

- The enemy has shown himself. -

**With that the field is seen with the Hilmites preparing a pyre and then getting ready to depart *


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2012, 08:24:56 am »
As the tired but steadfast cavalry remounted to begin their travel north to Castle Hilm one Toranite cavalryman leaned towards his colleague riding alongside him and spoke softly.

"Did those shadow things look vagualy dragonlike to you?"

The seasoned veteran, also a member of the Order of the Shining Hand glanced back.

"Far too much so for my liking, there was an ill wind today my brother, something terrible happened this day and I am not entirely sure we understand fully what it was."

They rode along in silence after that, each lost in their own thoughts.

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2012, 04:27:46 pm »
*Some days passes after the attack, and some patrols have been seen on the wereabouts of the attack that the hilmite column hit, gossip amoung the soldiers about movement from Khul, and yet the disciplined soldiers keep the work diligently, this is just yet another of the many threats they are used to deal with, fear they feel maybe, and yet their determination seems unwavering, after all the day you aren't unable to feel fear, that is the day you are dead, is the saying amoung them, mockering of the cruel fate that Belinara has for them*

*In the mean time on the Castle, Lance is seen visiting several noble houses, after his initial report to the Lord Protector Alexander, there are increased rumors on the delicate state of health that Commander Stargazer has, his usual joyful mood has fallen silent, his words and speeches are short and to the point, as if the man were carrying a burden on himself*

*The report was given to the Hilmites, on the attack, and other battles, the board has lots of pieces, and each of them seems like a hard choice to do, so many battles on so many battlegrounds*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2012, 09:34:47 am »
Within days of the attack word filters to Hilm castle of a similar attack on a Siphe Garra outpost at the southern edge of the Siphe Principality.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2012, 04:44:22 pm »
William makes calm notes into his diary, writes a couple of letters before returning to offer his help with the aftermath of these strange attacks. His expression radiating confidence and reliance he both requests to help wherever he can as well as trying to do as much research possible into the strange attackers, keeping the words at the banquet with Lord Siphe in in mind.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2012, 07:25:35 pm »
Within hours of being notified of the attacks to both the soldiers of Hilm as well as the Siphe Garra, forces mobilize in Fiorez City and move out.  Commander Stormhaven and Sovereign Lord Siphe ride together with their combined troops.  The two of them seem in deep conversation for most of the trip, with soldiers riding close enough for protection, but far enough away to give them privacy.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2012, 08:08:26 am »
Being just another face in the mass, a strange calmness overcame him where his mind and heard where a serene void. He watched the movements of the column, prayed in his head and looked up ahead where - well, at least somewhere where their Commanders rode. He had no time for talk, was observant and at attention for any brewing trouble. He knew, somehow, that it was coming, and often looked towards the sky and towards Khul. Something brought his thoughts back to a map that he had seen a while ago, and he wondered why the attack took place so far south.
Maybe they are luring us somewhere, leading us around on a leash made of fear, doubt, uncertainty and paranoia.

For a moment, William wondered if the Sovereign Lord and the Chose One had the complete oversight.
And who provided the informations, and who was checking them.

Again, trust, don't think so much.

Maybe he should shudder over so much heresy, and he cleaned his thoughts with litany and prayer. And continued to be on his toes.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2012, 10:23:07 am »
*On one of her routine trips out to Hilm, Jil hears the many rumors and a deep dread falls over her.  She asks the nearest soldier for Directions to Lance's whereabouts and hurries in that direction.*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2012, 08:57:08 am »
The Siphe Garra moves on towards the outpost that was reported to have been attacked.  The Commander and the Sovereign Lord seem to be in their own conversation for much of the trip, but then a bugler sends out the signal that the outpost is in sight.

"Think about it, we'll talk later," Jaedon Siphe says to the Toranite commander.  Then he calls over the bugler, "Signal battlestance Ausir then inform Arak of the Fourth to take his group east and sweep the gullies in that area before joining us at the outpost." The bugler nods and immediately places the instrument to his lips after which the Siphe Garra swing into a flurry of action and approach the outpost.

Jaedon joins a small assault group in the front line and sweeps forward towards the outpost. The small stone construction looks as quiet as a tomb.  Daniella signals her men to surround the area to keep it secure, she then joins Jaedon in the searching of the campsite.  Before long she reaches the door and moves inside where Jaedon is already inside with some of his men surveying the scene.  She notifies Lord Siphe of an evil taint in the area that is slowly fading.  Its empty inside the structure.  Bedrolls are intact, a table has several plates with some rotting food on them, some only half eaten. After several hours its clear none of the remaining outpost's bodies can be found.

