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Author Topic: Fort of Last Hope  (Read 5361 times)


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #220 on: May 11, 2011, 12:14:13 am »
Quote from: willhoff
Then we enter the Portal and finish off whats left.  You think that explosion will damage the Ori portal on their end?  *He looks to Connor for the first time for his response*  If so, we might have ta be waitin' on the outside and rush in from a spot Gel thinks is safe.

"So far, anything I've sent through the portal has gone through without interference," says Connor. "I suspect their device is clever enough to know when something is alive and when it is not."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #221 on: May 11, 2011, 12:26:27 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
"So far, anything I've sent through the portal has gone through without interference," says Connor. "I suspect their device is clever enough to know when something is alive and when it is not."

*Vrebel nods in thanks to Connor*

"Then we'll need a livey.  I say snag one of them Kuhl soldiers off the wall tie em' up and send em through with the care package.  If you think they're detection device can tell a drach from a dwarf then we go strait in fully warded like Wren n' Gel suggestin".


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #222 on: May 11, 2011, 12:31:16 am »
Connor suddenly snaps his fingers and says emphatically to no one in particular:


Without another word (not immediately anyway) he returns to the portal chamber and begins talking with some enthusiasm with the mages who helped establish the portal.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #223 on: May 11, 2011, 10:25:25 am »
Fresh from some vital art work underground a halberdier takes abreak from protecting an ilsarian bard to say a few words of hope to those actually doing the fighting at the Fort walls. Close to the fighting but not too close he inspires them thus.
 Half a hope, half a chance
 All stood to the Last Hope
All in the shadow of death
 strode the stone bound
Forward, the free Company!
Charge for your sons!: He said
Into the shadow of death
Strode the stone bound
 Forward, the Free Company
Was there a soul dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldier knew
 Someone had blunder'd
Theirs not to make reply
Theirs not to reason why
Theirs but to do and die
Into the shadow of Death
 Strode the stone bound.
 Drach to right of them
Dragon to left of them
Mother in front of them
 Volley'd and thunder'd
Storm'd at with arrow and spell
Boldly they strode and well
Into the jaws of Death
Into the mouth of Mother
 Strode the stone bound
 Flash'd all their halberds bare
Flash'd as they turn'd in air
stabbing the Dragons there
Charging an army, while
 All the world wonder'd
Plunged in the acid-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke
Drach and Dragon buckled
Reel'd from the sabre stroke
 Shatter'd and sunder'd
Then they rallied back, but not
 Not the mixed hundred
 Drach to right of them
Dragon to left of them
Mother in front of them
 Volley'd and thunder'd
Storm'd at with arrow and spell
While Captain and hero fell
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death
Back from the mouth of Mother
All that was left of them
 Left of mixed hundred


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #224 on: May 11, 2011, 10:53:39 am »
One more.  That was all he'd been able to help - just one more.  The woman wasn't where the Toranite had said but another man, a blacksmith he did recall, had made a break for the wall and made it up with Andrew's help and four arrows in his back and legs.  Thank the Muse this one wasn't a worshipper of anyone in particular - he healed the wounds with Ilsare's song and ducked arrows coming at his position.  His invisibility song had dropped a while ago.

They were stationing below the walls now.  No one else was getting through.  A scream, and he saw someone go down in a circle of weapons; he could not watch any more.

"Master Reid, Commander Stormhaven is calling for you."  He nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice beside him.

"Do you know why?"

"Something about clearing tunnels."

He nodded and rose, dispelling his magic once below the lip of the wall.  She'd asked for him.  That meant one of two things: either she felt his services would be valuable, or she was running out of real options.

He'd bet the latter.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #225 on: May 11, 2011, 12:27:18 pm »
After being gone with a team into the passages under the Fort for just about 24 hours, Daniella returns and sends a message to Connor and the portal crew.

"Tell them that we aren't going to send anyone through the portal.  We have another way out."

The soldier salutes. "Yes, Commander"

"Oh," Daniella adds, "ask them if they know how to fix a wild magic issue.  If they can't it's not critical, we can work around it, but there is one down there."

The soldier nods again, then turns to leave to deliver the message.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #226 on: May 12, 2011, 09:33:33 am »
Hearing that Daniella would be leading a foray in to the tunnels, Gel'larian sighed, wishing that his injuries would not keep him from joining them.  He knew he was needed here, to help inspire, or tend to the wounded, or lead archery volleys.  

