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Author Topic: Fort of Last Hope  (Read 5257 times)


Fort of Last Hope
« on: April 11, 2011, 08:43:23 pm »
And as the Cult arranges themselves for battle in Fort Miritrix, and the leading elements of the large Cult force approaching Nesar engage and smash the front ranks of the Nesar armies in Nith another larger army approaches south and west of Fort of Last Hope.

Overhead in the early hours of the morning a massive Red Dragon is seen circling lazily over the Fort high above as the Cult forces begin to make their approach. By Midday the Dragon descends content merely to destroy and burn everyliving thing and every structure lying between the Forts walls and the edges of the surrounding valley until nothing remains but burnt and blackened ruins of the large village that once nestled around the mighty walls of the Fort of Last Hope.

Inside the city forces dispatched from Fort Miritrix to its defence can do nothing but wait helplessly as the Mighty Red Dragon has its way with the area. By afternoon, heavy black smoke forms a massive pyre into the sky obscuring vision for all those in the Fort itself.

And as night falls thousands of campfires begin to set up a few miles from the fort to the south, then to thewest and finally by midnight to the north. Thus, as morning light filtered across the ruined town and the Mighty Fort standing within it. The defenders looked out at huge force made up of Myr'drachs, Drachs, soldiers and Dragons of the Cult army with some trepidation.

Only the eastern passage through the mountains was still theirs since the Fort itself backed up against the ravine passage meaning an army would have to break through the Fort, or somehow scale massive rugged mountains to get behind them. For now the supply lines through the eastern pass to the makeshift docks for supply ships guided through the reefs by the Sindalerians remained open. How long that would remain so with he dragons present was not known.

After three days of Seige a letter arrived for the Forts leaders demanding their surrender from the enemy General Jaedon Siphe, a man rumoured to have never lost a battle under his direct command, a man who already had stamped his authority on the conflict in Hilm. His tactics and battle plans the ones that had enabled them to so far take over and control almost half of Hilm.  The messages returned from Sir Lance and Lord Alexander were sent to the Cult General and within hours the first attacks began.

The Cult armies began building large seige towers and catapults while Two Cult corruputed Dragons began dropping large rocks on the Fort from above . Occasionally the Mighty Red dragon was also seen gliding over the pass to the east.

This continues for over a week.
The following users thanked this post: jrizz, cbnicholson, incahootz, Lance Stargazer, davidhoff, willhoff, RollinsCat


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2011, 12:03:49 am »
In the War room of the dwarven built Fort the mixed leaders of the forces currently stationed inside the Fort gather to talk about their options.

A grizzled dwarven veteran, currently Fort Commander, Logren Rockeater stands over a large map on the floor of the chamber. Cleverly created over forty years before by dwarven crafstmen from coloured tiles are set into the floor in a way that forms the landscapes and surroundings of the Fort for upto fifty miles. Small figurines and markers are arrayed in an almost enclosing circle around the Fort.

To his left stands Sir Lance, who arrived barely moments before through the portal in the main hall. To his right the Castellan of the Fort, Captain Markhum Menais, a staunch Toranite and able field commander. Across from them are several captains, lieutenants and other ranked men and women from the forces currently serving in the Fort, all gathered grimly to assess whats going on.

As they speak another rumble echoes as a dragon drops several more boulders onto the areas inside the fort. Dust trickles from the ceiling and onto the map over the main gate. Commander Logren scowls and wipes it away with a heavy boot.

Sir Lance looks tired and weary but he appraises the situation then speaks to those assembled.

"The Commander and I have reviewed all the current intelligence we have. The South is lost at present, we have conceded this. Fort of last Hope is all that remains in Hilms control, the Cult control everything from here to Fort Hilm and out to Kuhl and south to Nesar.

We've had no word in the last week of whats going on in Nesar. We are particularly interested in the battles being fought in Fort Miritrix. If the Cult win there we can expect them to send additional forces north as soon as they are free to join those already gathered around you here in the Fort.

The Good news is that the eastern supply lines to the makeshift docks through the mountains remains open, two ships are being guided to those docks as we speak with reinforcements and supplies by the Shindalierians. You should have those supplies within the week. Also this Fort is dwarven built and as solid as they come, we have ample provisions and water supplies to last indefinitely. If the eastern passage is lost then it becomes another matter, but for the moment I am assured if need be you could hold out for a year or two at this current pace.

The not so good news is that the fort can hold about eight to ten thousand soldiers and thats it. The Cult also have two corrupted Dragons and Ractrafiorez flying around for them out there as well as over fifteen thousand varied troop types which includes a sizable force of Myr'Drachs.

We've seen the advantage those Myr'drachs give the Cult. They shocked and bloodied the nose of the Rael armies in Sederra and it cost them dearly to hold the city against a similarly sized force that face us here.

