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Author Topic: Sederra Defense RP thread  (Read 5321 times)


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #60 on: March 16, 2011, 08:18:30 am »
Andrew is very, very quiet as the birds wing north, and more than a few emotions work across his face.  He speaks to Hardragh* after an hour, briefly; then to Argali* a little later in private, and Wren*, before giving apologies and taking his leave.

*pms sent


Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #61 on: March 16, 2011, 08:28:00 am »
*Ell turns to listen to each speaker, making notes in her journal at times. With a last look to the north, she packs up her belongings and prepares herself to move when the time comes. First to Audira, then when possible to Bydel Castle.*


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #62 on: March 16, 2011, 08:37:13 am »
Arfur the halberdier regards his job half done for Gel the bard fell. Though fortunately he was stonebound and revived. Arfur considers his bloodied and tattered uniform something of a disgrace as he had fallen too, and gently kissed by the soul mother he remained a lesser man.
 Shrugging off these setbacks he considers the job done for the moment and gratefully returns to base for further instruction certain the bards are safe for the moment and he of little or no influence to their future.
 He sets off with a skip in his step with each stride to the west. Perhaps a canvass of the events, or a clay model might sit well he muses. He composes a small reminding as he travels. More mundanely he reflects..Bards eh you gotta love them.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #63 on: March 16, 2011, 10:12:25 am »
**Steel nods to the sentiments of the others, looking toward Audiria.**

"I won't be finished here until the last of the Cultists have been removed from Sedera."


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #64 on: March 16, 2011, 12:42:27 pm »
Gel heads after Andrew, putting a hand on his shoulder and nearly spinning him around.  They are far enough away to be out of earshot but close enough to be seen.  A heated discussion ensues, the elf clearly hot about something, Andrew appearing adamant and continually pointing north.

After a few minutes the discussion cools.  The postures shift to something more of accord, Andrew's head dipped and his right hand busy with the heart charm of his necklace.  Gel seems to be hammering a point home.  Andrew leans to suggest something; they both cease their movements, and singing is heard.

Whatever it was about, Andrew returns with Gel a short time later.  He prepares to move to Audira with them.

"A few days, if we're welcome to that fight.  Then I head north."


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #65 on: March 16, 2011, 02:43:50 pm »
*Vrebel finishes up cleaning and sharpening his greatsword twisting it a bit in the desert sunlight with an approving nod.  He shoots a quick glance to were the eagles flew with the vat and then turns to the smoldering plumes rising high above Audira*

Allright, we let Rael's finest have their taste and it aint lookin' good over there.  Least we got that blasted vat outa the drachs hands and killed the leader of the Sands.

The fate of Dregar lies there *lifts his sword to Audira* We rest and enter that fight and finish every last one of em'. Hopefully we're not too late.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #66 on: March 16, 2011, 02:59:58 pm »
*Gel returns from his conversation with Andrew and goes to squat next to Steel who is washing himself in the surf.  They exchange a few words and at one point Gel belts out a scream.  Shortly after that they can be seen sharing a joke, and then Gel starts searching any Cult bodies in the debris of the cave.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #67 on: March 16, 2011, 03:07:51 pm »
**Argos still shocked by the events, gives a sigh of relief for a moment, then his eyes goes to Audria, his mind full on the friends he has there, he prepares his belongs, if able he spends some time with his mother, he'll rest , not speaking much, just answering if spoken to him, his mind in deep prayer *

gilshem ironstone

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2011, 03:10:22 pm »
**After searching the debris he approaches Viper and Ferrit.* We need to go scouting again... I hope you are gamers.

//PM sent


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #69 on: March 16, 2011, 04:55:53 pm »
*Ferrit nods and says tersely,* I'm in.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #70 on: March 16, 2011, 05:14:54 pm »
Viper nods once.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #71 on: March 16, 2011, 08:38:54 pm »
*Gunder nods in agreement with Argali*

Aye, we bes' head on ta Audira an see da end of da Cult der.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #72 on: March 17, 2011, 12:10:43 am »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
**Steel nods to the sentiments of the others, looking toward Audiria.**

"I won't be finished here until the last of the Cultists have been removed from Sedera."

