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Author Topic: Fort Hilm  (Read 3338 times)


Fort Hilm
« on: April 15, 2011, 09:05:21 am »
A week and three days after the Cult entered Nesar, and surrounded Fort of Last Hope Sir Lance and Lady Danielle return from a meeting in Fort of Last Hope to dire news.

Together they enter the war room in Fort Hilm were Lord Alexander sits in a large chair, ashen faced. The general mood of those present is one of foreboding and fear.

"Lord Alexander, whats wrong? What has happened?" Lance says as he and Daniella approach him.

He looks up at them both with tired eyes. "Molvaren's army has crossed into Hilm and is heading this way. Our advance scouts that survived to bring us intell tell us that he has at least 25 divisions of Drachs, four of Myr'drachs as well as a dozen general soldier infantry. Thats almost thirty thousand soldiers. Not to mention the fact that several dragons have been seen with the force as well. We have about a week before they begin to engage our outermost legions."

Lance and Daniella look at each other, a sinking feeling in their guts. Lord Alexander speaks again.

"There's also another ten to twelve thousand marching from Briardusk. We're expecting them to cut off all access to the south of Hilm within the week and to engage the southern legions in the same time." He pauses for a moment as his words drift off, he looks sick with despair. Almost desperately he looks up at both of them. Please tell me there's some hope...some...somewhere, somehow. That all we've done to prepare for this moment is not for naught..."

Lance and Daniella glance at each other helplessly for a moment before Daniella firms and speaks. "There is always hope My Lord, even if it is but a glimmer. The smallest light can become the greatest flame when it is fanned."

Tears appear on Lord Alexanders cheeks causing both Daniella and Lance to feel slightly uncomfortable at the usually strong mans sudden emotion. He sighs deeply and brushes his face with the back of the embroidered sleeve of his jacket. "Toran help us, or we are doomed."
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith, Lance Stargazer


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 09:14:20 am »
Daniella's resolve strengthens in her posture.

"Lord Alexander, it is daunting, yes.  But you can't despair.  Your people need to see your confidence or they will lose their confidence as well.  You need to help them believe that we can win this.  You need to show them that you have faith, so that your faith will empower them all.

"I've sent word for the strike team to be assembled and sent out against  the enemy's heart.  We need to buy them time to cut them from their source of power.

"I know it's hard to swallow.  I know that looking out there and knowing that many of those brave men and women will die is not something that any of us want.  But you need to pull yourself together before you face your people.  If they see you like this, they will lose hope, and hope is all they have to keep them going right now.  Hope, and faith.  Both of which you can help them keep.

"Can you do that, sir?"


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2011, 09:22:38 am »
"Don't worry Commander, I will be whatever the people want me to be. But it will be a facade for now, because to be perfectly honest at this point in time I dont know how we are going to face the forces advancing on us...and survive."  He rises slowly from his chair and takes on an officious air singling out specific people present.

"I want envoys sent to the Horn Kingdom, I want to know if we can send as many people not involved in combat to camps inside Horn, the women and children not fighting, the old and infirm. We wont ahve long to evacuate them if they agree so make it happen as fast as you can.  Break open all the stores that have arrived over the last few months and make sure every able bodied soldier is equipped properly.

He turns to Lance and Daniella. "Its time for Hilm to do what it was made to do."


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2011, 09:32:53 am »
Daniella nods at Alexander's decision.

"Very well, sir.  I will inform the council of the news and make sure that while the Cult empties its forces against us, we are prepared to strike them while their guard is down.  Let's turn this battle into the diversion rather than the main event."

She waits for any further comments, then goes to find the wizard attached to her in order to send a message quickly to the council regarding the report and orders.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2011, 11:06:56 pm »
// The day after the PCs return to Fort of Last Hope with the precious wagon train and lance is recalled to Hilm and races out to the forward defensive positions about 50 miles out from Fort Hilm.

Lance's horse was breathing heavily, trying to suck in great lungfuls of air, slathering froth dripping from its mouth and sweep pouring off its flanks as he rode it forward as fast as he could to the forward lines. Around him several Company of the Star men and women and behind him 500 Heavy Cavalry formed a long line. They had rode since morning after lance had returned to Fort Hilm from Fort of Last Hope and been informed of Molvarens engagement of the front lines.

He had already passed through the mixed forces defensive positions about 10 miles out of the fort and the Rael and Hilm positions at the 25 Mile mark where they had changed horses. Now he was at least ten miles still from the outer defences after many long hours in the saddle. Ahead in the distance, about 5 or 6 miles away, across the gently sloping lands of Hilm black smoke rose high and thick into the sky and a dark stain seemed to cover the land for as far as he could see. He slowed his horse warily and raised a hand for those following to also slow to a walk. The horses heads hung low from the exertion of their extended race across the countryside.

Lance's gaze took in the large dark stain on the ground far in the distance, concern showing on his face. He called a halt as through the smoke three massive shapes could be seen flying around in lazy circles through the smoke smeared sky and above the dark stain on the ground.

As they sat and waited the dark stain seemed to shimmer and move, slowly, inevitably towards their position.  To his left one of the Company of the Star men gasped and spoke aloud.

"By all the Pits, is that what I think it is?"

Lance's horse shifted uneasily beneath him and Lances heart beat faster. He uttered a soft prayer for the lost and turned in his saddle, raising his voice  to be heard by those behind him.

"Turn around, we ride for the Raelite Defences, this battle is lost, the enemy comes."

Shock and disbelief fills the hearts and minds of those behind him as the reality of what the dark stain ahead of them represented. Tens of thousands of Cult soldiers well inside the outer defences meaning the several thousand soldiers posted there were dead and their positions overrun.

