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Author Topic: Honor, Conquest and Silent Suffering....  (Read 514 times)


Honor, Conquest and Silent Suffering....
« on: August 05, 2011, 04:32:37 am »
In war torn regions it is always a bright spot when heroes  are celebrated and the world is given a chance to breath easy and think the best of some. This was of course no less true in war torn Belinara despite dynamically opposed powers vieing for control of the land, and indeed, themselves. On a bitterly cold day in Hilm, in the outer courtyard of the castle bearing the same name, hundreds upon hundreds gathered together to do just that: Think the best of some.  

 Dressed in full regalia, Lord Alexandar stood full honors for a collection of people who, at first glance, seemed nothing but  a rag-tag bunch of riffraff. Frankly, in amongst the near blinding crowd of plated soldiers and brightly dressed people of the land, the honorees stood out more for their oddness than heroic appearance. It didn't matter, not to them, nor to those who celebrated them. It was too easy to remember the battles here, too easy  to remember all they had done for the people of Hilm and indeed, the world.  

 Called forth each in turn: Mysterious G'ork, Stout Kromlek Stormaxe and Gunder Harbist, and the Rough Looking Vrebel were presented with the Honorary Captain in Hilm Protectorate. Each was regaled with excerpts of battles their peers recalled on the fateful day the Cult was turned back from Hilm Castle. Standing proud (either feigned or real), shouts of many a cheerful reward (usually in the form of alcohol) is offered from their fellows.  

 Jillseponie Kendall, the lithe elf of unknown years, is honored as Scout Warden of Hilm Protectorate. Well meaning jeers are sent through the crowd, calling for the dwarf hidden in her pouches to do her heavy hitting. In truth, this is probably the only place such things would be said for there were too many targets for the formidable woman to hit before she was taken down in retaliation. Instead she only  quirked a sharp brow in the general direction before  cheers went up on her behalf.  
 Each is penned in true military style and greeted with the customary call, the motto of Hilm. “Protect, Defend, Endure, Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!” Repeated throughout the courtyard in a booming chant, that seems as if it should rattle the rubble and crenelations of the castle walls. The sharp of ear and familiar to the regions of Belinara would catch the dialects and other languages adding to the call of  the victorious.  

 At the end of the ceremony, a touching eulogy is read by members of the standing army who witnessed the fall of Chaynce Baldu'muur. His final hours are recounted to the soldiers, describing him as an honorable man with a sharp  tongue and firm resolve. It was remembered that his last breath was taken in the arms of his lady, the proud Lady Daniella Stormhaven. It was remembered that he never flinched and asked little.  

 Also remembered was Sallaron Tempest. Early when the world barely cared about the domination of  Kuhl's boarders Sallaron began touching on the powers that  would eventually matter in the final hours. Wherever  he lay, wherever his family be, they are thought of with honored blessings from a crowed of  battle hardened, thankful, soldiers.  


 The brews flowed in Hilm, Lord Alexandar tapping some of the barrels long reserved for celebrations such as this. While he partook little he encouraged those o f h is staff to celebrate and be merry. The weathered and weary look on his square face said what did not need saying on a day such as this. That there are too few of them in these times was a  thought all knew and few spoke so as not  to ruin the mood of their peers.  

 Deep within a pack of Toranites, Azk'a is called on to recount many a tale of battling those scaley green  (censored). There is more than celebration in the eyes of these men as they listen to Azk'a detail the weaknesses the Cult's toughest and fearsome soldiers. Honor and not little awe reflected in their faces.

 Another elf, this a wild thing in contrast to Jillesponie's immaculate presence, threw back brews with the best of the dwarves and humans, able to drink no few under the table. “And let me tell you! Those boarders thick with them.  Still, with the right kind of paper,” he paused and rubbed to coins in between his thumb and forefinger to indicate the kind of 'paper'  he meant, “You could get in past 'em. That was just the outer rims though. Inside... Inside deep it was another matter and thank the  gods for my willing conspirators...” He shook  his head and continued on to tell about some of the braver merchants willing to stick their necks out on his behalf to bring back that crucial information outside the boarders...  


 Somewhere deep within Kuhl on that same day posters of yet another elf were being put up. Fair faced and slight, Elohanna's likeness was posted on Kuhl message boards the country over. Over her head the letters marked the leader's wrath, the damnation of the frail creature. Fifty  thousand true, a sum enough to feed the largest of families for generations, it said. Fifty thousand true for her lifeless body at the feet of the Cult's masters.... Sharp eyes memorized  her features, taking in all they could and hating her.
 In the back rooms where those not blinded by the Cult's message, her name is breathed with honor. She, the elvish woman who  defeated the taint within her body... The embodiment that the Cult could be defeated....


 Sitting on rock faced cliffs, like so  many cliché bitter gulls, a small group of Stormbringers shared their exploits from Audria's battle. Each built upon the one before, talking up the battle with glee... A name is spoken among them with inflections of honor though he could be a threat just as easily. Hardragh. They would remember him and watch his progress....  


 In the weeks following the battle of Hilm Castle, the diet returned to her place in Lor. It was the place she should be, and the city shuddered and flustered like an irritated bird just before settling as the tall blond woman walked through the streets. Just beside her, the dark elf, companion strode easily enough. None would ever say it to her face, but behind her they called her the Diet's shadow, dark and dangerous in all the ways a shadow is deceitful and poisonous. But not everyone is blinded by the justifiable distrust. Some know her for all she sacrificed, some know her for her pure strength of character and power.  

 Too they know the true depth of Diet Angela's power, that she was the protagonist in their side of the story. Her deeds in the war, despite Lor's small  part in it, were murmured in even the dark places of the city and the world beyond it's  docks. The two women would be remembered for their parts as well. For now the wise and gullible alike scattered out of their path like settling feathers.....


 //Your influence in the world  has increased in the world, and your GMs have been dually notified for future developments for each. More to follow for several others....