*Wren nods to Steel's statement* Let's go see if we can help turn the tide of battle there.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #73 on: March 18, 2011, 06:48:29 pm »
// Apologies for late notice and timing but its on the calendar


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #74 on: March 20, 2011, 03:25:06 am »
//// Okay, so it looks like I won't make this installment. I didn't quite have time enough to prepare. Anyhow, assume Steel is doing what Steel does: hit-and-run specialty missions or suicide runs. Good luck, everyone. Go kick some drach you-know-what. ////


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #75 on: March 20, 2011, 01:06:58 pm »
// Ack, misread the time it seems.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #76 on: March 21, 2011, 05:38:35 am »
//poop I was off on my camping trip before I even saw the post :( I hope it all went well. You can assume Wren was with Steel doing what damage he could.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #77 on: March 25, 2011, 07:13:48 pm »
// Apologies everyone involved in this, I have been sick this week and flat out with work as well. The post for the finale from last weeks quest relating to Sederra is coming very soon.


On the Way to Sedera*
« Reply #78 on: April 14, 2011, 09:07:26 pm »
Weeks to set fire to a bard's heart, even with the consequences. Storms from the hands of Mist's faithful and sea battles that would fuel songs for years to come. Land battles against Cult forces and the Sands of Fate, and elf and a human bard singing their Ilsarian hearts out, with a most satisfying ending on that score. Oh, yes. Andrew had kicked the Sands of Fate leader's dead body hard a few times, one for each year he'd been separated from his child and a few more for Willie. If Gel'larian had, he hadn't admitted it – yet.

Those small, fierce victories would have been enough but – a dragon. Giant eagles and legendary figures. Massive vials of poison ripped from the hands of the Cult, the very short screams of evil men trying to portal into solid rock. They should feel bad about that last one. They didn't.

Andrew was ready to return to Xora's, scooping up belongings and stuffing them in his pack. A few goodbyes, a quiet word with Hardragh, and he turned north. Seeing Andrew walking away from the camp, Gel left his conversation with Steel and ran after him. Upon catching up he put a firm hand on Andrew's shoulder, nearly spinning the taller man around.

"So that's it? You're leaving?" Gel gestured to the smoke rising from Audira. "Minu can't wait another day? Is that why? After all the work you have devoted, the passion you have put out, you can just walk away?" He searched Andrew's eyes, anger thinly covering a deep hurt.

Andrew lowered his voice, one eye on the group not far from them. "Gel, you know when the Lady is directing you. She took you to the Breath, watched over you as you became one of Her archers. what I am feeling, right now." A longish pause as his thick brows creased together. He pointed north. "I left Minu asleep and according to Xora, recovering - and for her sake, let's keep that victory quiet for now, least the Cult find out - to come do what we have done. Although it could be called abandoning her, I felt that was my path, not sitting around fretting while she was nearly comatose recovering. But now? Gel, you know how much difficulty I've had with love. Minu is the one Ilsare sent to help me figure it out...and my heart is telling me to return to her now. I have to go. I can't explain why...I just have to." He held the elf's eyes, looking for some understanding, but his body and hand was pointed north.

"Muse." Gel tilted his head heavenward and took a heavy breath. "We need your song, Reid. What we lack in numbers, we make up for with the strength of our hearts and that is because of you. I just worry that without you, without the Heartsong, we may not be able to face the Pit that awaits us in Audira. I can see plain as the desert sun what Minu means to you, but there is more at stake than the love of two souls, or even a thousand. Look at what happened in Hlint, and know that if we lose here, that could play out in every town, village and city across these lands.

So before you go, make sure that you can live with what it means to leave." The elven bard tightened the straps on his bracers, nothing left to say, but reluctant to walk away.

A few heartbeats and Andrew dropped his arm. "Let's pray on it." A short nod from Gel. Andrew took up his silver heart and clef while Gel held a setting of warm, shining gold, a deep pink diamond nestled within, and together they sang. The human opened himself up, listening to his voice and how it mixed with the elf's purer tone; their voices found accord and they bent their heads together as the ages-old Ilsarian prayer poured forth, until the last verse where the human's voice dropped out.

It wasn't something that one could put a pin on. Someone less inclined to religion would say that justification could always be found in prayer, well after one's mind was made up, and so it must have been before their singing hocus-pocus. Andrew could even agree to that logic sometimes. Yet there was a feeling of...incompleteness, a sense that another task awaited, and he felt it in the song he couldn't finish. One long breath later, he nodded to Gel, and they headed back to the others.