We are under no illusions that should you fail to hold the Fort then Hilm will fall next. You cannot allow the Cult to be content to seige you here and to send their additional forces north. The task falls to each and every one of you to ensure that the Cult forces that are facing you now stay here. I cannot understate the importance of that directive.

This Fort is aptly named, the Last Hope. It pains me to place that burden on you all. I know that command ensures that many more good men and women will die but it must be so. There are plans even now to try and infiltrate Kuhl and bring an end from within their ranks to this scourge that assails us all. We need to give them the time to carry out that plan. Only then will we be able to respond and fight back. For now, we must hold them, hold them and try not to lose anymore ground."

Grim faces stare back at him as he surveys those before him. Lance sighs a weary sigh, a resigned sigh.

"Now, we need to review placements around the Fort, the Main gate will be their focus once their catapults are up and running. If they can't weaken the foundations there I'm sure they will use the Dragons so we'll need to be prepared for that. I believe Captain Argali may arrive soon to help install the ballistae with the custom bolts for the dragons.

I pray that Toran and those who worship Gods amongst us pray to their own gods that we can do what needs to be done in the dark days that will follow. Now, if you dont mind I have need to speak to the Commander and the Castellan."

Those assembled slowly file out of the door and to their various positions around the city. Overhead another dull rumble and another trickle of dust drifts from the ceiling and ominously lands in a small pile in the eastern passaged through the mountains.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2011, 12:11:24 am »
// Forces residing in the Fort:

500 Voraxians    Lost: 297
500 Toranites    Lost:  242
250 Rofireinites  Lost: 165
150 Mixed faiths  Lost: 102
500 Unified regiments of Lor   Lost: 213
500 Runic Anvil   Lost: 248
120 Blackford Blue Helms   Lost: 67
550 Brelins combined forces  Lost: 303
150 Telish Dejan Archers  Lost: 138
500 Driran Archers   Lost: 214
24 Southern Vale Arcane Archers   Lost: 14
25 Mixed Mages   Lost: 18

500 Hilm Dwarven Heavy Infantry  Lost: 281
2000 Hilm Light Infantry   Lost: 1092
2000 Hilm Heavy Infantry  Lost: 839
1000 Hilm Heavy Crossbows   Lost: 536

Giants of Grannoch: 3

// 18-04-11 // Updated end of day 23 since seige began, which is when PCs arrive back in the Fort from rescuing the wagon supply train.

// 30-04-11 // Updated end of day 3 countdown to Ractrafiorez return, the collapse of the southern gate tunnel.

// 14-05-11 // Updated as Daniella and jaedon parlay

// 18-05-11 // Updated on day 24 of the deadline


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2011, 08:52:41 am »
Two days later from when lance last spoke to the leaders in the Fort and he returns, this time with fresh intelligence and accompanied by Lady Daniella Stormhaven. Both appear grim.

As they all gather once again in the War room of the Fort Lance begins.

"We've had some more intell from the field. Many of the adventurers who have been tied up in engagements elsewhere have started to merge on Hilm. Sederra is almost under control, Rael and Succession are working together with the Synod to get order restored there. There are still some small elements of the Cult forces left over that are causing some havoc but Raels General there has specialist units in the field now tracking them down.

THe Cult invaded Nesar over a week ago now and just today I've had word that Fort Miritrix is under seige and the Cult forces have taken Prim and are threatening Holar. The Nesar forces in Nith are holding at the river but I've had some disconcerting reports that the Black Wizards are up to something and have met with Cyn Chen without consultation with anyone. I fear it has something to do with the War Council dismissing their offer for help in this campaign."

Daniella speaks suddenly, "Lord Alexander was quite clear in his recommendations for the Black Wizards help Sir Lance."

Lance nods, "Yes, yes he was. We can't worry about that now. We just have to hope they don't make peace because if they do Cyn Chen and that army are going to turn straight around and head north towards us here. We've got enough Cult forces out there already without giving them enough soldiers that they believe that can overrun the Fort. Anway, whats your report Commander?" He looks to Logren who is chewing on a stick of licorice that has stained his bottom lip and front teeth black. He spits the licorice into a pot plant on the side of the room and walks over.

"They've tested our defences so far an got nuthin cept for some broken teeth. Dis Fort was built by dwarves, its a tough nut to crack. Deh dragons are a nuisance but deh men are keeping dere heads low an under cover as much as ken beh expected. We've taken casualties but nothin sever so far. I reckon dere waitin fer somethin and they are just going teh keep probin fer a weak spoke in deh meantime."

Daniella speaks again as the Fort Commander finishes. "The problem is that they may be content to keep us here. You've nearly nine and a half thousand battle hardened soldiers tucked up nice and cosy here Commander. If I was on their side I'd be reluctant to engage you as well unless I had an overwhelming force. Truth be told Fort Hilm is their real objective. If it falls then Hilm is lost whether you are still here or not. They might just figure its better to keep you locked up here while they break Hilm, then they can do with you what they want afterwards."