Wheeling the formation around they pushed the horses as hard as they could to stay ahead of the massive enemy host behind them. Nervous glances often checking and praying that the three dragons over the host stayed with it and didn't decide to come for them before they reached some point of relative safety.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2011, 11:23:58 pm »
25 Mile mark outer defences troop levels:

Raelian Heavy Deep Dwarven Infantry (3000)  Lost: 376
Raelian Light infantry (2000)     Lost: 264
Hilm Heavy Infantry (shields and spears) (1,000) Lost: 468
Hilm Light infantry (Arrows) (500)  Lost: 349
Hilm Mixed archers/crossbows (500)   Lost: 270
Rofireinite mixed forces (500)   Lost: 245
Other Faiths forces (100)  Lost: 63
Queens 3rd Hawk heavy Cavalry regiment (200)  Lost: 48
Trelanian mages: 5  Lost: 2
Dragonsong Dragonblades 2nd and 3rd Heavy infantry (800)  Lost: 76
Dragonsong Dragonclaws Tyr-Song Archers (400)  Lost: 35

10 mile mark outer defences troop levels:

Red Beaked Vultures Orcish Infantry (800)
Raelian Heavy Infantry (1000)
Raelian Engineers (80)
Hilm Engineers (60)
Hilm Heavy Infantry (2000)
Hilm heavy crossbows (1000)
5th, 8th and 10th Boyer Infantry (1500)
Toranite Shock & Elite Cavalry divisions (600)
Rofireinite Knights Divisions (500)
Voraxian divisions (500)
Dragonsong 4th Heavy infantry (400)
Dragonsong Westergate archers (400)
Erilyn Mixed infantry (2000)

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2011, 12:52:29 am »
**Lance stands on the field, looking at the drills and the grim faces on the soldiers,  Looking in the horizon. the smoke columns can be seen, he involuntarly reaches for a small pocket on his belt , then speaking to one of his Leiuteniants of the company of the Star*

We need to get those bolts ready , They are near, and if one of those God forsaken beasts come near here to be taken down with the nets.

**he then looks over the troop distribution over the walls* I need extra security on this points *he pinpoint several points on the map* We need to secure our provisions.

**he then looks at the map, and the troops and the numbers, his eyes goes for the Fort of Last Hope for a moment , placing a hand over it, showing a brand new wedding ring he keeps his eyes on the map*

*The lieuteniant comes back * Commander, we need you on the west wall  *Lance nodded before moving to mount his old horse moving to see where he is needed *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2011, 11:08:42 am »
*Amidst the grim times the Castle is living, there is at least a reason to smile, A celebration day has been called for in the castle as the marriage of Sir Lance Stargazer and Miss Iellwen took part in a private ceremony.

As the situation stands there is no time for big parties, but a feast was offered to the soldiers and a celebration day has been called for on the castle, pie being distributed alongside the troops.

It might not be much, but one has to find reasons to smile on this grim times, The castle itself took the celebration day in good mood, at least to forget for a small moment that death is comming close*


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2011, 06:43:39 pm »
// Just noting that Iellwen travelled via portal to Fort Hilm the morning that Ractrafiorez came in and subsequently destroyed the tower in which the Portal was.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2011, 06:04:22 pm »
A mere moment after leaving the Fort of Last Hope, Connor arrives at Fort Hilm and seeks out Commander Stargazer. He lays out a report and his plan, and he answers any questions the Commander may have. As quickly as he can, Connor excuses himself and meets with the Lucindite contingent, recruiting volunteers and gathering the necessary components needed to reestablish the portal to the Fort of Last Hope.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2011, 06:17:27 pm »
**Lance recieves Connor , after being notified of his arrival, recieving the report , he nods  *

Thank you for attending this as fast,  One week it is then *nods*  Do you need any preparations we could give to you here sir?


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2011, 07:03:42 pm »
"If I cannot obtain the supplies I need from the Lucindite volunteers, then perhaps.  For now, you have your own matters of concern."

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2011, 07:17:43 pm »
**he gestures Connor to Leiutenient Admir Martins of the Company of the Star*

I do, sir, if you need something, speak with Leutenient Martins here, he'll help with any situation you need,

**he then gives a small bow of head, before heading away back to his daily duties*


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2011, 06:02:12 am »
// 2 days after Ractrafiorex destroys the tower and portal in Fort of last Hope and extends until the day Gel'larian and Ferrit return to Fort of last Hope.

And so it begins.. The sky above grew dark as thousands of arrows and crossbow bolts were released from positions behind the formations of soldiers and the cavalry phalanxes of the allied armies into the oncoming enemy.

Nervous pikemen knelt in position facing a broad line of dark shapes racing towards them. A line that stretched for hundreds of metres in either direction from where Lance and his party sat on their war horses to observe the first engagements of the front lines.

Molvaren must have sent at least ten thousand soldiers, a mixture of Drachs and regular Kuhl infantry into the first assault. The Raelite engineers catapults whirred and clunked sending chunks of rock and stone into the oncoming enemies ranks as they crossed set markers on the flat terrain.

At the crossed one of the closer markers the Raelite sergeants had ordered the archers and crossbowers to release and now they watched the downwards arc and heard the screams of hundreds of Cult soldiers hit by the falling bolts and arrows. Still they came on. The sound was deafening as their voices began to cry aloud as they closed on the Raelite lines at the front.

Just before they reached them a horn sounded to the south and two hundred Of the 3rd Hawk Heavy Cav ploughed from a large grove of trees closing on the cult lines southern flanks while from the centre five hundred Rofireinite Knights charged past and through the gap that opened in the front lines to allow them through. To the North three divisions of heavy Raelite dwarven infantry rose from their defensive positions, locked shields and pressed forward to meet the charge.

Minutes seem to pass as Lance watched and then there was a blistering assault on the ground at the front of the Cult charge, Al'noth from mages up and down the lines of the allied forces unleashed powerful magics into the Cult front lines causing confusion and ripping through soldiers in great swathes. And yet still they came on.

Lance could already see over the heads of the advancing enemy Molvaren preparing lines of cavalry and darker spots that might be Myr'drachs.

There was a sudden thunderous crash up and down the lines. The Raelite northern flank divisions stopped the Cult advance dead in its tracks for a few moments before sheer momentum and force from the thousands of soldiers behind them pushed even the stolid dwarves back no matter how hard they tried to hold.

The Cult lines further along the front line down crashed into the Hilm pikemen and through to the ranks of soldiers behind engaging in a desperate battle.

The Rofireinite Cavalry crunched sickeningly into the centre of the Cult charge, the powerful horses mowing down soldier upon soldier. But the sheer mass of bodies caused the cavalry to be held up within the Cult ranks and soon they were fighting desperately to break free and withdraw to prepare for another charge.

Near them more Cult infantry met pikemen and fought to break their ranks engaging in bloody hand to hand combat.

And just south of them the Hawk Cavalry cut a bloody path through a thin section of Cult soldiers and began cutting the isolated soldiers down before they could break through and rejoin their comrades.

