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Author Topic: An OOC message  (Read 322 times)


An OOC message
« on: November 07, 2007, 06:32:35 pm »
Hello players of Layonara.

I am a forum that was created for you to discuss (IC) events of the current campaign.

History shows that plot information and clues have come from many directions and sources and plot level successes have generally been more achievable when information is shared, resources pooled, ideas and possibilities tossed around between many players.

That is why I exist (ie. not just as a spacer between 'Ask a Gamemaster' and 'Roleplaying'), please feel free to use me!

Your potential friend,
The Dragon Storm Campaign Forum


Re: An OOC message
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2007, 06:52:46 pm »
we havent had anything since the skies cleared that i know of


Re: An OOC message
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2007, 07:21:19 pm »
*Sasha Tomyris, bearing the armour, blade and shield of the Knight of the Wyrm steps forward to make her comments known*

I was recently a prisoner of some slavers and cast into their arena sports for their entertainment. It was during one of these bouts I witnessed a young dragon brought forth to be forced to fight in the pit. Before the battle could ensue however a group of hooded and cloaked men appeared and argued with the slaver authorities before dragging the dragon away.

My investigations so far have led me to believe they came on a ship from Arnax.


Re: An OOC message
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2007, 07:37:48 pm »
There is a lot of dragon activity throughout the lands.  Corathites are attempting to raise and control chromatic dragons while at the same time poison and harm metalic dragons.  I am available to discuss some of these events in general and some more specifically.


Re: An OOC message
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2007, 02:30:11 am »
Quote from: Falonthas
that i know of

Don't assume that the only plot related quests are those run by Leanthar or those marked as "this is a plot related quest". Or that what happens on one event has no influence on another.

The campaign is under way, how it ends is up to you all, but you'll have to share info :)


Re: An OOC message
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2007, 07:56:35 am »
What Ed stated is spot on. There indeed have been SEVERAL series running over the past half year by SEVERAL GM's (as requested by the player community). The community MUST MUST communicate and piece things together in order to figure everything out, that is not happening much right now. It seems that when a quest is run then 75%+ of the players in the quest don't discuss or try to figure things out with others in the community and they just join the next session. Communication is key folks.


Re: An OOC message
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2007, 08:09:08 am »
*Corba Tweed, speaking to some of the various folks assisting in raising Stone during her stay there, mentions a Lady Emberblade, a dragon with reddish scales living on Mistone.  Corba declines to mention where, however, and does not divulge that information if asked directly.

She speaks almost fondly of the dragon, always using her title, and notes that the dragon was fierce and monstrously large yet also fair, helpful and delighted by a well-told story.*


Re: An OOC message
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2007, 08:27:54 am »
Guy's.....It's good to see people sharing the information....but erm....maybe start new threads for it?  Rather than it being buried in the 'OOC message' thread?


Re: An OOC message
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2007, 08:33:28 am »
Khuren listening to these reports from  the trees drops down and tacks a leaf with sap and gem dust in lines upon it

a young metallic named earth whisperer was rescued from a group of slavers in the brech mountains and taken to brenuth where he was placed under the guard of the dwarves there until he was well enough to fly again

the young dragon spoke that his tormentors wore the black of corath and had wrapped and cut his scales with wire dragged across his flesh

after healing him, and taking the time to remove all the wire from his flesh he was able to walk back to brenuth, but it would take some time for his wings to heal


young metallic rescued
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2007, 08:35:08 am »
Khuren listening to these reports from  the trees drops down and tacks a leaf with sap and gem dust in lines upon it

a young metallic named earth whisperer was rescued from a group of slavers in the brech mountains and taken to brenuth where he was placed under the guard of the dwarves there until he was well enough to fly again

the young dragon spoke that his tormentors wore the black of corath and had wrapped and cut his scales with wire dragged across his flesh

after healing him, and taking the time to remove all the wire from his flesh he was able to walk back to brenuth, but it would take some time for his wings to heal