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Author Topic: Siphe Garra Attacked!  (Read 527 times)


Siphe Garra Attacked!
« on: July 04, 2011, 08:27:43 pm »
Two days out from the remains of Fort of Last Hope Daneilla and her escort come to a halt as a messenger races up on a horse from the main camp near Briardusk. Sweat and dirt covers both man and horse and they look exhausted from their journey.

Once the man drinks from the canteen offered from lady Daniella and takes a proferred towel to wipe the sweat and dirt from his face he rolls out his message.

"Lady Daniella, a day after you left a fire mephit appeared in the main tent of Toranite Field Commander Kethrin, Captains Gundar, Kromlek and Captain Argali. It was nearly struck down but Captain Argali said she recognised it and let it speak."

Daniella's eyes narrowed to a frown and Drexia and ferrit drew closer to hear what was being said.

"The Mephit came from Fort of Last Hope, it said it was a servant of Ractrafiorez and was bringing a message from Jaedon Siphe. Apparently a score of Toranites attacked some of Jaedons men who were out scouting north of the Fort and pursued them back towards the Fort. When they got closer the Siphe Garra surrounded them and they fought to the death rather than be captured."

Daniella couldnt believe what she was hearing but didn't interrupt as the messenger continued the tale.

"General Siphe was ropable apparently. It seems he's done some deal with the dragon and was able to use his mephit to send a message to our army post thinking you were there. Captain Argali told the mephit that you were on route to Jaedon, then when it was gone she dispatched me to reach you with all due haste and warn you what you might be riding into. Captain Argali and the others worry that Jaedon might try to capture you believing you have broken the truce they had in place. Captain Argali also said that you will probably continue on no matter what happens but to be careful."

Drexia, Ferrit and those gathered nearby exchanged worried glances. Reports recently had indicated that the former Cult General Jaedon had close to eight or nine thousand battle hardened Siphe garra under his command now. A formidable force in a war torn country that Hilm currently was.

Daniella thanked the messenger and told him to rest before he returned to tell Captain Argali that she would indeed continue, and would be cautious. She also indicated that Argali was to find out all she could about the missing patrold from the withered lands and if the ones that attacked Jaedons people could have been the same missing patrol.


Re: Siphe Garra Attacked!
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2011, 09:20:57 pm »
Daniella sends a messenger forward notifying Jaedon Siphe that she just heard what happened, and assuring him that whoever attacked him were not Toranites, that a score of Toranites did not return from their patrols, and they believed they had been met with foul play.  She suggests that those who attacked him must have done so with stolen uniforms of those that had gone missing in order to drive a wedge between them.  She asks permission to approach to see that everything is alright, and that her envoy indeed are coming under the banner of their truce.