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Author Topic: Retaking Hilm  (Read 5663 times)


Retaking Hilm
« on: June 24, 2011, 10:28:12 pm »
Within three weeks of Molvarens departure from Hilm thousands line the still rubble strewn streets of Hilm city to watch line after line of soldiers, cavalry, pikes, shields and a various assortment of supplies and auxilery as they wend their way out of the castle and surrounding city and into the lands surrounding them heading south. Their ultimate destination being Briardusk.

At their lead is several hundred mixed cavalry and a shining figure bearing a Toranite standard. Behind Lady Daniella Stormhaven rode a score of hand picked Toranite shock cavalry and then came the various functionaries and army commanders from Hilm as well and so on and so forth. Long lines of rejuvenated and eager soldiers marching to reclaim their lost lands.

The only dark side to mar the leaving of the fifteen thousand strong army was the announcement that the legions of Rael troops will soon be recalled from Hilm unless Lord Rael is invited by the leaders to continue to support the war effort in its new phase.

Sir Lance, Queen Langovale, Lord Alexander and many others watched from the castle walls as the army led by Lady Daniella flowed south along the main road. Sir lance knew that if Rael withdrew it would leave Hilm Castle vulnerable again with many of its soldiers travelling with Lady Daniella to reclaim the lands south of Hilm Castle. He also know he had to work hard to prevent others from deciding their job wsa done and taking their soldiers away as well. The war was far from done yet.

As he stood on the wall Lance looked around the horizon, dark clouds still hung in the air to the north and the south west over the Orsgaunt mountains. While to the north west the sky was dark speckled with black and orange as even from this vast distance the fires and smoke from the erupting volcano's of Molten Isle cast a dark shadow over the entire northern regions of the world.

He worried that soon Boyer would also recall their troops since their country had been affected to a large degree by the fallout of ash and fires sparked by lava balls thrown hundreds of miles from the volcanos of Molten Isle that had truck their northern regions.

Work had arrived that morning that Ractrafiorez had been back to the renmants of Fort of last Hope and that the Jaedon Siphe's Siphe garra had now reached the five or six thousand mark and continued to grow everyday as highly trained man and women of the Drach Garra abandoned their Cult Masters in favour of the former General.

So too word had finally arrived of the Cult defeat at Zolinar and the horror stories that came with them of demons and devils, of the Risen Storan and the complete and utter destruction of Zolinar so that every building, every stone, every blade of grass had been reduced to nothing. Zolinar no longer existed but a barren and scorched area of forest that once housed a bustling and thriving city. Queen Langovale had wept when she heard what had happened and deputations had already been sent to Nesar to protest at what had occured.  Lance worried about Sundance and the Nesar army there doing the same thing but was reassured due to it being under Razeriem and Gork's control for the moment with no Corathites present. he knew one day there would have to be a reckoning for the leaders of the army that assaulted Zolinar, that this man who called himself the Mad Doctor would have to be found and dealt with...and Storan..well, that was a new worry for the future.

As Lance watched the army depart he considered his own departure in two days time. With Rael potentially withdrawing it was not going to give him anywhere near the 20,000 soldiers he was hoping to take to Sundance. In fact he and Lord Alexander had engaged in stern words he day before over just how many Lance would be able to take. Lord Alexander wanted at least ten thousand soldiers left to protect Castle Hilm and the north as well as the supply route to Alhon. That meant Lance could only field five to ten thousand able soldiers to go south. The plans had changed slightly in that he would give Daniella a head start then advance south and bypass the engagement at Briardusk. If Daniella looked like she was going to have problems the advance to Sundance would be given up and lance would join her at Briardusk, but for now he would go to Sundances aid.

As Daniella's large army slowly moved south her scouts spread far and wide. At regular intervals groups made up of about three scores would move off to resecure border posts to the west while other hunting parties ranged to the east towards the Orsgaunt mountains to flush out any remaining pockets of Cult soldiers or wayward Myr'drachs. Eerily however their advance south meet no resistance and within days the army was a hundred miles south of Castle Hilm and not far from the remains of Wallach's crypt.

Here the army settled for several more days while Daniella confirmed through arriving scouts who reported to Jillseponie that their rear was clear, the border posts reinstated and Lances army was on the move. Daniella knew the next week and a half would be unpleasant for the army following her, a journey through the Withered lands was hard enough at the best of times but when you faced the possibility of being attacked by hostile forces as well as the hostile natural creatures that lived there it was going to be unplesant indeed. She knew at some point she would branch off and head to Fort of last Hope while Captain Argali, Captain Vrebel, Captain Kromlek, Captain Gunder, Captain Daniel and others could continue on to Briardusk and settle the army and begin to gather intell on what they faced until she returned, she still worried at every detail and prayed regularly for strength and guidance.

Days later the army packed up and moved into the Withered Lands and within days they met their first resistance. Drach Tesak had set up a myriad of traps and deadfalls throughout different areas and it seemed Drach ori had also set up magical traps as well. Daniella lost a number of soldiers to the deadly traps before slowly the advance and asking some of the more seasoned adventurers to move forward with Jills scouts and support the recovery of the traps. For perhaps the first time in her life she would have liked Lord Arkolio to be present to deal with the traps since he seemed to have a knack for them but then she thought she'd have to put up with his own self aggrandizement for the entire journey. In that moment she was glad he decided his Katherian soldiers and he would stay in Hilm and help with the clean up. Mind you she was a bit concerned about hearing they were looting the bodies as opposed to cleaning them up.

Their movement slowed to a crawl through the ravines and it took more than a week to reach the other side and be within a few days march of Briardusk itself. Here Daniella stopped the army again and prepared to take a small group to the east to hopefully meet and speak with the former Cult General, Jaedon Siphe. It was here she heard some disturbing news. A Toranite patrol had failed to return from a sweep in the Withered Lands. Almost a score of solid dependable Toranites unnacounted for. Daniella waited another day while Ferrit was sent out with Jill to look at the area they were supposed to be and when they returned they reported finding no trace of the patrol.

Concerned but unable to do much about the incident, Daniella gave her Captains their instructions and left with a score of Toranite Cavalry as well as Drexia and Ferrit and set off for the remains of Fort of last Hope.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2011, 04:58:45 am »
Two weeks later and so much has happened!

Lady Daniella has returned to the army camped north of Briardusk with startling news. A fanatical sect of Toranites were behind the attacks on the Siphe Garra and have been brought down and Jaedon Siphe has issued a startling request that has left many Hilmites angry and confused. He wants to carve out his own little kingdom in the middle of Hilm.

In the last day also Sir Lance has arrived from securing Sundance in Hilm control. Having left most of his force there to secure the lands to the original border with Nesar he has arrived with a smaller force to join the existing one waiting to assault Briardusk.

Sergeant Brank Far has brought 1000 Elite Heavy Nesar Infantry to join the fight.

A number of adventurers have begun to arrive at the scene also in preparation for the coming conflict.

Scouts have spent their time trying to find ways in, out, around, under and over in getting into Briardusk coming up against blank walls at every occassion.

What they have been able to find out is that there is maybe eight to ten thousand soldiers, which includes maybe 5 or 6 hundred Myr'drachs and approximately a third of the army being enlisted Drachs of different orders within the city. They also indicate there are a number of Drach Ori and ex adventurers as well.

It is clear to all those arriving that the enemy have dug ditches around the city and filled them with as much debris and dead wood as can be found for miles in each direction in the Withered Lands. They have soaked the ditches in thick oil as well. The city is surrounded by not one but three rings of thick earthernwork walls reinforced by steel framework inside them. The outer two formed in the last few months after they took the city. Dragon fire has been used to bake the walls to a dense and extremely hard consistency.

The concerning matters as well is that the Drach Oi have also set up some sort of magical defense around the city. There are buildings at regular points with large metal rods protruding from them and extending at least 60 feet into the air. There is one of these buildings in a ring around the inner city every 1200 feet or as close as possible to it. At night the metal rods create a humming sound that can be heard across the withered lands to where the army is camped to the north awaiting orders.

As well as that at night there are strange growling sounds coming from a building close to the middle of the city.

Two dragons have also been causing trouble destroying a number of war machines set up by the allied forces. On top of this night allied sentries have sworn they saw a large dark shape fly over the allied lines on more than one occassion but have assumed its one of the dragons.

At least a dozen scouts have been lost, never returning on scouting missions.

