The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => The Dragon Storm Campaign => Topic started by: Rowana on May 16, 2011, 11:09:13 am

Title: Finale Event #3
Post by: Rowana on May 16, 2011, 11:09:13 am
Hello again folks.

There is a third event running IG during the Finale, though somewhat sooner. I will be running it either Thursday the 19th or Friday the 20th. I am not certain of my schedule just yet.

Few details so people can plan. First, this will revolve around the Hlint story. Second, it will be geared towards lower leveled participants, though there is nothing stopping those who are of higher level from participating. Thirdly, despite the lower level-ish nature and the distance from the other two Finale's it is no less important from the overall events and outcomes. If you are lower level, or perhaps newer to the Plot as a whole, this is a great opportunity to get involved.

Finally, for those who will be missing out on the Finale's all together due to timing, I have an opportunity for you folks to participate, so please get with me via PM.

Title: Re: Finale Event #3
Post by: Rowana on May 16, 2011, 11:25:07 pm
The quest is posted here (

To explain a little further about the opportunity I mentioned in the prior post. This opportunity is a forum participation event, not an IG event so please feel free to contact me on it with any questions.