Pale faces, grim faces, angry faces meet her bluntly spoken words. The Fort Commander is quiet for a few moments than speaks again thoughtfully.

"Den what do you suggest Commander? A rally forth and take them on outside the fort? Suicide with the numbers they have out there."

"No Sir, but you need to do enough to make sure you tie up that army out there. You heard what Sir Lance said about Fort Miritrix. The Cult laid seige to lock them in and then went around them and are doing what they like to the people of Northern Nesar with no one to stop them. Fort Hilm has to hold. If that means you have to lead a few sorties out the gates to keep their attention, then you need to do it."

"Alright." Lance's voice interjects as the Fort Commander was going to retort. "Lady Daniella makes a good point Sir. It's no use sugar coating things. We are stuck between a rock and a hard place. You and everyone here in this Fort have to hold whatever armies you can here. If that means you have to engage them outside the fort to ensure they cant afford to send soldiers north then thats what has to happen."

The grizzled dwarf looks up at Lance biting his bottom lip hard. "Is that an order....Sir?" He bit of the last Sir as he said it with annoyance.

Lance sighs. "I'm afraid it is."

"Roight, well, I better order more wood."

"Wood?" Lance glanced at him perplexed.

"Yeah, gunna need more coffins fer all deh soldiers dat are going teh die in them sorties yer talkin bout."

Lance glanced at him coldly while beside him Daniella fought to control her rising ire. "Jsut make sure it happens, more and more adventurers are arriving every day and you'll have all the firepower you need. Have you distributed all the supplies you've received from the mercantile trade groups that have contributed to this campaign? The donations, the provisions and such?"

Logren hooked a thumb through his belt. "Aye, some bloody nice stuff too, picked out a few things fer meself as well."

"Good, see that as as many soldiers as possible receive that stuff, it can make a difference between life and death for many."

Logren grunts in reply. Soon after the meeting disperses with Lance and Daniella returning to Fort Hilm just in time to receive word that Molvarens army is marching.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2011, 06:17:05 pm »
*Griff makes the trek to the Fort of Last Hope to meet with the kin there and his fellow Voraxians.  He surveys the situation and gathers as much information about the state of things from various sources at the Fort.  He does his best to keep a proud and confident face as he goes about the Voraxian warriors posted there.  He helps check their equipment and weapons making sure they have what they need for the most part.  He insures the kin that anything that bleeds can be killed, and these basserds is no different.  A well placed axe, good feet and the might of Vorax will get them through.

He seeks out those that have already fought the Drachs and organizes meetings in the Fort allowing all experienced on Drach warfare to speak on what the enemies strengths and weaknesses are.  They take turns, including Griff, explaining their encounters and the battle tactics that worked and those that didn't.  Demonstrations are performed on axe wielding techniques and foot work.  Descriptions are given of the different types of Drachs and their particular fighting styles.

Prayers to Vorax are held in the morning and evening, and before and after each battle meeting.  The presence of Vorax is heavy in the air, as all the Voraxian dwarves pray in what will be their biggest test to come.  Their committment is strong and their reslove sound.  This is the time they have waited all their lives for and they are ready.*


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2011, 09:50:54 pm »
// We begin a day after the Black Wizards quite the field of battle in Nesar and the Queen gives her stunning counter orders after meeting with the Sanctis Mortis.//

In the last few days, freed up from campaigns around the world in Audiria, Nith and Fort Miritrix adventurers begin to flow into the Fort of Last Hope to help bolster the defences. Their first port of call an important meeting with the Campaign Commander Sir Lance, and the Fort Commander Logren Rockeaten.

Also present at the meeting with people such as Toranite Commander Lady Daniella, Captain Argali, Toranite Field Commander Adran Kirk, Fort Captain of the Wall Sir Olemic, Al'noth coordinator Ardris, Adjutant Werrin of the hilm heavy dwarven Infantry, Lord Herdford of the Blackford Blue Helms, Knight Captain Alerancy Gree of Rofirein, Captain Thrakson Oremonger of the Runic Anvil, Thane Kobal Bluntaxe (who arrived a bit later), Captain Nelson of the Brelin Infantry, just to name a few of those responsible for the lives of those under their respective commands.

Added to this were a most capable assortment of adventuring individuals, each who have made their own mark on the world in way, mild or remarkable.

It was obvious at first that some tensions were showing in the chain of command between Sir Lance, Lady Daniella and the Fort Commander. However, differences aside the Fort Commander got down to business informing those gathered of the startling news just in from the south. The Black Wizards had quit the field of battle and sold out Hilm. The Cult armies in the south had turned around and were headed north towards the Fort of Last Hope and were expected in 3-4 weeks. Bad news for the Fort that was already beseiged by upwards of 25,000 to 30,000 Cult forces that had arrived from Sundance and Briardusk over the previous weeks.