Connor and the team of mages talked incessantly about variations and permutations of the Al'Noth that escaped his meager learning, the glow of the portal painting them in a harsh light that was giving him a headache.  He ducked out with a mumbled farewell and returned to his bunk, where his bow and bandages lay.  

Stringing his bow with the magic string that could produce silver arrows as the sky can raindrops, he wondered if this fort might become his crypt.  They were pushed back on every front, the dead and dying outnumbered the able in his estimation.  His stomach twisted in jealousy as he thought about the party who now tried to find a way from this monotonous Pit.  Fight, sing, dream, fight, sing, dream.  His days stretched in to weeks.  A routine thought up in the mind of the most cynical philosophers.  A maelstrom in which spirits are devoured.

A quick sip of water from his canteen, a hum to get his voice ready and he headed towards the walls.  Alarums sounded and squads of infantry rush this way and that towards the latest probe of the North Wall, to put out the newest fire, to support the unfortunate victims of the Ori's attention.  Gel'larian floated along, immune to the panic, immune to the fear, his heart inured by the thought that the situation cannot get more grave than it already is.

A globe of flame exploded no more than twenty paces from his position and his instincts sent him in to a graceful roll.  He felt the flames lick his legs, his nerves screamed out for a moment, but the heat was not enough to incapacitate him.  He grimaced and looked up to see a Myr'Drach land and begin rending hapless men limb from limb.  A ring of Runic Anvil dwarves quickly formed around the Myr'Drach, their courage steeled as they stared death in the eye.

The bitter dismay that filled Gel'larian this day surged inside him and a spell song escaped his lips.  Formed in the carving sounds of the dwarven tongue, lyrics of bile and death were projected at the Myr'Drach.  A story in song was painted of his wrathful vengeance, the last gasp of people pushed over the edge and in to the abyss of rage.

The dwarves bristled in surprise; Gel'larian later would wonder if it was because he sang in their tongue or rather at the furnace of dark feeling he hurled in his spell-singing.  The tide of the song swept the surprise of the soldiers away and drew their focus and resolve on to the enemy that threatened them.  As one side of the ring of defenders braced for the Myr'Drach's charge, the other half surged towards it.  

The elfs bow began to sing in harmony with him, the twang of the bowstring deepening his ire for this war.  Arrow after arrow of silver, rune-carved, flew across a bridge of Al'Noth between him and the Myr'Drach; some finding their mark, some bouncing from the abominations hide.  The dwarves axes and hammers battered and crushed the lizard, but by the gods it was hardy!  Each dwarf, with razor-focus and iron discipline, would adjust their shield wall to absord the Drach's ire, like the undulations of a nightcrawler.  Their assault would then be joined by the dwarves in the rear.  

It was just moments since the battle was joined but it seemed a sweat-drenched eternity.  The Drach had left a few of the Anvils number on the ground, but they adjusted and pressed; their foe was wounded, a deep gash on the side of its torso bleeding liberally.  Gel'larians keen eyes spotting this, deepened his breath and the ire of his spell-song came out in an irresistable melody.  The dwarven fury renewed, the Drach turned its eye for a brief instant and saw the archer loose an arrow with preternatural precision.  The Drach spun knocking another dwarf unconscious with its tail but the arrow banked in mid-air and sped home, thudding in to the open gash with a soft squelch.  

The beasts cry of pain was quickly muted as the dwarves took advantage of the brief opening and set upon it all at once.  With deadly precision they hacked and slashed; opening arteries, severing tendons and leaving their foe crippled and dying.  The music ceased and the dwarves let out a mighty cheer and then went to their fallen comrades, hoping to save them to fight another day.  One of their numbers turned to look for the bard, thinking to salute his aid, but saw nothing.

