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Author Topic: Retaking Hilm  (Read 5666 times)


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #60 on: September 02, 2011, 05:50:06 am »
In fact due to some unforseen supply shortages coming from Hilm Castle it was almost four days later before Razeriem and Moraken informed the commanders of the seiging force that they were ready to enact the plan.

The leading Grannoch Giant, Son of the Earth Gra'doth volunteered his giants to carry the 80 foot long titanium spike that the engineers from Hilm and some from Rael, had been busy creating, with some of the priests of Dorand. His giants would form a guards unit around the object and protect it from incoming attacks. The bulk of the mages and clerics would provide magical support guided by Moraken as they advanced.

While the giants advanced with their heavy Al'noth support every available seige engine would be brought into range of the city and release their payloads as fast as possible. This move put them into the same range as the enemy catapults but the risk was worth it if they could penetrate and bring down the Al'noth based electrical device the Drach Ori had established around the city.

What continued to amaze the attackers was that not one attempt to parlay or communicate with those inside the beleagured city had received any response. And what was more puzzling was that even though the dragons were dead at night there could be heard the occasional strange roars.

All attempts to penetrate the 150 metre mark outside the city walls had met with defeat. Drach Ori patrolled the walls, heavily guarded identifying any who tried to sneak closer than that range.

Kal'troth, one of the leaders of the Siphe Garra force offered his men to provide support for the giants once they reached the battle zone. Word had arrived with the Siphe Garra force that General Jaedon Siphe would not be joining them due to the sensitive nature of the forces under Lady Daniella and Sir Lance. His reasoning being that too many would still consider him their enemy for him to participate so early but that he trusted his senior commanders to make the right decisions.

All allied forces surrounding the city were put on notice to prepare for the assault. Once the giants used the titanium spike to disable the Dracah Ori towers three main forces were to engage the enemy on different fronts while a strong group of adventurers would penetrate the hopefully captured walls in one of those areas and enter the city to hunt down as many Drach Ori, Myr'drachs and hopefully Undrok himself to prevent as much slaughter as possible.

As the day dawned, a red sky warning of the trials to come on the last remaining field of battle within Hilm.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2011, 11:48:45 pm »
And dawn the day did the assembled armies of Hilm and their allies gathered and forming an impenetrable ring around the city of Briardusk.

The sky was dull and red the last vestiges of the fiery trenches fading away and the dull gloow of the volcanic eruptions in the distance over the Orsgaunt mountains far to the west.

The four hundred giants protected by Moraken and what mages the armies could spare as well as the 4000 Siphe Garra received the order to advance, the huge titanium spear created by the Dorandites to enact Razeriems daring plan in their centre.

As the giants reached the halfway mark signals sounded for the three spearheads, one to the north, one to the east and one to the southwest began their own advance on the last defences around Briardusk.

The catapults and seige engines began their assault and were answered in kind by volleys from the enemy. Drach Ori magics flashed into the advancing forces causing death and confusion.

For the advance everything had been committed, it was the last chance to break Briardusk before the winter months would make it virtually impossible for the army to remain in seige.

The giants reached the fated 150 foot mark, already dozens of them had fallen to Drach Ori magics and catapults that had ripped into their ranks. As they got closer more and more of the defences of the city were concentrated on them and then they crossed the mark and the electrical defences of the city lashed out incinerating several giants before being drawn to the titanium spear. More and more power arced into the spear unable to break its attraction, the giants carrying it were forced to stumble along, eyes closed toa void the glare, the heavy leather padding they wore only just protecting them from the burning energies. Then at maximum power the lightning arced back to its source from the tip of the spear setting up a chain reaction of explosions around the city as the power burst flowed from tower to tower.

And then the giants crashed into the walls, some leaping so high they grabbed the top sections and hauled themselves up. Drach ori flooded to the defences and the Myr'Drachs remaining descended to engage.

Siphe Garra forces used ladders and hooks to climb and scale the walls while the Al'nothists led by Moraken did their best to keep the Ori off them.

Within minutes three separate forces enaged the defenders walls, thundering into them with enraged fury. At the eastern charge a small group of battle hardened Voraxians Red Axes gained the towers to the gates and held off hordes of Cultists to secure the mechanism to open the gates. The eastern allied force poured into the breach to be met with stiff resistance that effectively stalled any advance.