As as least two dragons flew overhead at times dropping rocks onto parts of the Fort the Commander informed everyone present of their situation and the plans for the future. The only good news here that Ractrafiorez had not been seen for days.

Then he spoke directly to the adventurers gathered about a special mission they could help with, given their particular skills and abilities in facing the Myr'drachs of the Cult.

Even as they spoke the Fort Commander informed them of a massing of Cult soldiers to the north and west of the Fort indicating the Cult were about to engage in the biggest assault to date on the formidable Fort. The enemy were also forming a large group of Myr'drachs to the north with the purpose of possibly trying to cut off the Forts supplies through the Eastern passage. This was a huge problem. As such the biggest supply train yet was coming up the passage from the Shindalerian makeshift docks.

In this supply train was armour and weapons supplied by adventurers and merchant guilds around the world, Argali's dragon warheads for the ballistae and the parts for the anti-dragon nets arranged by the Coalition amongst other things. Items critical for the Forts defense against the Cult.

The Adventurers were dispatched along the eastern passage with all due haste leaving the Fort to face the oncoming assault by Cult forces. Travel was slow but steady along the narrow rocky ravine passage. Huge literally unscaleable mountain peaks rose on each side of them giving them limited daylight.

Outpost 1 was reached with little difficulty and after some initial misunderstandings with the Outpost Captain many were greeted warmly by members of the Unified armies of Lor who had been stationed to protect the outpost. People like Andrew, Argali, Andrew, Vrebel and Kromlek.

Outpost 2 The outpost leader, Captain Jenny Grange of the 1st Telish Archers proved an efficient and organised leader. At this point one of Jillseponies Vale Arcane Archers also serving at the outpost agreed to join Sir Lance to help scout ahead in the narrow ravine.

Outpost 3 was in a wider section of the ravine and as such had a larger compliment of soldiers stationed there. Captain Alyssa, the outpost leader reported all the all clear from Cult forces but reported seeing giants moving along a nearby ridge for the last few days using a narrow trail that led intot he next valley.  It ws here Captain Argali, Andrew and Porlie set out in darkness to climb the trail and seek out the giants.  Upon their arrival Argali found a band of approximately 12-15 giants, servants of Grannoch who had come south to find Arrrrgali to honour Father Mithrils request for aid. After some conversation the giants agreed to meet Argali in the morning at the outpost.

Argali, Andrew and Portlie returned to the camp just after midnight and informed the Captain of the giants arriving in the morning. After a few moments of tension when the giants arrived things settled down to business and before long the adventurers with their giant allies were on their way to outpost 4. They were hoping soon to meet up with the wagon train heading their way.

It was at outpost 4 that things started to change dramatically. The adventures entered the wider area to a scene of destruction. The entire outpost had been destroyed and as far as they could tell there were no survivors. A single dead Myr'drach the only evidence of the enemy that had come upon them.

Amongst the dead; over a score of Hilm light infantry, 10 Order of the Longsword Toranites, 5 Voraxians, 30 Brelin Infantry and 25 Unified Armies of Lor soldiers as well as the outpost functionaries. Even the horses and animals at the outpost were slaughtered.

Even as the adventurers began to gather the dead for later transport back to the Fort they were set upon by a flight of Myrdrachs. The fight was brief but furious with the giants entering the battle against the Cult for the first time. Myr'drachs dealt with the adventurers finished up quickly and pressed on fearing what may lie ahead. Especially since the giants reported seeing several flights of Myr'drachs and a dragon flying over the mountains in the last 24 hours.

Hours later the adventures fended off yet another attack by a flight of Myrdrachs before pressing on, more urgently now.

Perhaps it was the urgency, perhaps it was a lack in coordination, but whatever it was, as the Arcane Archer scout raced back to inform Sir lance of odd things ahead the forward elements of the adventurers had already stumbled into the ambush set by the Myr'drachs for the wagon train.

There was suprise all round as the adventurers gazed at the towering Myr'drachs in position around the open area of the ravine then all hell broke loose. Myr'drachs poured from hidden positions around the area towards the Adventurers who had fanned out to meet the coming assaults. Alas as they pressed forward they came to grips with the numerous deadly traps the Cult had set on the floor of the valley to kill those protecting the wagon train.

Lightning arced from person to person around the area as in the midst of it the Myr'drachs unleashed their fury and the embattled adventurers fought to hold their ground. It was almost too dangerous to move initially as each step created death around the area. Iellwen unleashed a barrage of magics into a group of Myr'drachs then perished as lighting penetrated her wards and sent her crackling and sizzling to the ground, her body burnt and blacked with smoke rising from it.