Lance watched as all along the lines the battle was engaged. Within minutes the first messengers were racing in with reports of casualties, requests for additional support, requests to fall back, requests to bring up reserves. Lance considered each one momentarily and issued responses and even as they raced off others arrived. For over an hour the battle raged with the Cult slowly pushing back the defenders through sheer bulk of numbers. It was clear to lance by then that the Hilm infantry in the central areas of the battle were taking the hardest casualties and were falling back faster than the Rael divisions on each wing. Issuing several more commands a messenger raced off and soon the last few divisions of Dragonsong infantry were moving into position. At a signalled command the Hilm positions fell back taking the Cult momentarily by suprise. Into that opening charged the Dragonsong units, a glittering swathe of steel that bit deeply into the centre lines of the Cult.

Another horn sounded and the Raelite infantry to the north dropped to the ground in long lines their shields turned flat over their heads, their skill and precision in their movements evident. From behind them the Rofireinite Knights jumped their flattened shields into the ranks of the Cult again cutting a path into their midst. Then the Raelites stood and followed them forcing the stunned enemy back and once again retaking the original front lines of defence. Once they reached that point they folded back on themselves creating long lines through their ranks for the Knights to withdraw along before closing ranks again and pushing into the enemy once more.

And so it went on for another hour, the hit and run tactics of the cavalry used to soften the front ranks of the Cult in order to retake lost ground. Back and forth the battle raged the dead and dying piling up on both sides. Arrows peppered both lines, Al'noth flashed back and forth as mages took on Drach Ori and vice versa.

Then suddenly a dragon descended from above roaring loudly and turning back over the Cult lines and towards Molvarens long lines of cavalry. It must have been some sort of signal because while it didnt attack the Cult soldiers suddenly began to move their formations. Lance and those around him tried desperately to determine what they were trying to do so they could counter it.

In the end there was nothing to be done. The Cult horns sounded and upwards of eight thousand Cavalry spread out and raced towards the front lines. Cult soldiers began folding back out of the way and the allied forces raced to try and bring pikemen back to the front to try and meet the charge. Seconds passed and Lance and those around him watched on, unable to do anything about what was happening. Arrows flew and some horses fell taking their riders down with them but still that advancing wave of solid flesh drew closer to the allied infantry.

Seconds passed and it was if the entire command party was holding their breath as the wave drew closer and closer to their own front lines. Then sunlight flashed off steel and Lances attention was drawn to the Rofireinites in the north. Captain Gabrielle who had been placed in charge of the unit of knights had wheeled the group around from behind the Raelites and led them full tilt around the allied lines and angled across from the North to try and intercept and break the forward momentum of the northern part of the advancing line. It was a gutsy if desperate move and lance found himself watching as the Rofireinites dangerous decision placed them directly in the path of the enemy. Even at this distance Lance saw the clash then heard the sound of steel on steel as the Rofireinites ploughed into the advancing cavalry. Men and horses went down in the fastnecked altercation but it bought the allied armies time to firm their lines at the northern end and it slowed the forward advance of the northern enemy cavalry.

Lance closed his eyes briefly thanking Rofirein for their sacrifice before turning his attention to the southern lines. The enemy cavalry literally smashed through his front lines sweeping men and women aside like wheat at the scythe. Lance watched helplessly as men and women under his command were killed mercilessly. The enemy cavalry driving so far into his lines they began to emerge from the other side and soon a score of the enemy cavalry were riding hard to climb the gradual rise upon which his command party sat directing the battle.

All along the line lance could see the enemy breaking through by sheer weight of numbers and then the infantry re-engaged rushing into the gaps created by the murderous cavalry.

A soft voice spoke to lance and a light hand touched his arm.
"There was nothing more you could do Lance, they cannot stand against such overwhelming force in a location like this for long. We need to save what we can and withdraw."

Lance glanced at Iellwen beside him a grim look on his face. All around him trusted Toranite faithful fanned out to meet the incoming cavalry. He glanced back at Jillseponie who sat on a horse behind him.

"What do you think Jill?"

She didn't answer. She was speaking to a scout who had just run in and was pointing madly to the north.

Lance glanced to the north across the sea of battle. The Rofireinites were in a tangled mess with a large group of Cult Cavalry, cut off from the rest of the army. The Raelite heavy infantry units were surrounded by cavalry while he Cult infantry were closing in. And then..beyond that....something else.

He reached for his looking glass, almost snatching it out of Iellwens hand and looked north. At almost the same time he saw them Jill called out.

"We've got incoming to the north."

Sure enough moments later the sky to the sky to the north of the main battle was filled with heavy projectiles. HUndreds of heavy rocks, many the size of small horses sailed through the air and crashed with sickening thuds into the enemy. More of the rocks sailed through the air crushing soldiers and beasts alike. Then the low hills to the north were full of huge shapes roaring in fury and charging headong towards the Cult forces. Fierce bellows filled the air and the ground trembled. Huge rents opened up in the earth beneath the Cult infantry swallowing any unfortunate enough to be standing over it. Then several huge earth elementals rose up and began slamming into the enemy.

There was a solid sound like a massive treetrunk hitting the ground and over five hundred giants, their feet causing the ground to tremble engaged the Cults northern flank. The sudden assault shocked the enemy greatly and they collapsed. The advance suddenly turned into a retreat which rippled across the entire front line.

Lance didn't get to see the final result as his group were engaged by the Cult cavalry. Soon he found himself embroiled in a dangerous battle. Swords and horses were everywhere. He tried to keep an Iellwen but lost her as a Cult cavalryman slammed his horse into lances trying to knock him off and slashed downwards viciously. Lance blocked with his shield but before he could counterattack the man slipped from his saddle dead. lance barely saw a dark shape flitting between the battle on foot, lightning quick reflexes slashing and cutting at the riders or their horses where it hurt the most. Viper moved like a wild thing in and out of the legs of the horses, dodging left and right to avoid being trampled and reaching up and striking where she could.

Meanwhile Iellwen blasted a hammer at two cavalrymen attacking her she rode out of range as three Toranite Guardsmen rushed into take them on. Nearby Jill managed to dispatch two more riders and suddenly the last was down.

Lance wheeled his excited mount about, the enemy cavalry that had engaged them was dead to the man, only several horses, some wounded, were left to limp around the area. Lance noted two of his own men down and some wounds on some of the others.

Leaving Iellwen to tend to the injured he rode forward to take in the battlefield. The Giants had chased the enemy cavalry back towards their own lines and were picking off slow moving infantry also trying to retreat. Up and down his own lines the dead and dying lay amidst burning wreckage of defences, huge burn't patches of ground where mages, priests and Drach Ori Al'noth had caused damage.