The two survivors are brought into the area and interrogated by Jaedon for another hour or two over the incidences a few days ago.  Finally, Daniella calls Jaedon aside and whispers to him, likely asking him to call off the interrogation.  The men, it seemed, were attacked at dusk.  The shadows came from nowhere and surrounded them.  They fought the best they could until the fourth rank ordered a retreat.  Only two of them had made it back to return to the main city.

Siphe considers Daniella's words very carefully it seems, then turns back to some of his men.

"Set up camp, we stay here tonight, we'll leave early and return to the city. I want full patrols sweeping the roughlands at a five mile perimeter from this point and I want to know immediately anything is found out of the ordinary." He looks back at Daniella, steel in his eyes.
"Someone wanted us here, lets see if we can find out why."


Hours later, night has fallen and the sounds around the camp are kept to a minimum. Not long past dark there is a scream in the night and the entire camp leaps into action forming a tight defensive perimeter around the small stone structure that housed the border unit. Those who can sense evil can feel that it seems to be closing in from each direction.  Within minutes of the warning Jaedon moves to Daniella's side and darker shadows move through the dark of the night.  As Daniella draws her sword the light illuminates the area clearly identifying the looming shadows and causing them to draw back at the intensity of its radiance. To the surprise of many, the creatures seem to have some sort of draconic features and yet do not resemble Myr'drachs in that sense.  That they are shadows is very clear.

They waver at the edge of Daniella's sword's brilliant light and suddenly Jaedons voice booms out, "Who are you? What do you want here?"

There is no answer at first then one shadow glides forward straining at the edge of the radiance. It speaks in a series of soft whispers that are somehow clearly audible to all those nearby.

"Our master bids us to tell you that Ractrafiorez has taken that which is not his to take. But the master is willing to compromise. Five healthy slaves for each one of his servants you slew, Jaedon Siphe, and from your Master an oath bound in our magic not to act against us again."

There are several moments of silence before Jaedon speaks again. "I will have to speak to Him about that."

"You have three cycles of the moons, after that it will be war." At the last words the shadows fade away into the darkness of the night.

Jaedon has a pained look on his face as he sheaths his blades once more. "It was only a matter of time before Shadrixkayl showed his hand." He sighs deeply.

As the shadows retreat, Daniella looks at Jaedon in the eyes, her features hardened and determined. "We need to talk, Lord Siphe, and this time, you need to explain exactly what is going on. I can't help you if you're going to keep secrets from me. When we get back to the city, I want answers."

His eyes harden to match Daniella's. "I do not have to explain myself to anyone. What I have done has been done for the good of my people."  His hands clench tightly and the anger he feels is obvious.  He strides past Daniella, leaving Arak of the Fourth standing by himself obviously embarrassed at being present when his Lord has shown such open anger.

Daniella watches him go, then quietly speaks to Arak of the Fourth, "I'll talk to him. Just follow your orders, we need all of us to return to the city safely."

//taken from PMs, much of this was written by Dezza- to give credit where credit is due


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2012, 11:23:59 am »
He stood his ground and his position, shield and blade at the ready, among the other soldiers, forming a cordon two men deep. He could see shadows, vague blots of darkest darkness in the night, and the runes edged into his blade illuminated a small area around him in a faint and weak, yet determined blue-white light, casting shadows into the faces around him. The ankh on his new pauldron shimmered, and so did the ankh around his neck.
  Sounds of armors and boots as the soldiers around him shifted in their positions and stances. He could hear their nervousity and, even somewhat, uncertainty, doubt, fear. The blots of shadows could, most likely, kill them swiftly and easily. William was, at some level of his mind, aware of that just like he was aware of the ground beneath his boots.

  But at this particular moment, his mind was mostly blank with thought, a mere container to the light he felt radiating within, letting the knuckles become white around the hilt of his sword.

  “I am HIS servant, the herald of HIS light. And if I walk in the valley of Darkness, I shall not fear for WE are what Darkness fears.”

  The words spill over his lips, his voice loud, determined, focused and hot from the radiance in his head.

Push away the darkness and fear around you.

He can feel the hot light travel from deep inside to his arm and into his palm and mouth, just like on that day with Jillian long ago. But this time, the battle prayer is different, much different. One part of the light follows his words, and the bigger parts pours into the ragged blade. Sacrifice was steady and calm, its runes glowing – he would strike his enemy with the wrath of the righteousness and then fight and struggle until he died. There wasn't much thinking involved. His heart was on fire, and he could feel the love for Raelyn, for Daniella, for Mari and Marin and Cormac and Hector and Lance and Argos and for all the other men and women around him now in it, bathed in light, embraced and safe.