As usual Vrebel, Argali and Kromlek pressed forward, their weapons arcs of death cleaving into the hard skins of the Myr'drachs.  To their left Sir Lance and lady Daniella along with Richard held their ground against their own group of Myr'drachs, desperately fending off their mighty slashes while trying to cut through their tough hides and inflict injuries.

A short distance from them two Myr'drachs charged Hardragh who staunchly stood his ground and bellowed at them causing them to stumble and falter clutching at their hearing olfactories. Then three giants leapt at them clubbing them with huge spiked clubs. Hardragh moved onto help two nearby giants being ripped to shreds by four Myr'drachs. This time his bellow sent them reeling and the giants, joined by Griff, Portlie and Arfur ripped into them doing what they could as fast as they could to try and bring down the ferocious beasts.

Above it all Andrew sought a slightly higher position and sung until he thoughts his lungs would burst urging the struggling adventurers to feats beyond their normal abilities.

The battle raged back and forth, giants started going down around the area as Myr'drachs tore them to shreds. Then in the forward ranks Kromlek was struck from behind by two more Myrdrachs as lightning crackled across the area. Tough, but not that tough the battle hardened dwarf collapsed to the ground armour and back exposed where the Myr'drachs had tore it apart like it was mere material.

Vrebel and Argali found themselves fighting back to back against multiple opponents.

Aside from them Lady Daniella and Sir Lance found themselves cut off from the main group of adventurers and fighting desperately to survive as more than five Myr'drachs surrounded them lashing out at them each time they left a side or a back exposed. Wounded badly both fought with a tenacity an strength belying their injuries. Moments later Richard, now also cut off from Daniella and LAnce lashed out one more spell as a Myr'drach grabbed him from behind and tore his head off throwing the corpse aside like a piece of rag and launched into the melee against Lance and Daniella.

On the other side of the field Arfur and Portlie suffered terrible injuries and retreated to the small rise where Andrew still stood signing as best his voice could hold out.

More and more giants went down under the onslaught of the Myr'drachs but Griff was there in the midst of them helping them, fighting side by side with them doing his best to help defeat the Myr'drachs facing them. Then a Myr'drach slipped past his defences and a talon ripped through his chest spraying blood. Griff looked down in suprise as the life taking injury and with furious anger launched himself at the wounded Myr'drach taking it down then rolling to the side of it fumbling desperately to find a spare potion as his lifes blood left him. But time was against him and he slipped into unconsciousness.

Things looked grim for the adventurers when overhead a massive roar echoed through the ravine and a corrupted dragon descended to the ground and entered the conflict.

The remaining giants dealt with the last few Myr'drachs near them and engaged those around Sir lance and Lady Daniella giving them a moment to restore their health before they disengaged and targeted the greater threat, the Dragon.

Argali shouted to Vrebel to take the Myr'drachs as she charged the Dragon. Vrebels sardonic response was lost in the ensuing combat but he did his best and found himself fighting desperately just to hold of the Myr'drachs and stay alive.

The Dragon roared, slashed, swept its tail and buffeted its wings at the giants and adventurers assaulting it. In the narrow confines of the ravine it was clearly at a disadvantage.

The battle raged back and forth until the Myr'drachs took down most of the remaining giants and turned to engage those against the Dragon. Hardragh found himself grabbed from behind and crushed in a Myr'drachs grip. The suprise on his face evident as his lifeless body was throw against the wall of the ravine. Then Lady Daniella was struck with crackling energy even as the Dragons claw almost tore her arm from her shoulder. Spun through the air, lighting cracking over her form she collapsed on the ground. Moments later the Dragon bit down on Sir Lance, crushing his body in its teeth and flung him twenty metres where he crashed in a pile of metal and blood.

Seeing her allies falling around her Argali found herself the sole recipient of the Dragons attacks. Her teeth set in determination she held her ground against the assault doggegly resisting the dragons efforts to knock her to the ground so it could get its teeth around her properly. Argali was tiring however, blood flowed from a number of injuries, her weapon felt like it weighed four times its usual weight and her left shoulder ached terribly from an earlier strike from the dragons hard wing.

Out of the corner of her vision she saw Vrebel surrounded by Myr'drachs fall to one knee, blood covered most of his body, most of it his own. Myr'drachs struck at him again and again.

Then Portlie flashed past screaming abuse at the Dragon trying to gain its attention. Angry beyond sense the dragon saw the moving target and charged off after Portlie. The precious moments gave Argali time to drink a restoring draught. Feeling the warmths spread through her body she raced as best she could to help Vrebel, reaching him just as a Myrdrach raised its claw to finish him off. She crashed into the creature and they went down in a tangle of arms, legs, wings and steel. Vrebel struggled back to his feet and plunged his blade into the creatures back then offered a hand to her to help her stand again. Giving her a bloody grimace Vrebel took teh moment of relief himself to quaff a healing potion then together Argali and Vrebel launched themselves at the few remaining Myr'drachs attacking the remaining giants nearby.

Meanwhile Portlie and Arfur were leading the Dragon a merry chase trying to give the others time to use their healings and get back into the battle. The Dragons angry roars reverberated around the walls of the passage as the two raced here and there fear clearly evident on their faces and giving them the strength to race around. Andrew watched in horror at the unfolding scene but his voice did not falter and he sang to give Portlie and Arfu strength to continue their efforts.

As the last Myrdrach's were taken down the dragon cornered Portlie who, seeng the end approached turned and draw his sword to face the dragon. it rose up and he bravelt stood before it and as it descended to crush him he closed his eyes to await the moment. But it didnt come, instead the dragon roared in greater fury and spun around to face Argali and Vrebel who had struck in from behind opening up great gashes in its scales.

Portlie was struck hard by the dragons tail, flung a dozen metres and gasping for breath from his crushed ribs he struggled to crawl from the battle. Arfur raced to him and helped drag him back to where Andrew was singing.

Argali and Vrebel double teamed the dragon, one engaging the other luring, then a strike, and the same, again and again. The dragon was so incensed it didnt know where to turn or who to face first. Back and forth they battled until Vrebel put a deep gash in one of the creatures wings. Finally, having taken some serious wounds the dragon struggled into the air, fighting to gain height and rise to the tops of the mountain peaks before disappearing over the edge.

Silence descended across the scene of the battle. Over two score Myr'drachs lay dead and a good number of adventures and giants amidst them.

Andrew's voice faltered and he stumbled before moving to check on Portlie and Arfur before moving to some of the bodies littering the area.

Vrebel and Argali stood leaning tiredly on their weapons surveying the scene. Both were covered in Myr'drach and their own blood and not a small amount of the dragons blood.

Hours later, lives restored as best as they could the weary group heard the approach of the wagon train and went to meet it. 10 wagons and over a hundred soldiers as escort stopped as the Adventures explained what had happened.  

As Campaign COmmander Sir Lance took command of the wagon train and together they escorted it back to Outpost 1 where 500 Hilm Light Infantry had arrived to take over when runners sent ahead of the wagon train finally reached the fort and reported in.

Just over eight and a half days it took to bring the desperately needed supplies to the Fort.

As they finally entered the Fort the adventures realised that in those nine days a lot had happened in the Fort.

The fort had been under heavy sustained attack for all of that time. Twice the Cult had managed to take the western wall of the city and twice they had been beaten back, but not without heavy losses occuring.

The Captain of the Wall had been killed in the battle to reclaim the wall the second time and Fort Commander Logren had been killed by a dragon attack three days prior. Castellan of the Fort, Captain Markhum Menais had assumed command and subsequently been critically wounded and was commanding from his recovery bed in the main keep.

The south wall had remained virtually undamaged, the northern wall had taken a pounding since the Cult had gotten their seige engines up and running several days prior. The pounding had not stopped since then but so far the wall was holding.

The western wall however was in trouble. The enemy seige engines were also pounding it day and night. Dragons regularly straffed the top of the wall preventing allied archers from manning their posts to drive back the Cult froces working to undermine the western wall. After two assaults that had almost taken the wall fears were that the wall might not be able to hold out if it kept taking the pounding it was taking, dwarven or not.

As the adventurers arrived in the Fort the ballistae, specially prepared for the dragon head bolts were ready. One had been badly damaged in one of the assaults but the other 9 were good to go. Argali was informed she was now in charge of those forces protecting and directing the special Ballistae.

Captain Markhum handed over authority of the Fort to Lady Daniella Stormhaven as he recovered with Sir Lances blessing. Vrebel was granted a commission as a Captain and put in charge of the northern wall while Griff was granted a commission as Captain of the western wall and Kromlek Captain of the south wall, each with their own command and responsible to Lady Daniella.

Elsewhere, developments had continued. News had arrived that Nesar had officially re entered the war for a third time and had marched a large army right into southern Kuhl defying the Black wizards deal with Molvaren and threatening Kuhls southern realms.  Welcome news to the Fort when they found out as the army led by Cyn Chen changed course again and headed west to try and reach the Nesar army before it got to Westgate. The Cult forces from Fort Miritrix were still expected to arrive in just over a week.  Meanwhile Nesar had formed a sizable army made up of mainly peasants in Fort Miritrix and were preparing to march north on Sundance.