Lance reached for the looking glass again and raised it to peer at Molvarens ragged lines. He lowered it quickly and began shouting for messengers, urgently giving out orders as they raced up to him. he could see them racing to find the leaders of different units that were still living. In painstakingly slow detail he watched as the Dragonsong forces began to reassemble and form their lines. Their skill and precision in battle meaning they were amongst the first to be ready. His southern flank was vulnerable however, it still struggled to reform. To the north the Raelites were also quick to reform their own lines and the remaining Rofireinite cavalry was staging just behind them once again. Lance noticed many were missing.

Looking back to the front Lance could see the giants hurriedly returning as well, they had obviously seen what he had seen and were racing to return to a position they could defend.

The sky over Molvarens armies darkened suddenly and hundreds of Myr'Drachs took to the air. Amidst them one of the three dragons soared. They seemed to hang in the air for a long time and then suddenly they were upon them, dropping from the skies in groups of ten and twenty.

Lance watched them tear into his ranks. Even the Raelites were taking heavy casualties from the terrifying Myr'Drachs. A sickening sensation entered his gut as he watched his men and women torn apart by the vicious creatures. They had been built for only one thing and they were good at it. In that moment Lance would have given his right hand for a large group of adventurers to help out. Especially as the dragon roared overhead coming right for his location.

As the dragon descended towards him Lance heard the Cult horns sound again and looked to see their reformed infantry marching once again towards his positions and already the enemy cavalry forming groups for another charge. Things were desperately bad and getting worse by the minute. There was just no way they could hold ground against such a massive force.

Lance ordered those with him to spread out. Several mages joined him as well as Company of the Star members. Iellwen moved back ready to assist where she could and Viper appeared once again slipping into a shallow in the ground ready for the dragon to descend. Jill leapt of her horse and slapped it sending it running to the rear and drew her bow.

Spells unleashed, bows twanged and still the Dragon came on directly towards them. Lance drew his sword ready to face the creature when there was a thunderous explosion.

Lance found himself reeling in his saddle, a myriad of flashing lights blazed in the area, dirt exploded around him and he found his hearing blurred for a ferw moments. Steadying his horse Lance became aware of a glowing nimbus of light near him, blazing as bright as the sun and glowing many different hues. Streaks of light flashed forth enveloping the dragon cutting sharp grooves in its scales.

Lance blinked recognising the powerful mage within the glowing numbus of light just as a mighty pulse of power burst from a staff he held aloft and cracked into the beast. Move flashing lights appeared in the area, portals opened in several spots and odd and varied Pit creatures burst forth.

Moraken threw blast upon blast of powerful force at the approaching dragon while it screamed and roared its fury, flapping its wings trying to get to the cause of its discomfort. Around him the Pit creatures charged forth down towards the breaking allied lines throwing their might into the battles against the Myr'drachs.

The ground lurched as the Dragon smashed into it then climbed back to its feet trying to advance against the power of Moraken.

Gathering his wits Lance urged his horse forward and engaged the dragon as well, his men not far behind. Nearby Viper emerged to also find a spot to strike at the dragon while Jill fired arrow after arrow into the beast.

Every inch of the battlefield crawled with combat, Myrdrachs, mages, Drach Ori, Giants, Rofireinites, Raelites, Dragongsong, Queens cavalry, Trelanian mages, Moraken and his Pit allies.

Enraged beyond belief the Dragon came on, men and women of the command group died under its powerful fury. Lance caught a claw on his shield and was thrown from his saddle, crashing to the ground nearby. Quickly he stood and amidst the chaos raised his standard and plunged it into the ground. Light blast forth and uttering Torans Holy name he charged the dragon.

Meanwhile Viper ducked, dodged and weaved for her life before finding the chance to climb onto the creatures back. Wedging herself near where the wing joined the body she proceeded to stab and stab at the dragon trying to damage the wing. Suddenly one of Jills arrows found an eye and the dragon reared in pain. Moraken sent a blast of Al'noth into the creatures chest just before Lances sword penetrated the softened chest driving into the creatures heart. As dark blood spilled forth Lance withdrew his blade and the creature slumped to the ground.

"Look out!" Iellwen called from across the area.

Lance turned to see three Myr'drachs approaching them and raced to mount his horse.  Moraken, nimbus of light still blazing called out to him.

"Signal the retreat, you must fall back to the ten mile lines before everyone here is dead. Molvaren is coming to join the battle and we are not ready for it. If you stay here everyone will die."

Lance hesitated for only a moment before grabbing a nearby soldier who still lived and shouted orders at him before turning to face the oncoming Myr'drachs.  Moraken moved up to his side to support him as a long low horn sounded across the landscape.

Over the next few hours the remnants of his army withdrew from the battlefield leaving countless dead and dying behind, equipment that couldn't be moved quickly was put to the torch. The giants stayed to the rear with the remaining Rofireinite and Queens Hawk cavalry to try and ward off Molvarens Cavalry attacks which came at them again and again as they desperately tried to retreat. By nightfall the Cult forces attacks ceased.

The next day they began to arrive at the ten mile lines, the horror of the engagement raw in every soldiers minds and over the next few days there was nothing they could do but prepare yet again to meet the vast horde that would soon be upon them.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2011, 05:41:01 pm »
The giants that stayed to the rear were no stranger to battle, and their ferocity was only outmatched by the Myrdrachs. Their leader carried a massive spear, easily the length of four men. He used it to impale multiple soldiers at one time, snatching them up like bits of meat and vegetable on a kabob, only instead of roasting the morsels over a fire, he would then turn and sling the bodies back into the ranks of the Cult soldiers, his strength so great that the bodies sometimes flew half a dozen cart lengths.

Lance watched the giants between orders to move the troops back the number of miles to the next defensive line, a small rise overlooking a massive clearing, giving the defenders an edge on the advancing army. The cavalry darted through the front of the enemy, zig-zagging on a line parallel to the enemy ranks. Finally, the distance between the two lines was great enough that the cavalry pulled away, and galloped the distance between to catch up with their comrades still moving toward the ten-mile position. It was about this time that Lance realized the giants had been cut off from the retreat.

The Cult must have realized the threat these giants posed, and all but abandoned chasing the retreating army in order to rid themselves of the over-sized raiders. Myrdrachs flew up and around the giants, dropping soldiers and drachs into forward positions to surround the servants of Grannoch.