High up on the north wall, another battle rang out.  The ringing was quickly joined by a grim song and a singing bow.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #227 on: May 12, 2011, 10:01:56 am »
Dwarves can take it.  It was something he'd heard many times, but the last few weeks of fighting had shown him this was truth.  Frowning,  Daniel watched Kobal's dwarves pound the Myr'Drach mercilessly, every dwarf in the formation acting in concert with the others.  As one fell, another took its place, such was the courage and discipline of his troops.  Having seen several fall, Daniel had seen enough.  "Sargeant Mulevy!" He bellowed turning to see the dependable man running toward him.  "I'm pulling fifteen knights for corpsman duty from our wall.  You will gather shields and armor and place them as if those men have never left there posts.  Hop to it, Man! Oh, and Sargeant, if we survive this I will personally see you commisioned"  Mulevy offered a snappy salute and ran off.
 Daniel and his hand picked Knights entered the fray cautiously, fighting defensively.  Their goal was to pull as many dwarves and men who were injured back toward the center of the fort, nothing more.  Daniel's first patient was a doughty dwarf with a caved in breastplate and black full beard.  He wasn't breathing, there was little he could do so he moved on...
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #228 on: May 12, 2011, 10:45:15 am »
Quote from: Alatriel
After being gone with a team into the passages under the Fort for just about 24 hours, Daniella returns and sends a message to Connor and the portal crew.

"Tell them that we aren't going to send anyone through the portal.  We have another way out."

The soldier salutes. "Yes, Commander"

"Oh," Daniella adds, "ask them if they know how to fix a wild magic issue.  If they can't it's not critical, we can work around it, but there is one down there."

The soldier nods again, then turns to leave to deliver the message.

Upon receiving the message, Connor simply nods and speaks quietly to himself: "So the choice is retreat..." He shakes his head slightly and focuses his gaze on the solder.

"Tell Daniella that if she wants the wild magic fixed without risking more lives, we need Storold, and if she has any bright ideas on getting him here without a reliable portal, I'm all ears."

When the soldier turns to go, Connor stops him with a few more words.

"Oh and....if she wants to discuss this further, she can come find me. I'll be here."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #229 on: May 12, 2011, 11:14:30 am »
Many hours later, Daniella makes her way down to the lower level of the building that houses the portal where Connor and his team are working.

"Mister Garvill, I received your message.  Storold Doesscha...  If he is our only true choice to fix this magical anomaly, then it seems that we will just have to go around it.  It seemed to affect us the more we were in its presence or near vicinity, but there doesn't seem to be any lasting effects that I can see, and we can probably skirt it easily enough provided the tunnels stay clear.  If your people want to do something with it to fix it in the future, then I suppose that is up to them.  But I highly doubt Mister Doesscha will put aside differences to help this cause, especially coming from me.  If he was able to do that, he'd likely be here already.  

Now, for other matters, though, what will be done with this portal if it remains unreliable?  Can the Drach Ori use it to come here?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #230 on: May 12, 2011, 12:06:40 pm »
Connor shakes his head slightly.

"They can't use the portal against us; that doesn't seem to be how their interference is intended," he says. "I can keep it blocked on this end and in Hilm to prevent this as well, but if you're already resigned to escaping through tunnels, then it truly serves no purpose and we can dismantle it."

"Regarding Storold... he is the safest choice. The Al'Noth does not perturb easily, and neither does it resolve easily either.  To attempt to repair such regions is risky, even deadly. As you seem primarily concerned with the lives of those who would give theirs to defend this fort, I offered the best and safest solution. He is more capable than any one person I know in such matters, and he is even more capable than what a group of experts can manage. We..." He pauses briefly and gestures to the other mages. "...could attempt it, but such is not our strength. I can think of others more suited if you do not wish to request Storold, but we still have the same problem: How do they get here?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #231 on: May 12, 2011, 12:22:12 pm »
Passing on half his ration so a fighting solider can eat more, Andrew heads for the future portal area after returning with the Commander's group and requests access of the guards there.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #232 on: May 12, 2011, 01:08:56 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
Connor shakes his head slightly.

"They can't use the portal against us; that doesn't seem to be how their interference is intended," he says. "I can keep it blocked on this end and in Hilm to prevent this as well, but if you're already resigned to escaping through tunnels, then it truly serves no purpose and we can dismantle it."

"Regarding Storold... he is the safest choice. The Al'Noth does not perturb easily, and neither does it resolve easily either.  To attempt to repair such regions is risky, even deadly. As you seem primarily concerned with the lives of those who would give theirs to defend this fort, I offered the best and safest solution. He is more capable than any one person I know in such matters, and he is even more capable than what a group of experts can manage. We..." He pauses briefly and gestures to the other mages. "...could attempt it, but such is not our strength. I can think of others more suited if you do not wish to request Storold, but we still have the same problem: How do they get here?"

