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Author Topic: Katrien's meeting with Jewel  (Read 207 times)


Katrien's meeting with Jewel
« on: April 08, 2007, 02:33:53 pm »
Kat loads Fred, her aging ox, with the supplies she has gathered for Jewel and her community.  She asks one of Henri's miners to help her with the delivery, knowing both a male and commoner presence will help to make the people more comfortable.  Dressed in a simple dress, cloak and shoes, the garb of working class people, she heads out of city with her loaded ox and escort. She passes various adventurers as she makes her way to the community of Hempfields.
Her face is not unknown in the areas as she can often be seen gathering the wild cotton and grains outside the village.  She stops and asks a desperately thin child for directions to Jewel's house and rewards her with a loaf of bread from the pack. Once she finds the home she waits to be invited inside.  She presents Jewel with the bundle of goods on the ox and asks her to distribute it among those most in need in her community. Kat spends time with the family and any others in the community that happen by.  She does her best to avoid animosity and tries not to make her contribution seem like charity. She realizes these people may be poor, but they have their pride as well.  She asks Jewel to work with her in identifying the needs of the community both in the short and long term, and if possible she offers some type of employment for them.  This could be piece meal sewing services from the women, and a promise to purchase agricultural products from the community
... anything that would give these people hope and let them know their plight is not a forgotten one.