Lance made a snap decision, gathering the few adventurers he had near him, and crashed through the enemy troops to reach the giants, who had taken a moment of shelter behind a low ridge. He knew he only had a short amount of time if they were to get these giants back to the allied forces before dark. Alas, he wouldn't be so lucky.

With Illewen on one side, Azka the dwarf on the other, and Flynn the Golembane taking up the rear, they greeted the giants. Despite the giant's limited ability to verbally communicate, they seemed to understand why Lance was there. As quickly as the knight and his retinue had slipped into the enclosing enemy ranks, the circle had closed around them, and the enemy closed in. They turned to face the way they had come, the giants with them, towering over them.

A flash from the north met with the cries of death, and a sword-bearing mage stepped forth, his body lit up by magical wards, his blade divinely enchanted. He regarded the group warily, but Lance quickly recognized the old bench-sitter. Lance's confusion at Storold's appearance soon took second place to the encroaching drachs, however, and Storold silently turned his magic back at the Cult. The giants took this opportunity to strike, and within moments the rest of the adventurers joined, Azka lopping legs off with his axe, and Flynn singing the praises of the dwarf's appendage barbering skills.

For a moment, it seemed like even the elite among the drachs were no match for the heroes and their giant allies, and they made headway toward Hilm and the defensive line to the northeast. But a flight of Myrdrachs set upon them, and took down several giants before falling themselves. Before the group could catch their breath they were knee-deep in more air-packaged soldiers, and that's when the Cult went for the throat. Another flight of Myrdrachs split and moved into a pincer formation, hitting the group from both sides. The fighting was unbelievably intense, and giants fell left and right, and then Azka and Flynn, and finally Illewen and Lance. Storold slipped away under the cover of magic, leaving two giants, the leader and one other, to face down several remaining Myrdrachs. Storold shook his head, grim and frustrated. It was dusk, the commander had fallen, and the giant allies were about to be made history.

But the giant leader would not be taken down so lightly. He bellowed, and as if in response, several other giants appeared from the nearest treeline and ran toward the fighting. One more giant fell dead before the Myrdrachs fell, but in the end, the giants stood victorious. For the moment. Dead lay all around, and night lay close at hand.

Storold appeared once more, the giants casting curious and wary looks at the mage, but Storold knew his game, and dug through the packs of the fallen adventurers until he found the magic he was after.....

....To be continued.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2011, 06:00:04 pm »
... Illewen, priestess that she is, carried a roll of scrolls, each parchment scribed with the power to bring back the dead. Storold himself having an aversion to the conjurative nature of the magic involved, consulted with the giants. Most looked at him with some manner of confusion on their faces, but the leader, himself still covered in fresh blood, seemed to have some idea of what Storold held in his hands. The giant took the offered scroll, laying it in his palm, and after a few grumbles about the tiny letters, he summoned the magic from the scroll, which in turn pieced Illewen's body back together and filled her lungs with breath.

Illewen took a few minutes to gather herself, her bearing. She could see the first few stars, and smell the blood mixed with dirt beneath her. A few prayers later and her companions rose in much the same way she did, though that lead to the giant leader demanding the same be done for his warriors. She was going to need a lot more scrolls or a lot more time to pray. She decided to use some of both.

That meant the group set up camp, licking their wounds, sitting in utter darkness for fear a campfire might attract the enemy who themselves had set up camp for the night.

And in fact it was only a matter of time before enemy scouts found them. The adventurers, paladins, and giants decimated the scouts, but whether due to zealousness or anxiety, they also lit the place up with magical attacks, effectively giving away their position. Within a few minutes Mrydrachs were dropping soldiers on their location, the place lit up with magical light from Drach Ori.

The group decided to make a run for it. Or rather, the giants decided to make a run for it, and the adventurers decided to stay with the giants. Dawn was near, but not near enough, and so the giants crashed through any brush and trees like a herd of wildebeasts. The Cult troops were dropped all around the area, even ahead of the running giants, the Myrdrach's supernatural sight and flight speed giving them the edge in strategically placing troops to cut off the giants' run for the allied perimeter.

They soon realized that the last few miles would be a gauntlet over the long clearing before the defensive lines. Fighting while running was hard enough. Fighting while running in the dark was miserable. Only the brief flashes of magic lit up the battlefield, not unlike lightening, as drachs leaped from shadows all around.

At one point, A'zka got stepped on by a giant, quite by accident, but it literally left him imprinted in the earth before he peeled himself out of the new dwarf-shaped hole in the ground. Grumbling, he put his axe in the chest of the drach who thought to take advantage of the dwarf's bad luck.

Illewen flicked healing magic here and there, sometimes mistaking the tall grass for a companion. Only Lance was easy to see, his ankh glowing bright and his armor shining in spite of the blood stains. Flynn swung his sword like a giant harvester, literally mowing down everything in front of him. The next day they would joke about the clearly visible path Flynn took through the grass, the wide arcs of cut grass only slightly less noticeable than the absolutely flattened grass the giants' feet left behind. Storold, possibly the most battle-hardened of all present, saw each Cultists' attack before they were made, his magic making it nigh impossible for the drachs to score a hit. If only he had been so adept at avoiding the blood splatter.

They finally came within artillery range of the defensive perimeter, Lance's ankh bright and visible for a mile around. Flynn, A'zka, Lance, Storold, and Illewen looked at each other, amazed they were all still alive. The giants weren't so lucky. Only two of the original force that joined the fighting were left. The same two, in fact, that survived the first attempt to escape the clutches of the Cult army. Their names were, as translated to Common, Heart of the Tree, who was the leader, and Leafspine.

These two giants followed Lance to the command tent, outside of which they silently staked out a new residence. They would join the elite forces surrounding the command post for the remainder of the conflict, though they would take orders only from the five who risked life and limb to save them. Meanwhile, inside the tent, Lance received a significant tongue lashing from the other leaders for risking his neck in such a way. The verbal punishment did not last long, however, for the Cult army was on the move again before the morning had passed.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2011, 06:54:49 pm »
**Lance stood proudly as the soldiers was getting ready, he had offered a smile to the giants and would have discussed with the rest of the leaders over some minutes before, calling upon honor to allies and doing the right thing,  

He was not happy, the giants he traveled with, he was not able to save them, he saw at the battlefield away of the defensive lines and made a small prayer, yet it was a tought call, but if given the chance he would do the same call again, Those giants as well as the Rofirenites of Captain Gabrielle, gave their lives so the main force was not decimated worse , there was no way he would let them to their fate.