"A few days, if we're welcome to that fight. Then I head north."

There was no dawdling after that. A few left for other places, but the majority headed toward Audira despite a late start in the day. They marched through dusk but after days of fighting, if they didn't get some rest, they'd be useless in the city. It wasn't going to be easy to sneak up on them in the flat expanse of sand by the road, or so they hoped. They stopped.

Gel help set up the camp. After his conversation with Andrew he had a lightness to him and he sat by the fire only after most everyone else was settled. On a whim he pulled out a hickory guitar, his trusted friend that only seemed to get better with age. His fingers grazed the strings, searching for the inspiration that wound close to his heart, and before long a rough tune took shape. He looked around for Andrew then turned back to the tune which he fiddled with again and again until it vibrated with its own life. As the hope-filled music began to dance in the night air, he opened his mouth and lyrics came tentatively to him.

"Breeze blowing across
Now still dunes
Sun lighting upon
The crystal lagoon
Sounds return
Of joyous days gone by
Of cool nights we had
Watching Abt so plentiful
Travel cross the land...."

He continued to play with the tune and words, sitting around the campfire. Andrew returned from washing up and sat cross-legged next to the elf. He smiled at the song and opened his own pack. A thoughtful look later, and another glance north, and he pulled out a newish-looking guitar instead of his violin. No other words came out of Gel's mouth when Andrew sat down; he seemed quite happy to have accompaniment. With a nod, Andrew plucked off a counterpoint to Gel's melody, hummed, and raised thick black eyebrows in question to his fellow Ilsarian before singing. In response to Andrews's eyebrows, Gel gave an encouraging look and in the unspoken and mysterious fashion of experienced musicians, seamlessly passed the lead.

The human bard augmented the tune when it shifted to him, strumming and tapping on the smooth reddish wood until under his playing the soft wail of singing desert women was heard and Gel's tune was woven into a feeling of wandering, of heat, and of burning sun. Although his voice was shredded from days of singing and inhalation of sand and too little water, Andrew added lyrics of his own.

"A desert mouse
To oasis goes
In quiet wind
Sand ripples flow
A desert sea, the captains ride
Colored cloth and camels stride
Under ocean of starry light
The future does each battle write..."

Gel left his strings and tapped syncopation to Andrews's rhythm on the body of his guitar. The light nearby seemed to lose its nerve and retreat; shadows grew long. Gel picked up the words once again, his singing a piercing counterpoint to the hoarse earthiness of the human.

"Fork the lightning
Shake the ground
The dark of night
The trem'rous sound
Stirrings of our memories fear
Make a lovers touch more the dear
A tear in dust, yet for the past
Libations for lucks die that's cast..."

Carrying the strings, Andrew took up Gel's beat, tamping the illusion of the desert women's cries to a gauze of sound while matching the elf's tempo into the bridge.

"A stone was tossed into a storm
The call to battle, war's first stand
Song of dunes and beaches warm
Brace the lines formed in the sand"

The wailing faded to only Andrew's guitar and Gel's tapping and slapping.

"Shadowed wings
Black over beige
Ten feet of green
An iron cage
Poisoned eyes to watch us bleed
Music holds defiant seed
To sing tradition, family
Steer the course of the Sand Sea"

On "sea", his tenor gave out. He threw Gel a weary but genuine smile and leaned back as the other bard made up the last stanza.

"When Desert's Arms
Have buried
The thought of war
The memory
Our heads will still be held high
We'll sing for those who die
Withstand the darkening sky
No tears in vain
We give life once more, leave the pain
For those with less to gain."

Gel ceased tapping and his voice carried last words out in to the desert night:

"Sound ripples cross the sand.
Sound ripples cross the sand..."

The last line echoed long after both bards stopped singing. Gel set his guitar aside, quiet next to an equally quiet Andrew, and the pop and hiss of the fire punctuated the impenetrable sky.

*Written by Gilshem and Rollins, for Dezza and the Sederan Crew


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #79 on: May 29, 2011, 03:21:51 pm »
Some weeks later, Daniel submits a report
 To the acting Command of Sedderra,
 Drach forces have been found in small numbers on the island off of Auderia, //North Hampton - Vanavar// by myself and small band of adventurers in a cave there. They seem reinforced with bands of mercenaries.
 Captain Daniel Poetr.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde