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Author Topic: Nesar's response to Siphe  (Read 874 times)


Nesar's response to Siphe
« on: June 08, 2012, 06:07:03 am »
Even as a horde of heavily armed Fire Giants wend their way through Siphe Castle down in Arnax a phalanx of fifty Heavy Lancers of the Dark Guards stands at attention before the palace of Queen Maillard. In their centre is a heavily decorated carriage containing the Queens second oldest daughter of 16 years, Princess Shey'kar. The Elite Lancers stand at attention next to their mounts which are wearing darkened leather barding and red steel bridles, bits and accoutrements. Each Lancer holds upright a tall lance with a pennant on the end of them bearing the emblem of Nesar.

Queen Maillard gazes out over them, numerous court functionaries gathered around her. A mage casts some cantrips and when the Queen speaks her voice carries clearly to everyone gathered there.

"You, chosen men of the Dark Guards, I give unto you the safety of my daughter, one of my own blood. She is to be delivered to the Siphe Principality, unharmed, or not one, not ten, but all of your lives are forfeit. Not even all your blood combined is as precious to me as my daughters blood, nor as powerful. Fail me in this and after your lives are sacrificed I shall hand what remains to the temple in the city to do with as they will. Succeed and you will be richly rewarded. Four years you are to remain there as her guards. None are to touch her, she is Lord Siphes and Lord Siphes alone. Now go and fulfill your mission."

As one the Dark Guards raise their lances high and chant in unison "All Hail the Queen, All hail Nesar."

The courtyard then becomes a hive of activity as the fifity Lancers mount up and the column began its journey northwards.