He know where the leaders come from, he was after all the campaign commander for the war, but he could not stop being him, on that.

The troops were ready to engage, Lance step up as the soldiers were in formation, standing over a ledge with Ell beside him as well with the two giants he stop to adress the troops.

Soldiers of Hilm and Allies.  

Dark times that we are living , but amoung the grim moments and the dark sky there is still hope.

**looking to the armies gathered he continued*

The battle here will continue, but aside we have to keep going, we have to honor the brave sacrifice of the ones who made posible for us to live here to fight another day, Remember that when we engaged the next battle, I personally will put in prayer to Captain Gabrielle cavarly unit and the troops that were lost on the last battle, as well as our Granouchian allies which timely appareance helped with the withdraw , even with a great cost to their numbers. **he gestures towards the two giants standing near him and Ell*  

This two have proven themselves as allies, and as that they should be treated by us, **he addresses to the troops* I don't want to hear to any disrespect upon them , as they have accepted to work with us and honor the alliance.

We have seen a lot of this war, and we can't stop now, We have to keep going to honor those who had fought and fall, but above all the land that we have sworn to protect, This evil that stands before us, seems to be strong, But they lack the strength of our convictions.

We are here, standing together and some of us an unlikely combinations, yet still we have set our diferences aside for a greater good, Looking at this, i can see that there is still hope for this world. that we together can root this evil for the face of Layonara.

Tomorrow when we all face the new battle, hold your swords and spears with bravery, wield them for those who fell for us to fight another day, We should fight and honor those who gave their lives for the cause. We'll win this war for them, we'll win this war for us, We'll win this war for our families and loved ones, We'll win this for all the people of Layonara .

**he looks towards his troops, then to the horizon, holding Ell's hand under his cloak, he was looking for the next encounter, a fast prayer on his lips *


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2011, 09:37:01 am »
A voice with the hint of laughter in it called out from amidst those gathered as a figure made their way to the front. Lance looked to see who appeared from the soldeirs gathered and saw a women of middle years, eyes fill of mirth, her golden armour showing signs of having recently been repaired.

"I'm not dead yet," She smiled. "Captain Gabriella Millisen at your service Commander."

Lance frowned, "but I thought.."

"That I was dead, I know," She smiled again then continued. "After the charge we were cut off from the main force and when you ordered the retreat the only way we could move was towards the enemy. I ordered those left alive to push through to the back of their lines. They seemed pretty intent on catching you as you left and we wheeled around to the north and managed to evade them. We have to head a fair way north before we could head back to the lines here. They have very large patrols ranging far and wide along the course their main army is taking. We got in a hour or so ago and I heard about the battles you had to engage in to get here."

Lance nodded, "Well Captain, I'm glad your alive. How many were lost from your cavalry?"

She sighed, "Almost half were lost, I thought we'd lost more but there were some who had gotten separated from us in the main battle and came back with your forces that I've since found again."

"It was a brave thing you did, they did. had they not made that sacrifice things could have been a lot worse, they saved a lot of lives." Lance's face was grim.

The captain nodded sadly, "It times like this, you do what needs to be done."

"Indeed Captain, go and get some rest." Gabrielle saluted sharply then turned and melted back into the slowly dispersing crowd.

Hours later fires burn't brightly up and down the long lines of trenches at the ten mile point from Hilm. Heavily fortified the trenches had been purpose dug for defence against the advancing Cult army and formed a three mile long curve like a taut bow in the land.

Behind it thousands of soldiers hunkered down in large camps, behind them long picket lines of horses for the cavalry stretched north to south and further back several of the larger Raelian war machines sat heavily defended and prime location along with at least fifty Hilm catapults and other war engines.

Stretched over a distance of two miles of defensive fortifications over fifteen thousand allied defenders waited for the inevitable arrival of Molvaren and his host. After the clash at the second lines of defence the allies now realised they were facing a force of more than fifty thousand. Never before had such a large army been raised in Belinara with such purpose and strength. An army that boasted highly trained Drachs from all camps, the Garra, the Tesak and the Ori along with the formidable Myr'drachs and the terrible dragons as well.

As eyes gazed westwards into the night the first signs of the enemy host appeared over the low hills, thousands of glowing torches and here and there bright magical orbs of light signaled the breadth of the enemy force. Soldiers at rest heard the commotion at the barricades and soon there was movement up and down the defensive positions as men and women rushed to see the advancing horde.

Wave upon wave marched over the hills and into the undulating terrain that now separated the advancing host and the Allied defenders. More than one soldier was sick at the sight of so many of the enemy in one place. For hours they continued to march into the area, a seemingly unending tide of pure brute strength that slowly unfolded and stretched out along the entire front lone of the barricades back out of range of the allied war machines.

Lance, standing amongst the command group in a bunker near the middle of the trenches watched the horde and at some point commented so that only those around him could hear. "Toran, give us strength."

The first attacks came just before dawn. After their arrival in the night many of the allied defenders had been too nervous to sleep but likewise Molvarens first waves were also tired from their forced march and the initial clash was for the most part inneffectual with Molvarens forces withdrawing after an hour of trying to close the ground to the trenches and attempting to penetrate the thick spear lines embedded in the ground in front of the trenches to dissuade any cavalry charges.

Twice more that day Molvaren sent waves of soldiers along the entire length of the trenches only to pull them back within an hour after gaining nothing but large numbers of dead. In each attack the Rael war engines and the Hilm war machines had launched their missiles at the enemy, mages and clerics had unleashed their spells, the giants their boulders, the crossbowers and archers as well, all taking a huge toll on the enemy before they had even reached the spear lines.

With nightfall the battle changed and Molvaren sent in the dragons for the first time along with dozens of flights of Myrdrachs. The Dragons targeted the war machines first lighting up the battlefield and flying over the allied defences with impunity, followed closely by the Myr'drachs. Wave after wave of the deadly warriors landed amidst the forces clustered around the catapults and the like to try and protect them from just such an assault.

Thinking these the likely target of an enemy attack Lance had positioned his command centre in the middle of them and was on hand with Iellwen, Azka, Flynn, Viper and Jillseponie along with several groups of elite soldiers from different realms and a healthy dose of mages and clerics to boot.

The battle was ferocious, teh Myr'drachs swarmed over the area up and down the long lines of catapults engaged on every side by desperate allied defenders. Overhead three dragons circled at will descending and breathing death on pockets of allied soldiers or plucking catapults into the air and dropping them to smash down on the allied defenders below.

