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Author Topic: Sederra Defense RP thread  (Read 5238 times)


Sederra Defense RP thread
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:03:13 am »
//For those who attended the Sederra Defense quest, a place for RP before the next session. I am assuming that we are resting a bit, and have some time to talk:

*Pallena turns to Steel* Right. We need to know more about this potential means to neutralize the poison. You've been awfully vague. If I can find a tree, I can travel out of here... I'm sure some of the magickers here have those books that can do the same thing. If one of us can get to whoever is making the thing, we need to know.

Aside from that, we need to decide what we are doing. Are we going to hold here and guard against whatever comes, or are we - or at least some of us - going to take the fight to the cult at that oasis?

Aside from that, do any of you magickers know anything about the poison? Do you know if more mundane magicks do anything at all to it? At least contain its spread, if not eliminate the harm?

*folds arms and looks at the party with a gaze demanding answers*
The following users thanked this post: Dezza, RollinsCat


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 11:12:36 am »
Andrew sits up from his daydreaming and listens, rubbing his hands together lightly and looking at the vial.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2011, 02:07:34 pm »
Steel takes his time patching up the nicks and bruises maintained from the last skirmish. He has crawled into the cave (assuming the cave is big enough once past the small entrance to fit everyone and the container) and is sitting when approached by Pallena, a spellbook open to his right, a pack open to his left.

"I did not have time to find and enlist a world renown alchemist such as Xora. However, I spoke with the elf over there **he gestures to Gel'arian** not long after learning of the poison, and he claims to be of decent skill in the alchemical ways. He was not, however, able to settle on a solution that would turn this vat of poison into a vat of harmless mud before the time came for us to embark on this journey. I suspect there are others among us here skilled in alchemy and the like. Perhaps the lot can bounce ideas on potential means of making this stuff harmless. If we are lucky enough to have the time, and I can get help from Tralek, I may be able to devise an abjuration to contain the substance and shield us from potentially harmful effects we may experience just being near it. The sailors on that ship are warning enough, anyway. It is unfortunate that we have no other mages with us besides myself and Tralek, but we'll work with what we have to work with. After building the sheild, I'll work on an abjuration to deter scrying. However, my control of the Al'noth is not spectacular, and as such, the scrying ward will likely only deflect the casual lookers. Completing both will probably take all the remaining sunlight hours, assuming no complications or interruptions."

And with that Steel removes various objects from his pack, including diamond dust and enchanting oil. He sets about building a circle of runes around the large container, gesturing to Tralek to join him.

///// Poke me if and when you need SC checks and the like. /////

gilshem ironstone

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2011, 02:27:08 pm »
*Gel'larians ire filled stare is pulled from Andrew at the mention of his name.  He gives a sheepish look at the mention of his perceived failures.  It pushes him in to an introspective moment, where the details of the past days flashed through his mind.*

I could not come up with any definitive sort of answer but I have some ideas.  I could try some experiments if we could extract a small sample from that.  *He gestures to the large vial.*  They may not be safe, but neither is letting that toxic vat sit on the earth beneath us.  So, like I said, if I could get a pure sample, I could conceivably use heat or a reagent to try and separate the poison in to its alchemical components.  *He looks arounds the cramped cave.* But not in here... Not now.  We need to get the vat out of here some how.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2011, 02:28:20 pm »
As Steel has not yet weighed in on whether he wants a chunk of Andrew's no-longer-a-hide, he scoots over to lend his voice to the warding and bolsters Steel's and Tralek's magical efforts with his own.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2011, 02:40:08 pm »
Soon after they have taken shelter in the cave, the warrior with the horned helm is gone without a word


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2011, 03:10:00 pm »
Viper listens quietly and watches the surroundings while carefully cleaning her blades.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2011, 04:03:27 pm »
*After some pacing Gel'larian turns suddenly to Pallena.*

How large was the force you mentioned by the oasis?

Lance Stargazer

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2011, 08:21:54 pm »
**Argos is moving around changing positions over the cave, unable to stay on one place, looking around , he is seen moving to diferent spots , watching at the horizon, as a constant guard  *

*he from time to time looks towards Where Ell is, but inmediatelly return to his duties *

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2011, 09:31:54 pm »
*Gunder takes the opportunity to rest and ensure the warriors are properly bandaged and healed*

So, when we goin' ta take out da Cult forces by da Oasis?  An who knows da way to da place?


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2011, 10:02:03 pm »
*to Gel'larian and Gunder* Haven't the foggiest idea where the place is, or what we'll find if we go there - that hasn't been decided yet. Zahid's a desert guy, ask him if he knows where the oasis in these parts is. Or send a couple scouts. *shrugs*

*Pallena then turns to Steel and Tralek, and tries to add her magical skills to the mix if possible*


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2011, 10:40:07 pm »
*Tralek listens to all but seems to be looking to the side thinking a bit.  Then he speaks*

I am also an alchemist and am curious about this vial and how to neutralize it, but I fear this is not the place.  We need more light and tools and a ventalated area.  This cave is just as cramped or more so than the belly of that ship where all those sailors died exposed to the vial.  We are in grave danger being near it in this cave.

I see a few courses of action:

1.  We could try to abjure a shield around it as Steel suggests to protect us from it.  We could then build a carrying device for it and all leave together and carry it to an area deemed safe and secure.  From there we could bring others to come study it or transport if further to be studied.  After transporting it we could fight the oasis battle.

2.  If its not excessively heavy (//dezza told me it was 10 feet by 2 feet), maybe Steel or I could teleport out of the cave with the vial.  I can carry approximately 300lbs of extra weight and still use my tome; I'll bet Steel could carry a bit more.  After that it could be transported or studied.  The others would remain to fight the oasis battle, with the one who teleports trying to join them later.

3.  We could shield it as Steel suggest and the cover it with an abjuration to prevent others from finding it.  Then we could go off and fight the oasis battle.  Afterwards we could return with others to properly transport it somewhere to be studied.

4.  We could shield and cover it as in option four, and then one of us could tome or tree out to gather help.  Those remaining would fight the oasis battle, while the one who tomed/tree'd out would return to the cave with a force to properly transport the vial away to be studied.

I would recommend option 2 if that is possible, otherwise I thing option 1 is the next best choice.  Option three or four would then be my last choices.

*Tralek turns to look at the others for response*


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2011, 10:43:44 pm »
Zahid listens to all the conversations while scratching under his chin. I will see if I can find the oasis in my mind's eye, but you should speak to the man who searched the ship. Did he not say there were maps that marked the oasis? Indeed, it would have been fortunate if he had saved those maps before we scuttled the boat. Zahid stands up and crosses to a relatively undisturbed location of the 50 foot cave to meditate. He takes no food or water, and kills his Self as an ascetic would, by stripping it away one necessity at a time.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2011, 02:11:49 am »
*Vrebel tries to keep a low profile while watching the horizon and the skies*

If'n Andrew is right and this green stuff in the vial is like the tatto ink then we best be careful.  I seen them tattoos blow up twice now.  Once to a overzealous toranite paladin *grins to Argos* who tried ta smite it and another time to an overconfident mage who tried ta magic one them tattooed fellers.

If ya start castin' magics on that vial you best be lookin fer trouble I think.  As far as grabbin it and tomin' out that might be even worse.  I dont know much about that stuff but yer usin powerful magics and ya might end up blown ta peices half way there and spreadin that stuff everywhere.

*scratches his sidburn in thought*

You'd think that if you could just grab it and tome somwhere the drachs done that long ago instead of carryin' it by ship across the sea with a dragon escort.

I'd say keep it burried and we go find them others at that oasis.  Leave someone stealthy ta keep watch of the vial from a distance.  Once we done wiped out that second group at the oasis we come back and carry the vial ta somewhere safer.  In the off chance some drachs come and sniff the vial out least we can have someone ta track em'.  It could be them drachs are drawn to it like a beacon *shrugs* who knows.

I'm bettin' them cultists usin' this vial ta create another army of drachs in Dregar.  Transportin' drachs cross the sea in ships aint gonna do if fer em'.

*nods and starts to clean his gear*


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2011, 04:10:27 am »
// Am assuming this all takes place before you seal the cave as per the end of the quest.  Next quest will spawn from these discussions.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2011, 10:02:54 am »
While they talk, Andrew takes out his journal and scribbles some calculations*, then some more; he shakes his head.

"I can't say how much it weighed when I was carrying it because my strength was so far beyond what I have any ability to compare normally, but if my math is right, that vial must weigh almost two thousand pounds."  For a moment, his eyes gleam and his smile is fierce, then bemused.  "How the hells did I carry that?  Anyway.  I doubt you and Steel together could port it out, although it would be bloody nice if we could...but I agree with Vrebel, if they could do that they'd have done it rather than risk the ship.

I believe the second group we took out was there to help move the vial and the oasis group is going to get antsy when it doesn't show up soon and work their way up from the beach.  Our tracks are gone but it won't take much to figure out we have to be hiding it.  In retrospect, I wish someone would have taken the ship out to sea and abandoned it as a decoy to buy us more time."  Runs a thumb over his upper lip.

"We should get intelligence on how much is in that oasis group, and how the battle in Sedera is going before we do anything else.  We have Raven Blue and Pallena who can both scout in their special ways, I suggest we find out what the odds are and keep working on the magical shielding.

And I'm rethinking the poison being used in the tattoos, although there could certainly be a shared component.  We don't know that they can't use it to scry.  And if they are scrying?"  With a slight grin to Viper, he uses one of her more frequent one-finger hand signals in the direction of the vial, rotating it so his meaning cannot be misinterpreted.

*//V= pi(r squared)(h) = 3.14(1)(10) ft cubed * ~62 lbs/ft cubed weight of water (estimated).  I haven't used high school math since starting my career but trust this game to make me whip out the Pocket Ref...

edited for radius

gilshem ironstone

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2011, 10:20:41 am »
*After hearing the conversation, Gel'larian goes and takes his notes out from his search.  He reads them over and then begins a meditation.  Just before he goes in to a trance, he is hears to utter, "I must be missing something.*


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2011, 11:24:24 am »
**Steel speaks even as he goes about placing all the components for the ritual.**

"I don't intend to use magic on the container or the poison itself, since you're worried about that, Vrebel. I simply wish to put a bubble-shield around the container, one that will ideally keep whatever is inside from affecting the outside, to whatever degree that is possible. And of course, if we can make this thing invisible to magical eyes, that will be helpful. As for scouts, yes. Use the maps Hardragh found to lead you to the oasis and scout what is there. Also, Audiria is not far, and we could use some intelligence on how that battle is going as well. When I am done with these wards, I will start preparing a teleport to Blackford, if only to inform Blackford in person of what has happened so far. However, preparing a teleportation ritual from start to finish is another day's worth of work. The prepared teleport spells in my tome are not currently aimed at Blackford. In short, it looks like I have two days worth of magical rituals to complete, unless someone else can get to Blackford faster. Tralek, do you have a teleportation ritual aimed at Blackford already prepared? Once Blackford knows, they can possibly open up a portal to this location and send magical support."


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2011, 11:29:48 am »
While Steel prepares, Andrew finally gets up, walking on two legs with a tiny sigh, and sings wards of sound dampening around the mouth of the cave to keep their voices from alerting any possible enemy scouts.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2011, 04:43:20 pm »
Quote from: RollinsCat

*//V= pi(r squared)(h) = 3.14(4)(10) ft cubed * ~62 lbs/ft cubed weight of water (estimated).  I haven't used high school math since starting my career but trust this game to make me whip out the Pocket Ref...

//Andrew did not do his math right. If the cylinder is 2 feet wide, the radius is one. Thus V= pi(r squared)(h) = 3.14(1)(10)(62.4)= 1960 lbs. Since 1 stone = 14 lb, the cylinder would weigh 140 stone... so his estimate of thousands of stone is off by a bit

edit: yes Gil, I did.