And in Hilm, Molvarens army had come into contact with the outermost defensive positions of the Allied armies of Hilm. Sir Lance was ordered to Hilm Castle as soon as he stepped foot in the fort of Last Hope in order to help arrange the withdrawel of allied troops from the forward defensive positions as Molvarens army smashed into them.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2011, 10:49:11 pm »
*Richard smiles when the stories of him getting his head torn from his neck circulate back to him and says to himself.*  Perhaps in another temporal existence it is so.  And if it is so in one reality... *trails off into temporal theory and multiple string existence.*


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2011, 11:16:15 pm »
Once in the Fort again, Andrew accompanies Argali for a brief while, then breaks off to do a sweep of morale-boosting.  He sings, tells stories, sits with soldiers who are hard-hit by their first time in battle or by losses.  He does his level, Ilsarian, Resonance best to raise the fighting spirit, singing his songs and popular songs and taking requests.

When they start unloading the wagons, however, he returns and is surprised to find a note addressed to him attached to a bundle of wooden planks and beams, metal shafting, nets, connective hardware, wires, three gauges, four hooks, sixteen springs of various sizes, a small steam box, and another container of things he can't even begin to identify.  The note reads COALITION - ANDREW REID in common on the outside.  

He slits it open with a widening grin, humming merrily...and the humming slowly fades, like a calliope running out of crank.  There is a sheaf of papers inside crammed with tiny print.  He holds the papers out at full arm's length, then mutters impolite things in Old Tilmarian and puts on his spectacles.  He examines the papers close, then far, then sideways, then upside down...

...some time later, he approaches Lance with a sheepish smile.

"...Lance, I need a gnomish engineer or at least someone who reads, now."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2011, 12:46:39 am »
*Griff makes it back in the Fort dirty and bloodied, the Voraxian insignia on his shield amost masked by the darkened inerds of a Mydrach.  Once he hears the news of his commission of Captain of the West Wall he perks up and beams a bit.  His excitement is short-lived when he learns about the casualties of the Fort, especially the Fort Commander and The Captain of the Wall.

Griff makes a direct line for the West wall to survey its condition.  He speaks with the wall guards and other troops assigned to the wall to gain as much information as he can about the nature of the attacks on the wall, its current stability and if the troops have any ideas about how to save the wall from falling.

After gaining as much information as possible he reports back to Commander Lady Daniella.  He would brainstorm with her and others about what might be done based on the facts before them.  He would suggest the Coalition net launchers and/or Argali's Balistas be positoned strategically near the wall.  If they can be camouflaged or disguised, they might have one shot, only one, to strike at the sweeping dragons as they attempt to skim the wall top.  After that the dragons will be aware of the new devices and they will become much less affective.  He would also suggest placing some standard balistas on the interior of the Fort, and positon a spotter to guide the balistas projectiles to the enemies siege engines now targeting the West wall.  The spotter will have to have a good look down below and direct changes in distance and sidewards.  Once the balista has been properly sighted in, a tar and fire projectile could be used to burn the construction of the enemies sieges.  Griff listens for ideas and after excused he heads back to the Wall to build the morale of the wall guards and monitor the situation.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2011, 12:54:58 am »
**Lance looks down at Andrew as he is supervising the preparations from his steed, his wife mounted on the back of the old steed, his eyes look at the scene with some concern, and yet, he seems calm looking how the armies of the Fort*

Speak please with Lady Commander Stormhaven on that, She might have better knowledge of what resourses the fort hold, She will surely help you if you explain what you need.  

**the man seems concerned , yet someohow calm, he is seen speaking with a group of elite, of his personal guard, the famous Company of the Star, Giving specific instructions for them to retrieve the bodies of their fallen comrades and bring them back, where he orders the preparation for burying rituals for them *
// This is before he departs to Hilm of course


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2011, 01:23:04 am »
*Wren Finally makes his way to Last Hope. he seeks out Steel if he cant find him he goes to the Lady Commander to to see where he can be of use*

Script Wrecked

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2011, 02:04:09 am »
Quote from: Dezza
As the adventurers arrived in the Fort the ballistae, specially prepared for the dragon head bolts were ready. One had been badly damaged in one of the assaults but the other 9 were good to go. Argali was informed she was now in charge of those forces protecting and directing the special Ballistae.

Argali makes a congratulatory nod of acknowledgment to Vrebel, Griff and Kromlek on their commissions before heading off to take charge of the ballistae crew.

She instructs the crews in the use of the dragon head ballista bolts, how they are designed to pierce dragon hide, being made from mithril dug from the Deep by an elf named Razeriem, and forged in the hottest furnaces of Molten Island. She points out the critical thing is to remove the safety pin(1) before shooting them, so that the bolt will explode, hopefully after penetrating deep into the dragon.

She deploys the ballistae about the largest open area(2) in the Fort, against the walls that define the area, such that they collectively have a clear field of view of the sky above, but aren't (too badly) exposed to other potential ballistica(3). She instructs the crews to fashion defensive walls about their positions from whatever broken masonry and rubble is to hand.