"Unfortunately, I do not have the resources to worry about how to get him here at this time.  If you can get him here, that's one thing.  If you can't... well, it will simply have to wait and I'm sure that your people can worry about the aberration once the war is over.  We'll go around it.  Not everything needs to be dealt with with magic anyways."  Daniella quirks an eyebrow at Connor.  "And who knows, there is a possibility that it may even work to our advantage if we end up with Ori on our tails and they attempt to use magic and end up as... penguins or chickens or something.  For now... if it wouldn't take long to disrupt or dismantle the portal, keep it working for the time being.  Maybe if they think you're still working on it, they'll think that we're still planning on utilizing that as our main lifeline.  It may or may not work, but it's a possibility, and right now, those possibilities are all we have to work with."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #233 on: May 12, 2011, 01:26:11 pm »
Connor listens, maintaining an even expression throughout, something which seems somewhat effortless even.

"When do you plan to evacuate?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #234 on: May 12, 2011, 01:36:23 pm »
"The passage we cleared leads to a place in the Orsgaunt Mountains.  I want to try to hold out here long enough to get close to the deadline given to us by the Tarnished Death so that we can get out and let the Cult overrun the walls, and then let the Dragon have a field day with the inhabitants- which won't be us.  There are passages in those tunnels that once we get our people across we should be able to easily collapse them behind us at least up to a point.  It should give us enough time to get clear.  There are other places where the passages are winding and varied, so hopefully we will lose more of the enemy that way.  We have a map to make sure we keep on the quickest route through to our destination.

Which brings me to another question.  When we leave, do you have a way that an illusion of some sort can cover our exit to make our enemies think we are still here for at least a short while?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #235 on: May 12, 2011, 08:14:49 pm »
Connor grins a bit, some might even consider it somewhat playful.

"Not all problems are solved with magic," he says lightly and without a hint of spite or negativity. "It may be just as effective to leave under the cover of night, leaving torches and fires those on patrol for last to keep up the charade..."

He pauses and smiles briefly before continuing.

"Illusions don't last very long without someone to maintain them, but....perhaps we can cook something up all the same."

His head tips to the side slightly and he seems to change subjects in his mind.

"For sake of curiosity, what's your plan for the next....two and a half weeks?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #236 on: May 12, 2011, 08:27:39 pm »
Daniella smiles, seemingly perhaps even enjoying the back and forth with the mage.  "Yes, well, I would hate to think that those of you who specialize in magic would have nothing left to do, but of course, we'll use whatever works in this case."

Her face then turns more serious as she changes topics to answer his question.

"Honestly, I'm just hoping we can hold out that long.  With the food stores attacked it puts us in a bit of a bind, but with careful rationing and given the decreased numbers..." she frowns as she trails off momentarily, "I think we may be able to last until it is time to evacuate.  Once we get to the mountains we'll move north to Hilm Castle.  They'll need whatever numbers we can offer them because the forces here will simply move north through this husk of a fort once we leave it and move on to their next target.  We need to make it there before they do, Toran willing."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #237 on: May 12, 2011, 08:48:09 pm »
Connor's curiosity seems unbroken despite Daniella's detailed and thoughtful answer.

"But what do you plan to do during that time?" he asks. "You have, beyond those walls, a number of opportunities and I would say a lot of people inside the walls who wouldn't mind taking advantage of some of them."

He leans forward slightly and lowers his voice a bit, as if being conspiratorial.

"Those of us who specialize in magic can help with that too."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #238 on: May 12, 2011, 09:02:52 pm »
"By all means, then, which opportunities are you thinking of?"

She folds her arms and waits, her own expression now curious as to what he's thinking.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #239 on: May 12, 2011, 09:27:25 pm »
Connor shrugs a little, returning to his usual posture.

"Take some of their numbers for a change...strike at the Ori such that we might have a supply line free of interference...parlay with their commander to buy us some time against their attacks..."

He shrugs again.

"Isn't that the domain of the military?"

He raises an eyebrow and waits for Daniella's response.