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Author Topic: Rumors from Blackford Castle  (Read 267 times)


Rumors from Blackford Castle
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:06:20 am »
*There have been a couple tense days in the Blackford War Council rumored to be mostly centered about Lord Rael's offer.  After one day, supposedly Moraken set off a frightening display of magic and dismissed everyone.  The next day everyone reconvened, but for some reason it was dismissed again shortly, and the Queen declaring the Council Chambers off limits for the next day.*

Man:  "A woman shouldn'a talked ta no man like she done, specially not no mage like that.  Now yer tellin' me he done started packin' up all that magicky stuff an' is leavin'?  I don' blame 'im!  No woman shouldn'a talked ta no man like that.  She coulda cost us all our lives by tickin' him off!"

Woman:  "That ain' jest any woman Horrace, an don'cha be fergettin' what cooks yer meal ever'day!  Sides you men're all jest babies iffn ya cain' get yer feelin's hurt some."

Man:  "Betsy, I'm jest sayin'... "

Woman:  "Naw, you jest stick ta the barns where ya work an' I'll stick ta the kitchens in the castle.  I seen councils like this before where they don' do nothin' but argue fer the first few days, an' it won' be the last one neither.  Dif'rence is, these people're all tryin' ta fight a war an' their tensions're real high.  Norm'ly it's over silly stuff an' they're STILL high.  Give em all time ta come out with what they needa do.  The Queen wouldna brung all these people together if she thought they wouldn' get the job done.  Trust yer queen, an' no more fussin' else I ain' gonna tell ya any more o' what I heard.

Man:  "Fine... but if that woman cost us this war I'm gonna..."

Woman:  "Yer gonna what?  Poke her with a hay fork?  That'd be a sight."  She laughs at the thought

Man:  "Aww... shut it"  He grumbles and heads back off towards the barn.