Finally the land around the city lives up to its name, the Withered Lands and is barren of just about everything meaning the army is relying heavily on supplies being brought down almost daily from Castle Hilm.

Into this situation, with Lady Daniella's arrival with five Siphe Garra War Advisors plans begin to be made for the inevitable assault on the city.

Script Wrecked

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2011, 08:11:08 am »
Argali addresses the force's commanders.

"The firrst thing we arre doing iz torching their fire ditches, no? Once they have burnt out, then we take the action."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 08:38:16 am »
Steel arrives and spends some time conferring with Razeriem before making his way to Lance Stargazer's command tent. Assuming he is given entry, he addresses the commanders present.

"If you attack Briardusk, Kuhl is lost to Molvaren. This is Molvaren's gambit to drain you of men and leave you nothing with which to retake Kuhl. I would suggest that instead of attacking, you lay in for a prolonged siege. Starve them out. Keep them busy. And then pick a weak point in Kuhl and attack. Force Molvaren to retreat from Hilm just to maintain Kuhl. And then hit Kuhl hard.

Do not make the mistake of attacking Briardusk. Your men will suffer and die, and all you will have accomplished is regaining a crumbled city and a weakened Hilm that sits next to a secure Kuhl. I'll say it again, do not attack Briardusk."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 09:50:35 am »
Daniella looks at Steel.

"Your suggestion is noted and will be taken into consideration, Mercenary."

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 10:08:50 am »
*Jil quietly looks over her map making notes and moving markers according to reports that come in, appraising the others when anything important is given to her (See Scouting descriptions above).  She keeps an ear open to the discussions going on, waiting to interject her thoughts when appropriate.*

Script Wrecked

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 10:09:42 am »
"We can make the double feign, no? We set fire to theirr ditches, which will make everything smokey and be verry annoying for them. We take ourr army past Briarrdusk into Kuhl. Hopefully, they will be going, 'oh my goodness, what iz going on?' Hopefully, they will not be able to resist, and come out after us, possibly with the intent of pincerring us between anotherr forrce from inside Kuhl. Instead, our secondarry forrce comes up behind their Briarrdusk forrce which has now taken to the field, and we arre pincerring them between ourr two forrces. Then we retake Briarrdusk and proceed into Kuhl.

"It all depends on how much forrces we have, and how much forrces they have."

In a softer voice, "It would be the good opporrtunity forr the General Siphe to be showing which side of the fence he iz sitting."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2011, 10:59:51 am »
"Siphe has said that Briardusk was the staging area for something big that the Drach Ori were planning.  They are prepared for us, and I agree, they probably want us to attack them."  Daniella looks over those gathered.  "I had hoped that General Siphe would join our forces to help retake Kuhl.  He still might, however, we can't count our chickens before they're hatched.  As of now, we have what we have here.  We've fought some of the other so-called Grand Plans of the Ori before.  We destroyed their mechanism that was spoiling all of the food at Last Hope, and we've fought against countless Myr'drachs and other abominations over the years, and there are some of us here that fought against the vile contraption surrounding the Broken One's body.  If those weren't big, then I don't really know what is.  But we have to prepare for the worst.  There is a possibility that there are no innocents left alive in Briardusk.  But even if every single citizen of Hilm has been killed, we still have to retake this city.  We have to get them out of Hilm.  Captain Trueaxe, your plan is good.  Let's see what else we can come up with before we make the final decision."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2011, 12:27:25 pm »
*Wren surveys Briardusk, taking in all the information gathered. He listens to the advise being given to the commanders. After Steel and Argali preset plans Wren frowns*

Tough nut to crack. We can break ourselves against this rock if we try to take Briardusk but at the same time we cant leave this force behind us. Also whatever last ditch effort the Ori are up to cant be given time to come to fruition. Those rods and that hum at night *shakes his head* there is a lot of power at work. We destroyed a large source of there power when we took out the Broken One's body. Where and what is the source of this current power? Whatever the source there has to be some indication where it is coming from, you cant just mask this large a display.

I cant speak to the large military movements, there are much better military minds here then mine *smiles*. But on the subject of small movements, there may be a play for us to make. Locate and disrupt the source that the Ori are using. That should slow things down here a bit. *looks around*


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2011, 05:19:02 pm »
*Vrebel nods to Steel after hearing the others talk including the commander*

The tables have turned and seems that Briardusk is Molvaren's Fort of Last Hope.  He'll want us to be here for a while.

The longer we lay seige at Briardusk the stronger and more fortified Molvaren becomes in Kuhl.  Briardusk feels different somehow.  The humming from those buildings dont sound good and I bet it means alot of charred bodies before this fight is over.  They got two dragons, hordes of mydrachs and some impressive physical barriers to overcome.

But they possibly have women and little girls in there that may still be alive.  They're doin things to them I dont even wanna imagine.  I aint one to run from a fight especially when there's women folk to save. *He furrows his brows*

I say we take the fight to Dusk.  If Siphe wants to prove that he deserves his little kingdom he better help us.  This is in his so called kneck of the woods anyways!

If he joins us in Briardusk then we can re deploy to Kuhl and let him show his worth by continuing the seige in Dusk.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2011, 12:58:31 am »
*Gunder chimes in confidently*

Oi say we crush da forces at Briardusk, den keep on movin' roight to da heart a Kuhl fer Molvaren.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2011, 01:02:37 am »
*Wren listens to Vrebel*

Not so sure it is a good idea to bring Siphe here and leave him here. He has not really turned sides, he has merely seized the opportunity to get himself a kingdom. I don't think he can be trusted with our backs at this point. Just my opinion of course *grins*


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2011, 07:37:41 am »
Daniella speaks up again.

"Alright, I'll have not one more word against Jaedon Siphe.  I know as well as the rest of you what he's done against us.  Apparently none of you realize what he's done for us just yet.  I'm not saying you have to become friends with him, but you should at least understand this.

When we met at Last Hope, he gave us time to recover our dead.  He continued the fight because he felt he had to.  Even still, he gave us time to recover each night from that point on.  He didn't have to.  He gave us the opportunity to destroy the Drach Ori camp and the device that was destroying our supplies.  Yes, I'm sure you could argue that it benefitted him as well, but it benefitted us more.  He was supposed to join Molvaren against us in Fort Hilm.  He didn't do that.  Instead he told me he would find a way to not be able to make it there.  In fact, he has pulled forces out of Kuhl and away from Molvaren.  Yes, we have fought against him for years.  Yes, he is a stubborn and unyielding man in combat, but he defeated us at the Fort of Last Hope.  He has upheld his side of the truce.  A truce that our side has now breached once because of disobedient, rash actions.  Something that caused the deaths of good men and women, and almost cost us this very fragile truce that we have now.  

So if you can't understand that what he did for us was give us opportunities to do what we've done, then understand this.  I know that that man has at least kept his word to me.  If that man says that he is joining forces with the Allied troops, then he is joining with the Allied troops, and if any one of you from that point on decides to try to betray him or his men because of spite you will answer to me directly.  If you are planning it now before he has been given enough time to make a decision that will affect the lives of his men and their families, then go ahead and leave now.  I do not reward honor with betrayal, and I will not stand for it either."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2011, 09:30:15 am »
Vrebel seems a bit taken back by Commander Daniella's fervent support of Siphe but keeps his composure and offers a slow salute to her and a nod to Wren before speaking

I agree Commander with what you said regardin' Siphe and his actions up ta now.  He fought us hard at Hope, displayed honor in battle and gave us chances in this war that we wouldn't of had otherwise.

Far as his thoughts and motives *shrugs and gives Daniella his best poker face*  I'm guessin' you'd know em' better than anyone here.

As we sit, our forces are in danger of bein' surrounded on three fronts durin' this seige.  Briardusk to our south, Molvaren to our west and Siphe to our east.

He glances at Wren

I dont like that Siphe is aligned with Ractrafiorez but I'm inclined to agree with Commander here.  If he fights against Briardusk that's one less front we have ta worry about.  He is skilled at laying seige as he has proven in Hope.  Heck maybe even give him his rocky kingdom in exchange for his help at Dusk.  But I dont make those kinda decisions thank the gods.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2011, 10:08:18 am »
*Tralek waits and listens while the others speak and at a pause he would interject*

Hmm, yes, Briardusk is going to be a tough battle for sure.  They are fully prepared for us.  To leave it and go into Kuhl I think unwise though.  *Nods to Daniella* Siphe has shown honor in battle and he has fought us hard for sure.  *Nods to Vrebel* I do think it's time though, for Siphe to show he means what he says in wanting to be recognized as a true Hilmite.  We have seen Siphe fight us, but we've not seen him fight against Molvaren.  If he officially wants a part of Hilm, then I think its time we see him and his elite draw swords and spill blood against the Molvaren controlled Briardusk.