In the middle of this maelstrom of battle Molvaren signalled another ground assault and up and down the lines over the entire two miles of defences his armies threw themselves at the wall of spears with a roar that later people believed they heard in the night as far as the walls of Fort Hilm themselves.

Hours passed and the battle raged as the defenders desperately tried to hold ground against the overwhelming force that Molvaren had brought to bear against them. Magical bursts flashed back and forth in the night sky, explosions where catapults and other war machines from both the allies and Molvarens forces flew through the air and crashed into the ground or clusters of soldiers, the sounds of ringing steel, the dying, the injured, a cacophany of thundering sound.

Lance and the others nearby with him fought desperately to drive the Myr'drachs back from the war machines and where possible to attack the dragons that were creating havoc and causing terrible destruction from above.

At the northern tip of the lines Storold, who couldn't bring himself to be anywhere near the Toranite leaders, and who hadn't been able to get clear of the battle before Molvaren arrived did his best to counter the powerful magics being used by some of the Drach Ori in the northern assault forces. To him it seemed that the enemy was clearly trying to throw extra momentum into a push at the northern flank and it was all he could do to try and counter what they threw at the men and women around him.

Alas the combat was as heavy in the north as it was in the south as it was in the centre and behind the defensive lines where the Myr'drachs and the dragons engaged those defending the allied war machines.

Long lines of allied cavalry ranged up and down the back of the lines trying also to drive back the Myr'drachs with some mixed successes.

Then suddenly enemy cavalry was driving up from the south behind the trenches and in the open areas where the allies were trying to protect the seige engines.

Seeing the enemy cavalry had swept around the southern end of the barricades Lance send messengers to order allied cavalry to engage them directly and force them back. At the same time messengers raced up telling Lance that a force of about a hundred Myr'drachs carrying huge sheets of metal as shields were advancing on the centre of the barricades and the allies were having terrible difficulty trying to stop their advance.

Lance sent orders to the giants to move to the centre of the lines supported by two wings of Toranite Elite Cavalry to try and break their advance and sent orders for the orcs to head south to hold the corridor the enemy cavalry had made into their rear.

Captain Gabrielle received her orders from the messenger from Lances position and rallied the cavalry under her command. Turning about and riding south to meet the enemy cavalry with a combined force of Rofirenite, Queens Hawk and Toranite cavalry their horses hoove sounded like thunder amidst the tumult around them and their banners flew high above them as they rode. Huge clods of earth were thrown up by the heavy hooves of their mounts as they raced south.

Within a short time they sighted the enemy cavalry and fanned out, lances lowering even as they spurred their horses forward from a trot into a canter and then as Captain Gabrielle lowered her arm a full gallop racing towards the enemy cavalry.

Even from his position Lance heard the clash to the south as the two opposing mounted forces engaged each other. Loud echoing whinnies of panic and fright and pain added to the sounds over the widespread field of battle. There wasn't much he could do about it now he thought as yet more messengers raced up to his position with urgent and somewhat desperate demands for aid and support up and down the lines in every direction.

Messages relayed he took a moment to gaze about him, fires of varying colours burned up and down the front lines from Al'noth cast by both sides, a number of his war machines were merely wreckage on the battle field, men and women seemed locked in deadly combat no matter which way he turned. For a brief moment he closed his eyes then opened them again as light flashed nearby and once again Moraken appeared, stepping from a portal with his ever present Order of the Pheonix allies. He strode over to Lance with authority.

"Sorry I'm late, I was talking plans at the Fort when I heard Molvaren had arrived. Whats your status?"

Lance glanced at the powerful magister. "They made several sorties against us since yesterday morning, this is the first major assault and we are barely holding. The main problem is the dragons and the Myr'drachs in our rear. They flew over the lines first and engaged the war machines and now we can't get them out. They've also taken a large cavalry force around the southern limit of our barricades and even now our cavalry are engaging them to the south. There is a large force of heavily armoured Myrdrachs about to break through the centre of our lines and I've sent additional forces to try and break that attack up. If they get through and cut us in half they will fold us up in no time."

Moraken looked grimly out at the ongoing battles then nodded. "Alright then, I'll take my people to the south, we'll get those cavalry out at least then fall back and see about the middle. Help will be here shortly to try and get these Myr'drachs out of the backlines."

Lance nodded, "I just commit the last of our forces to this battle that we have here so I hope your help doesnt take too long."

Moraken nodded and together with those that came through the portal with him moved south quickly.

The battle continued, so fierce in many places that it became a frenetic struggle just to stay alive amidst the press of bodies at the front lines. Often soldiers from both sides were pressed so tightly together all they could do was glare and scream abuse at each other, their arms unable to move and the struggle was to find enough space to draw and use a weapon in some instances.

In the centre a titanic battle began. Almost a hundred Myr'drachs in heavy plated armour carrying large steel shields bigger than a tall man were advancing on the area. Archers fired again and again but couldn't penetrate the armour of the drachs. Things looked truly desperate until the giants arrived and began lobbing large boulders into the advancing host. Even so with the heavy armour and strength of the Myr'drachs they were able to resist much of the potential damage of the boulders and still came on. The giants draw a wide and varied assortment of weapons just as the front ranks stepped past the now mostly churned up and broken spear walls and advanced into the allied forces. The giants surged forward into their midst, fearless in their savage fury clubbing, slashing and pushing at the powerful Myr'drachs. But even their strength was barely enough against the pure brute force of the heavily armoured Myr'drachs. The fighting became bloody and in desperate moves dogged Toranite cavalry weaved in and out of the large combatants striking as best they could, where they could. Even so the inexorable push by the Myr'drachs moved deeper and deeper into the centre lines opening up opportunities for regular cult troops to start entering the trenches to the north and south and begin engaging the soldiers in them.

It was just as this was happening that up and down the battlefield behind the allied lines individual lights began appearing and from them stepped a variety of individuals. Near the centre point emerged a man dressed much like a swashbuckler but with a staff instead of a sword. Second later up and down the lines the dozen or so individuals cast powerful magics and mithril golems appeared on the battlefield moving forward pondorously to join the allied defenders. These summons were followed by a tirade of powerful magics that ripped into the enemy forces and at that point helped slow their advance.