She then heads up a work detail, gathering up whomever might be available, to lay their hands on any available tarpaulins, curtains, drapes, even tapestries. With these materials, she instructs them to fashion makeshift awnings above the ballistae(4) so each ballista is concealed from above, even going so far as to have gravel and dust thrown over them to attempt to help them blend into the general debris about the fort.

// that's the plan, anyway ;) //

(1) safety rod/spike might be a better description; viz, the "pin" is not insubstantial
(2) though hopefully back from the bombarded western wall
(3) ballistica: the collective name for all that ballistic material flying around in the air that might kill you; yes, I just made it up, but there should be such a word; shrapnel is a specific type of ballistica
(4) the awnings are completely clear of the the ballistae, such that the ballista are fully operable under the awnings


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2011, 03:04:04 am »
*Vrebel accepts the battlefield commission with a nod to Commander Daniella and immediately heads to the North wall to access its integrity.  He briefly introduces himself to the wall unit congratulating them for their valor and steadfastness and makes sure they keep it up.

Utilizing his skills in forging metal, and working with all manner of stone and wood he directs those with such skills in how best to repair and strengthen the wall's weaker areas.

Vrebel gathers information from the troops on the types of attacks they have encountered.  Over the next couple of days he observes their prowess and makes note of those with advanced skill in archery and melee.  He combines the advanced archers together into a special unit ordering them to target the cults seige weapons using flame tipped arrows.  He also gives them direct orders to shower any drach units heading north toward Hilm especially the wooden caravans and supply units if they are in range.

He lets his troops know he is there for them and any ideas he will listen to but, in no uncertain terms, he tells them their job is to keep the cult occupied and no matter what hold the wall.

He then suggests to Commander Daniella that they implement a means of notifying the fort of dragon sightings such as horns on each wall to give advanced notice of incoming dragon attacks to reduce casualties.*

In a brief and uncommon respite in the attacks Vrebel lights up a yew pipe stuffing in some golden splender and ganders over the walls at all the drach units and campfires muttering with a grin.*

If only Sasha could see me now


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2011, 07:14:03 am »
Andrew searches for Daniella, waiting to speak to her in a line of people with concerns and information.

When it is his turn, he bows and does not waste time with pleasantries.

"Paladin Stormhaven.  Lance said you were more in touch with the resources of the Fort; I have both the plans for and the materials to build one of the net-throwers the Coalition was working on, bless the Muse.  However the instructions are  Which I do not read.  Is there anyone on the grounds who can?  Preferably an engineer or tinker or someone with a good eye for putting complicated things together?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2011, 07:54:27 am »
Quote from: willhoff

He then suggests to Commander Daniella that they implement a means of notifying the fort of dragon sightings such as horns on each wall to give advanced notice of incoming dragon attacks to reduce casualties.*

Daniella nods to Vrebel and tells him to see to it that it is done.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2011, 08:52:54 am »
In the final week (s) of fighting in Sederra, Daniel dispatches letters to the Church Authorities of Western Gate asking for direction and after one battle seeks out Generel T'sek.  He inquires as to where they will fight next and when making it clear that he would much prefer to bolster the defenses of the Fort of Last Hope, but stands ready to aid where ordered.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2011, 09:58:43 am »
Quote from: RollinsCat
Andrew searches for Daniella, waiting to speak to her in a line of people with concerns and information.

When it is his turn, he bows and does not waste time with pleasantries.

"Paladin Stormhaven.  Lance said you were more in touch with the resources of the Fort; I have both the plans for and the materials to build one of the net-throwers the Coalition was working on, bless the Muse.  However the instructions are  Which I do not read.  Is there anyone on the grounds who can?  Preferably an engineer or tinker or someone with a good eye for putting complicated things together?"

Daniella assigns a few soldiers to help Andrew figure out how to put the plans together.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2011, 10:25:45 am »
As preparations are made, fortifications are strengthened, duties are assigned and drills are run, Gel'larian wanders about the Fort engaging those whose duties are not pressing at that time.  For those who need mirth he sings and play on his guitar, for those who need inspiration, he tells the tale of their victory in Sederra, for those who need soothing he talks of home, and those who need comfort he merely listens to their tale.

After he has seen to the emotional comfort of all who are open to it, he approaches the command center and politely asks to speak with the duty commander about some relief for the brave men and women putting their lives on the line.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2011, 12:50:05 pm »
*Following the battle, Portlie Dumas escorts Andrew Reid about on his tour with his head held even higher. He does not mention the battle, but his voice holds an extra frisson when he talks to the ladies he comes across.

His brother Arfur is always there or thereabouts, composing poems and rhymes, usually while Portlie is making sketches of any that strikes his fancy (and that usually of the female persuasion).*


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2011, 02:15:06 pm »
Hardragh spends some time recuperating from their little foray, though his mood does not seem to improve much. At some point he may be seen wandering towards the Fort Commander's tent.