In the meantime, before Siphe can get here, we can prep Briardusk for him.  I've been studying this border of magic around their defense and I've noted the buildings at certain intervals.  It is my suspision and theory that these buildings are links into the magic cycle and if you destroy one, it may break the cycle and cause the magic defense to fall.  I say we send a group in to take out one of these magic defense buildings and cause any other havoc we can find on the way.  Then we wait for Siphe to arrive and we stand guard as he and his own make the assault.  If Siphe is worried about leaving Hope, well then he has to trust us too right?  As well, he has the Ractrafiorez to guard it and keep him posted if there are any threats approaching Hope.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2011, 11:30:12 am »
"No, General Siphe is waiting for a decision from the Belinaran nations to support his claim to the lands that he conquered and to appoint him as official steward of the Fort of Last Hope.  If they accept him, he has given his word that he will join us against Briardusk.  If they do not, he feels he has to defend his lands.  He is not going to rejoin Molvaren."

She looks at the members of the Siphe Garra present.  "You five know more about what we can find in Briardusk.  What do they have that we don't know about?"

Lance Stargazer

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2011, 03:45:01 pm »
*Over the conversations Lance is studying the map and before the question to the Siphe garra members he states clearly*

We are taking back the city, That are our orders as they stand, we need to reclaim the territory stolen and this will give us an entrace to Kuhl,

We have indeed no time to lose, Our enemies are securing the Kuhl kingdom as we spoke, withdrawing and fortyfing their defenses, gathering their supplies, the more we spend here the more stronger will be the battles ahead .

**he looks at the Siphe Garra members on the table awaiting for them to Answer to Daniella *


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2011, 06:47:32 am »
It was three days since the order was given to complete the siege around the city and the combined allied host had spread out to completely enclose the city of Briardusk.

Fire and smoke still billowed into the air, at times almost completely obscuring either the city of Briardusk or the surrounding sieging allied army. Since the disastrous assault led by Honorary Captain Vrebel on the eastern defences of the city Lady Daniella had ordered no further assaults and for the trenches to be fired. Before long archer companies from Hilm had advanced in long lines to pepper the trenches with fire arrows and set the thick oil alight.

And now, there seemed no signs of stopping the blaze. There had been plenty of activity over the last three days however. Most of all the fallout from the failed assault and the lost of over half of the Hilm 10th Division as well as many of the adventurers that had joined them. Analysts had spend the last few days going over the details again and again to determine how such an operation could have gone so badly.

The results of which came to light in a meeting with the allied commanders as Sir Lance returned from Castle Hilm yet again with orders from Lord Alexander.  During the meeting it was revealed that the assault failed due to the following reasons.

1/ The enemy trenches proved to be very difficult to navigate over.
2/ There was little magical reinforcement for the assaulting division.
3/ The enemy archers had well defended positions and took a heavy toll on the attackers before they even reached the outer earthwork walls.
4/ The enemy war machines were perfectly geared to strike the trenches and the ground between the trenches and the first earthwork wall providing a clear killing ground.
5/ The nature of the very flat terrain around Briardusk for miles meant the enemy could see everything the allied forces were about to do and were ready for the assault.

Once the analysts had presented their findings with the help of the Siphe Garra to the grim faced and a few red faced people present Sir Lance unrolled the orders from Lord Alexander to be read to those present.

"From Lord Alexander to the allied commanders at Briardusk,
Henceforth let it be known that should any 'actions' be undertaken without sanction of at least one of the following persons, Sir Lance, Lady Daniella, General Polis (who will arrive in a day from Hilm and will act in my capacity at Briardusk), Knight Commander Kerivan of Rofirein or Moraken, who should be with you in a day or so. This directive can only be overridden in the event that all of the above become incapacitated and unable to fulfil or conduct the chain of command effectively on the battlefield. I would suggest that if such was the case then we have lost at Briardusk and there is no hope left."