Even so, over the next hour the cheer weight of numbers overwhelmed the trenches in dozens of locations, the breaches exploited almost immediately by the enemy while over head the dragons continued to circle, wary now that the more powerful magisters had entered the battle. But still the allies fought to protect the catapults and their retreat corridors.

Lance and Viper dispatched yet another Myr'drach just as Moraken suddenly appeared once more at Lances side.
"There are a lot of them out there. Your lines are collapsing in a number of locations and everything we have here is committed. What are your intentions?"

Lance turned to him. "I'll not give up these defences after only a day or two of fighting."

"You need to accept the facts Commander, the Myr'drachs and the Dragons give Molvaren a significant advantage in any battlefield. The best thing to do would be to withdraw and draw them to the walls of the Fort. At least there we have the machines to use against the dragons and more firepower to offset the Ori and a lot of what else they have. Here we are too exposed, we dont have the manpower to hold for long. Molvaren has so many soldiers he can just come at us until they overwhelm us or come around our lines like he's done with the cavalry. Lets face it you are fighting a battle over two miles wide. Its not tenable."

Lance frowned and glanced up and down the battlefield as far as he could see. It irked him that what Moraken said was true and that yet again Molvaren was going to win a battle without really being challenged too greatly.

Moraken regarded him as if reading his thoughts and said a bit more gently. "Commander, you've thrown everything you can into this battle and its not enough. Its time to make plans to get as many of these soldiers as we can back to Fort Hilm and to safety where they can do the most good."

Lance gripped the ankh around his neck for comfort and realised in that moment that Moraken spoke the truth, the defencive lines were never more than an attempt to slow Molvaren down to give others a chance at destroying him from within Kuhl but it still galled him that he couldn't have held them longer than he did. But when he thought about it, given the numbers Molvaren was fielding it was a wonder they hadn't collapsed faster.

Reaching the decision in that moment Lance sent messengers scrambling to take his orders as far and as fast along the lines as they could.

And so over the next few hours the northern lines make a fighting retreat towards the centre which also began to fall backand the southern edge retreated towards the middle as well. The enemy slowly enclosing them on three sides. Several attempts were made by Molvarens forces to get behind them but once the war machines were put to the torch so the enemy couldn't use them all any enemy forces behind them were dealt with by combined forces.

By mid morning the allied forces remaining were exhausted, dirty, bloody and engaged in heavy resistance as they fought of the enemy cavalry and Myr'drachs harrasing them. Once again the giants proved invaluable using their size and strength to discourage the enemy attacking their rear.

By midafternoon the embattled retreating army saw the walls of Fort Hilm in the distance and a huge dust cloud approaching them as in a huge disorganised mass they made desperately for the fort.

An hour later columns of mixed Hilm, Rofireinite, Toranite and Queens hawk regiment cavalry thundered along the road and circled the fleeing host engaging the enemy pursuers. Not long after over a thousand dwarven infantry, half Voraxians and half regular infantry reached them and set up hasty defences prepared to hold ground against the enermy pursuers while the exhausted solders from the ten mile lines of defence staggered back to the Fort.

Not long after, faced with fresh and furious dwarves, angry Voraxians and determined cavalry after several heated clashes the Cult pursuers withdrew to await the arrival of the remainder of their army and their leader Molvaren for what was to soon become the final battle in a war that had raged across continents for so long.

In Fort Hilm, as the Voraxians, dwarves and Cavalry that had gone out to aid those withdrawing from the ten mile defences entered and the gates swung closed the horns sounded to signal the approach of the dragons and so many Myr'drachs that the sky to the west was dark with their bodies.

Meanwhile on the ground a carpet of soldiers appeared that blanketed the landscape as far as the defenders could see. Molvarens vast host laboured out across the landscape even as the Dragons and Myr'drachs descended on the walls of the Fort itself.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2011, 02:09:44 pm »
Leading to the final days of preparation, the Copperstones and Ygraine were seen wandering the nearby outskirts of Hilm Castle. They got into a little jibber jabber with the soldiers while they were watching the road. Without incident, the Copperstones and Ygraine traveled to a nearby village because they heard someone was in need of a favor. Upon arrival, they see people in disarray as they were preparing for the upcoming days. They asked around and came upon old man Dunn.

Old man Dunn used to be a soldier. He praised about his glorious youth while serving with other Toranites. Now in his golden years, he wishes to live in peace with old lady Dunn. With the impending siege on Hilm, they wish to help the Toranites as best as they can before they go hiding in their cave hideout. They talk about their three robust sons who live in the outskirt of Hilm Castle. The three have something to boost the Toranites' morales. Unfortunately, old man Dunn is too old to make the long trip and receive those blessings. They asked the Copperstones and Ygraine a favor to complete the journey and bring those blessings back to Hilm Castle.

Although it was a dangerous trip, the Copperstones and Ygraine agreed. They prepared and made the journey with haste. They stuck to the safe path to avoid flying Drachs and enemy scouts. Luckily for them, the three successful met up with the three robust sons and retrieved the blessings. Upon receiving the last from the eldest Dunn's son, the three made it safely back to Hilm Castle before the gates shut close.

Upon return, the Copperstone handed the blessings to the Toranite soldier and told him about the blessings. They told him to give it to Sir Lance.

"May this help him or any Toranite in the upcoming battle, " Hayley said to the Toranite soldier.

Afterwards, the three left to make preparation.

//the items were from Mixafix's quest: No Castle for Old Man

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2011, 02:45:57 pm »
**Lance is seen around the castle, preparing the incomming battle, when informed of the girls asking for him, he frowns hearing about yet another meeting he smiles politely, but upon hearing of the delivery of the blessings he steps aside for a moment of the duties to recieve the message.

*At first he looks at the vials and he stops for a moment, the three ornate vials on his hands flushing the memories of the past battles and the path that was forged till now.*

**his mind returns to the actual situation and smiling at the Soldiers , he took the time to ask for them to escort him to the fountain, he personally take the time to fill the vials with his own hands with a small prayer *

*His spirit feels the touch of the water, clansing and purifying. he opened his eyes, and looked at then now filled vials with holy water he then stands and with resolute look he look at some of his aides. *

- See that more vials be distributed freely beetwen those soldiers who are willing and the Toranite troops, have each of them have a vial so they know.  That Toran is with us today , we shall be ready. our spirits will roar, and we'll give the figth of our lives. There is fitting that on this day of grim horizon each one of them hold a beacon of His light .

**Once this said Lance made a final prayer on the fountain before moving to keep his duties. *