Into that stepped the adventurer force, waiting for an opportunity to enter the city and hunt down Undroth. Led by Sir Lance and Lady Daniella they stepped into the lines of the breach, Captain's Vrebel, Argali and Gunder, ably assisted by Azka and Gorm hit the enemy wall hard smashing a path through them.

Behind them Jill and the odd halfling Dogboy picked off enemy archers and casters amidst the nearby buildings while Tralek, Aden, Abigail, Czukay, Quantum provided assistance and support as needed taking on groups of Cultists by themselves of working together. Razeriem joined them not long after seeing the results of his titanium spear destroy the Drach ori towers, weaving a flickering blade in one hand and casting magics with the other.

The enemy drew back and the allied forces flooded into the city to pursue them. Sir Lance split from the adventurers to coordinate the main attack and left Lady Daniella to direct the adventurers.

They raced deep into the city seeking the elusive despot Undrok, sector by sector clearing areas for allied forces to move into and take over.

Word soon arrived that all three allied forces had penetrated the city and were fighting street by street, house by house for control but it was soon apparent that one district in particular was holding out against the eastern force. Taking the initiative Lady Daniella directed the adventurers into that area and soon engaged the monsters that had been heard outside the city.  Huge constructs made from the bodies of Undroks enemies, the walking monstrosities were put down with impunity by the adventurers.

Penetrating deeper they faced the stiffest opposition yet, the best that Undrok had to offer was thrown at the adventurers, but it was not enough. They broke into the building where Undrok had situated himself and confronted the evil man within his very domain.

The time for talk was over, this man had caused all the blood and death and destruction for the capture of Briardusk and he was dealt with as he tried to escape leaving the adventurers to rejoin the armies and work to put Briardusk firmly into Hilm hands once more.

In the weeks that followed the city was reclaimed, the prisoners set to rebuilding what had been damaged. Briardusk, much like Sundance, was a shadow of its former self and would likely take years to be restored to its former height.

Briardusk lacked the resources to be a major staging point for an invasion of Kuhl but it was essential in the supply chain for any such action and thus was vital.

And as the dust settled and winter crept in to lay fine layers of ice over everything and pockets of disease threatened to sicken the populace the movers and shakers began to contemplate what next season would bring.....

Thus Officially ends the Dragon Storm Campaign.....

Lance Stargazer

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #62 on: September 13, 2011, 03:01:56 am »
*As the dust settles on the battlefield of Briardusk, Lance rides over his horse Avenger, a tired look on his eyes looking at how the city was devasted, his wife riding on the back of his horse, in silence as well contemplating the scene, Lance takes the time to over see how the cleaning teams are starting to redo the works, taking back the city was hard and indeed really expensive both in men and resources,  the land will never be the same, stained with blood as they walk.

There are priorities and he knows it, the palisade and the walls should have to be stood first , no use to lose the city and thrash the efforts made to retaking it , so many lives lost , so much sadness in the place.

The couple rode forward to keep looking the city, he had on mind several officers amoung the ones he could chose one to oversee the city rebuild, and at the same time he knows that the war was far from over.  With a tired look , he rode to the exit of the town, the spires of steam and smoke still visible, the abandoned siege machines as silent withneses of the destruction, and yet so many stories they could tell. Lance's gaze steels itself and shaking his head to remove any hessitation he raise his blade to the setting sun.

- Its just starting now - he says to the horizon -  Now the true strategy and battle start , May Toran watch over us .May the light guide our steps. May the virtue guide us, and don't let us forget why is that we are figthing for.  

With a last look towards the Khul territory Lance heads back to the officer tents, sending word for the commanders of the units to attend the meting, there is still lots to be done, the message is clear.  We are not done. Reminding the officers that this victory is the start for bigger ones , that retaking Khul is the objective and resore peace in Belinara

This is time for planning and thinking.. This is still time of war

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #63 on: September 13, 2011, 10:41:44 am »
*Upon heading back to the main command tents, Jil organizes small groups of scouts to set out and search the area for any stragglers that escaped the city and/or small pockets of resistance forces that may have regrouped so that they may be dealt with and no longer threaten what was left of the local populace. War is never truly over, she knows, but a respite from the larger conflict.  There will still be fanatics wanting to push things, but at least it will be on a much smaller scale that local authorities can deal with.*


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #64 on: September 13, 2011, 11:42:35 am »
He tried to help to the best of his ability with the wounded, the dead and cleaning up; never speaking much he listened to the others talking and let nobody know which toughts formed behind his pale face. He looked worn and exhausted, departed early without leaving something behind.