A few moments of silence fills the air and a few people look around at each other before Daniella speaks.
"I have asked one of the dwarven engineers from Hilm to attend this meeting with Captain Argali. Her, Azka, Kromlek and Gunder took the engineer under cover of the darkness and smoke last night to investigate the trenches and assess how much longer they may burn."

A nervous dwarf steps forward in Hilm colours and speaks,
"Well, it seems dey knew wot dey beh doin', ye see deh oil in deh trenches nay beh burnin' away. Actually it is but dey are bein fed from deh underground or by some means from anudder source and dats why dey not beh goin' away."

Gunder took over at this point and finished explaining how the oil must be being released into the trenches from somewhere and therefore feeding the fire so there is no way of discovering just how long the fire might last.

Ka'troth then added, "If that is the case it certainly seems that everything the enemy is doing here is leading towards drawing out this conflict for as long as possible. It is Undrok's style. He will not willingly engage in battle but rather set traps and lures letting you waste your men due to actions out of frustration or desperation."

Lord Arkolio, who sat in a chair near the back of the tent one leg draped over it then spoke up. "So all you need is a really big cork? Why don't you stick Vrebel into it, he's big and corklike. Besides he has already demonstrated how clever his is at stuffing things up." With a faint grin he rolled a coin across the back of his knuckles then caught it in his fingers.

Vrebel laughed condescendingly but it faded away as several around him gave him dark looks.

"Unfortunately, he's right," Lance quipped, "about stopping the oil anyway." We don't have forever to assault this city. We've got almost fifteen thousand men surrounding Briardusk now and no means for foraging food and water in limited supply. We are relying heavily on supplies from Castle Hilm. Besides that the honour of Hilm is at stake here. If this takes too long we risk losing more of our allies and then we risk the opportunity to recapture Kuhl. So, we are all open to ideas. In the meantime we will be sending out scouts day and night to try and find the source of this oil. IN the meantime Tralek, Dorn, Razeriem and hopefully Moraken when he arrives can work on whatever it is the Ori have in that city for the time when we can actually do something about it."

With that the meeting was ended and people started to drift away to various tasks.

Black Cat

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2011, 11:04:54 am »
Quote from: Dezza
A few moments of silence fills the air and a few people look around at each other before Daniella speaks.
"I have asked one of the dwarven engineers from Hilm to attend this meeting with Captain Argali. Her, Azka, Kromlek and Gunder took the engineer under cover of the darkness and smoke last night to investigate the trenches and assess how much longer they may burn."

A nervous dwarf steps forward in Hilm colours and speaks,
"Well, it seems dey knew wot dey beh doin', ye see deh oil in deh trenches nay beh burnin' away. Actually it is but dey are bein fed from deh underground or by some means from anudder source and dats why dey not beh goin' away."

Gunder took over at this point and finished explaining how the oil must be being released into the trenches from somewhere and therefore feeding the fire so there is no way of discovering just how long the fire might last.

Azk'a listen quietly to the reports made about the fire in the trenches and just grins... in a way of saying I told you but no one listened.

Then when all is said, he ask once again about magical means to collapse the trenches... like a small quake or something of the like... and again points out that if the magicker where still thinking of disrupting the magical field they really must think of the consequences and try NOT to blow the whole city along with the towers.

After he has said his piece he goes away grumbling a little and walks back to the dwarven fire to share food and drinks.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2011, 11:49:02 am »
I have been speaking with a few of my scouts and a couple ideas had some merit.  Or maybe a variation of such.  One suggestion was to get some tunneling engineers.  Someone could measure a distance to a structure inside and we could tunnel our way in.  Who knows, we may come across what they are using to feed the trenches.  The tunneling would provide alot of cover from prying eyes and would hopefully surprise them.

Another thought was to get a hold of some gnomish devices that are anti-magical.  You know, give off a dead-zone or enhanced with major disjunctions and have them catapulted into the city to break down their magical defenses.  I was told Storold had come across these before, but had them destroyed.  If we were to find more ...  

Anyways ... just a couple ideas the scouts were pondering to get past the trenches and their archery defense.