  Light from within, and light from behind as The Chosen One got her blessed blade ready. And as quickly as it all began, it was over. They went away. For now. A cold feeling crept over his neck, and he looked outwards, away from the camp, into the night. The Radiance cascaded down his spine, and his hard and stern face was mirrored in the expression in his eyes.

 So this is the enemy.

  And then: This won't work. Normal soldiers don't stand a chance against such foes. And the Order is stretched thin.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2012, 02:16:00 pm »
Mouth unusally quiet, Jillian is about.  During the day and the interrogations, she can be found outside the tent, eyes sweeping the surroundings and ear trying to eavesdrop on the conversation from inside.  She gives Daniella space in that she isn't always 2 feet from her, but obviously takes her position as bodyguard and advisor seriously by trying to be close enough to act without being stifling.  When her eyes aren't on Daniella or Siphe, they tend to follow Nijau.

As night falls, and the sense of evil approaches, Jillian doesn't leave Daniella.  She is max only a few steps away from Daniella at any time.  Her sword is out and ready.  Her only words being that of mumbled prayers.

Once Siphe storms off angry, Jillian simply makes eye contact with Daniella.. having what to them is a whole conversation, but to most around them would simply be just a quick look and then makes herself helpful without distancing herself from Daniella more than a few yards.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2012, 02:21:16 pm »
In response to Jillian's "look" Daniella simply shakes her head.  "I know, I know."  She then goes about seeing to getting everyone mobilized to withdraw back to the city.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #33 on: May 24, 2012, 01:55:37 am »
As the column re-enters the Forts grounds and the soldiers are dismissed they take with them the rumours of the shadows and the warning to those who didnt go on the journey.

Within hours heralds throughout the fledgling city announce curfews and only those with special passes can go outdoors at night anywhere in the Principality.

Additional patrols are ordered to the borders and warnings sent to Castle Hilm to the North, to Briardusk in the west and Sundance in the south to be wary of shadow attacks.

Meanwhile in Fiorez City, Sovereign Lord Jaedon Siphe has announced that within days his people will know everything that is going on.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2012, 06:33:53 am »
The next morning after his arrival several horses thunder out of the Fort through the Eastern gate leading to the Orsgaunt Mountains. A gate that rarely opens anymore.

In the lead is Jaedon Siphe, to his back a small unit of Third Rank Siphe Garra, hand picked men and women, sworn to secrecy on pain of death.

As the gates close the dust settles from the passing of their horses hooves on the dry eastern passage ground.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2012, 06:46:38 am »
Despite the events surrounding the new city, the work, at least for William, appears to go on as usual. For now.
The hard and brutal training is equally continued, and so is the building efford. At least for him, there's nothing to do but wait, sweat, and work.
Nothing ever shall be in vain - so Toran ordains.

Yet he wished he was doing something else, was allowed to look into this fight between two dragons - alas, the time and the command structure. Maybe it was better this way. It kept him - and his mouth! - away from trouble.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2012, 06:50:48 am »
Daniella stands on the ramparts with just a couple of her most trusted guards and watches Siphe and his men ride off into the mountains.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2012, 08:58:32 am »
Mari wonders and waits and continues her patrols, yet with a preference for those Ninth Rank that don't engage in gossip.  All the speculation serves nothing and distracts from paying attention and it is in paying attention that the truth will be found...that, and some of those men are worse than the washer-women in Fort Llast when their superiors aren't around.

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #38 on: May 24, 2012, 10:15:56 am »
*In the mean time on Hilm castle, the preparations are done, there are changes in the shifts on the guards are regular made, the patrols are increased in number of effective and a priest or wizard is usually looked upon to escort the patrols when they are needed out*

*The warning arrives when all this setups had been already done, the lone knight standing on the top of the southern wall looking down towards the south, pondering, his hair is not tied this morning flying to the wind as long as it is*

*Disturbing news or a confirmation of those, as if the nasties that surrounds the place was not bad enough, and a big red dragon living some miles away, the man smiles at the irony of destiny, and once again ponders on his true name, a curse perhaps, a calling maybe, but at any rate the big supposedly rare reptile creatures clash into him again *

*The man takes a gem of his belt, hesitantly looking at the pale light that emits from it, a small smirk and a shake head passing thru his face, then a sigh of resignation as he summons the power of the gem once again, as once was in the same places but different war*

- Sister , Its Lance here .......-


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #39 on: May 24, 2012, 10:20:15 am »
Daniella looks down at the sudden glow from her own stone inside a close pocket on her belt.  She frowns a moment, then almost reluctantly withdraws the stone and moves a step away from her guard to activate her stone and listen to the message.  She lets out a soft sigh as she hears, and then speaks the password quietly to activate her own stone to transmit her response back.

"I'm here Lance.  Power is short.  I'll have to find a wizard.  Go ahead."