Later, he began his real work that had begun with Briardusk and had to be disrupted a few times. There was information to be obtained and assessed, questions to be answered and skills to be honed for the aftermath of the siege.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #65 on: September 13, 2011, 12:41:26 pm »
Exhausted an weary from the fighting as much as everyone else ABi steels herself for her next mission.

After getting Jil's orders she heads out with a couple of scouts to see if she can find any last pockets of the enemy holed up anywhere, and to report on the status of the lands immediately surrounding briardusk.

Hopefully all will be quiet, but as with the aftermath any war or battle there is always something left to screw with the recovery.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #66 on: September 13, 2011, 01:52:50 pm »
*After spending a few days in town helping those he is able Raz departs with a handful of soldiers.  Stopping ever so briefly by the command center as he departs town, he says to Daniella and/or Lance.*

"I am done fighting land wars for now.  If you discover a problem you need the key to the solution for, send me word and I may provide the help to unlocking your door.  I have a project that needs my hand, as it has been untended for these many long months.  Good bye, fair well and remember this is a task half done."

*Razeriem departs the city after briefly looking for something.*


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #67 on: September 14, 2011, 07:00:14 am »
*A flag can be seen making its way through the rubble and fallen.  As it gets closer, a rider on a small horse can seen as the flag bearer.  It is a Voraxian flag and the rider is Griff.  He makes his way through the stale battle field helping to look for wounded that may be mixed in with the dead.  He gets off his mount from time to time checking on possible survivors.  Later he helps burry the dead and prays with the Voraxian clerics for fallen kin.

He then make his way over to General Mournmalk's tent and is only there briefly before he is seen coming out.  Then he heads to the Red Axes tent and mingles with the kin there.  He is seen still dirtied and in full armor as he makes his rounds to congratulate their efforts and console those in mourning for fallen brothers, sisters and friends.  He plants his flag squarely in the front of the camp where other flags are standing.  He finds a small group of kin stading alone of what appears to be higher rank Rex Axes and speaks with them.  At one point he is heard:*

"Aye kin weh could nay ud done it wit out ye.  Praise Vorax fer yer arroival.  Deh Red Axes fought wit hon'a n steadfastness dat give proide tah all dwarves.  His holy moight glowed in your axes and deh enemy's knees buckled at yer charge."

*some other words are exchanged as they reach down to a small table next to them and grab their steins and take a deep swig.  Then they all raise their axes high and angle them to the center and say together:

"Praise Vorax - Hail deh Fatha a Battle.  Weh foight tah deh end, and it ain't ova yet."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #68 on: September 14, 2011, 07:19:10 am »
*Tralek walks the ruins of Briardusk and goes to the towers that once unleashed the devastating electric attacks.  He tries to gain as much knowledge as possible from the fallen and damaged towers as to how the Al'Noth was controlled, concentrated and directed in such a way.  He is curious how the towers functioned as such.  From the top of the towers he looks over the smoldering and black landscape and breathes a deep sigh.

He then leads a search party as they comb the areas of the City of Briardusk.  His main focus is to find out how the city was getting resupplied when they had it surrounded.  He helps them look for secret doors, passage ways or any hidden exits out of the city.  Any hidden treasure or documents are bonus finds, but his main purpose is to find out how they were being resupplied.*


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #69 on: September 15, 2011, 09:48:51 pm »
*Vrebel lingers around the city helping to route out any lingering pockets of resistance.  At one point he is seen near the center of town talking to some of the leaders of the city and pointing to the ground.  To remember the fallen and the brave retaking of the city he throws out the suggestion of building a monument with the titanium rod Raz thought up as the center piece.

"It'd make a good flag pole to" he hollars back as he walks away.

*Vrebel looks about at the citizens of Briarkdusk and the soldiers who have come from all over some celebrating and others comiserating and takes a deep breath as he looks to Kuhl.*

This war still aint over yet.  Each day we wait he'll get stronger n' more fortified.

*He shrugs*

Heck let em celebrate fer now they earned it.