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Author Topic: The Deal.  (Read 524 times)


The Deal.
« on: August 26, 2010, 08:00:17 am »
/// Not a massive fan of quests where it revolves around the doings of one character and everyone else is a spectator ... but I do wish you the best of luck Milty!


The Deal.
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 01:01:49 pm »
//// And that was the debate in this being an open quest, Psuedo. But the thought is that you're only a spectator if you watch and then do nothing with the information learned. Sure, Steel cut a deal some time back and is working on that, but this is a chance for other folks to see what happened with that, and then to turn around and do something with that information. We could have kept the quest closed, but then, anyone who wanted to be involved with that part of the world plot would have to speak with Steel, and hope he spills all the beans, heh. As it is, there are not only these OOC reasons, but also some IC reasons for why this quest can be open despite it "revolving around one character" (which, actually, quite a few folks are involved in this, even if the idea and impetus for the "deal" were Steel's).

In other words, it's a chance for more people to become involved, if not right at that moment, then later down the road because they now have information that allows them to move from being a 'spectator' into being a 'player'. ////

Harlas Ravelkione

The Deal.
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 11:00:24 pm »
The plot team generally tries to keep quests surrounding the Dragon Storm Campaign Setting open. That is not always possible, but generally we try. Even events that might otherwise be a CDQ, as was mentioned here, we try to keep open as much as possible to allow the whole community to become or remain part of the campaign. It is meant as nothing else but a service to the players of the community.

Therefore I urge you to not see this quest as a one-man show, but rather an invitation to keep in touch with current events. Also, some characters might go on a quest this like particular one with their own agenda in mind. That is fine, too, for as long as things remain realistic in game and you consider the consequences for your character and those of others.


The Deal.
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2010, 01:57:49 am »
Cool, think there might have been some confusion amongst folks (including me) reconciling;




               Originally Posted by Ed

4) realizing the sessions will probably be open to everyone






               Originally Posted by Milty

it will be Steel and Steel alone. But you can be there to witness it! Bring popcorn.


Happy days.


The Deal.
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2010, 08:18:46 am »
Well remember this too, Pseudo.




               Originally Posted by EdTheKet
               View Post

//potential popcorn eaters be advised: the above mentioned guarantee is made by milty and milty alone and not by the GM running things or the plot GMs.

You'll be at Firesteep, with Fisterion. That situation is high on the list of dangerous situations to be in. I think it would be safe to say, even though I am not the GM running this,  that Ed's blunt interpretation of the Calem rule will apply: Action stupid will get you killed!

You have been warned!


So if Fisteron decides to have Steel for a snack and wants that snack heated up first, chances are plenty of people around him will get a bit charred as well.

And he may still be hungry.


The Deal.
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2010, 01:00:15 pm »
//the burning/scorch marks are priceless!


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2010, 07:01:13 pm »
Originally posted by miltonyorkcastle 8-24-2010:

Originally Posted by miltonyorkcastle
Steel makes his way to the Molten Isle, by this time both familiar with the landing near the Pyrtechonite temple and having collected enough of the local lava rock to act as the focus for a teleportation ritual. He reports to the temple, scroll in hand.

"I'm here to see the King. I've a message to deliver."

He waits until the appropriate people respond, as last time, and he suspects that although it has been a few years, there are those that recognize him. He offers the scroll, should the priest want it, and the contents are as follows:


The time has come to make good on our little deal. Pick a day when you least feel like chewing on me, and I'll be waiting at the bottom of your mountain. If you don't already know what I delivered to the Blacks, there is that to discuss, as well as the recent movement of our Green friends and the Mushroom-lovers to the southwest of your isle.

Here's to hoping you enjoy the mayhem I bring to the world."

The letter is not signed, but instead stamped with a signet, in ink, the shadow of a panther.

Steel waits for a response as to whether or not the dragon will meet with him.
Originally Posted by Harlas Ravelkione
You are treated impolitely at the temple, not offered any food or water... and you are ordered to wait - wait for three or four incredibly long hours, standing in front of a seething lava pool near the entrance to the temple. No matter your steel'ish will and good physics you are soon sweating profusely and are overcome by the wish to sit down. The guards, however, do not offer you a chair and the black stone slabs that pave the temple floor radiate heat that will make sitting uncomfortable indeed.

After what seem to be ages, an acolyte approaches you. Here looks you up and down then merely passes on a message that you are to meet Fisterion, King of Dragons, on the exact same spot as last time. In 7 days.

/// Molten Isle beckons yet again. The event will be short, and don't worry, if anyone has to feel the pain, it will be Steel and Steel alone. But you can be there to witness it! Bring popcorn. ///


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2010, 07:02:10 pm »
Originally posted by EdTheKet 8-25-2010:

Originally Posted by miltonyorkcastle View Post
if anyone has to feel the pain, it will be Steel and Steel alone.
//potential popcorn eaters be advised: the above mentioned guarantee is made by milty and milty alone and not by the GM running things or the plot GMs.

You'll be at Firesteep, with Fisterion. That situation is high on the list of dangerous situations to be in. I think it would be safe to say, even though I am not the GM running this, that Ed's blunt interpretation of the Calem rule will apply: Action stupid will get you killed!

You have been warned! ;)


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2010, 07:03:00 pm »
Originally posted by Aerimor 8-25-2010:

//I work during that time slot Milty. Else you know I have paid my blood to be there and am too foolish not to go. Don't do anything fun and dangerous without me! *pouts*


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2010, 07:03:44 pm »
Originally posted by Alatriel 8-25-2010:

//I've been warned. I"ll also be there... as Viper was also trained by Steel... so.... wouldn't miss it.


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2010, 07:04:23 pm »
Originally posted by Pseudonym 8-26-2010:

/// Not a massive fan of quests where it revolves around the doings of one character and everyone else is a spectator ... but I do wish you the best of luck Milty!


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2010, 07:05:10 pm »
Originally posted by miltonyorkcastle 8-26-2010:

//// And that was the debate in this being an open quest, Psuedo. But the thought is that you're only a spectator if you watch and then do nothing with the information learned. Sure, Steel cut a deal some time back and is working on that, but this is a chance for other folks to see what happened with that, and then to turn around and do something with that information. We could have kept the quest closed, but then, anyone who wanted to be involved with that part of the world plot would have to speak with Steel, and hope he spills all the beans, heh. As it is, there are not only these OOC reasons, but also some IC reasons for why this quest can be open despite it "revolving around one character" (which, actually, quite a few folks are involved in this, even if the idea and impetus for the "deal" were Steel's).

In other words, it's a chance for more people to become involved, if not right at that moment, then later down the road because they now have information that allows them to move from being a 'spectator' into being a 'player'. ////
~Milton Yorkcastle


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2010, 07:05:59 pm »
Originally posted by Lynn1020 on 8-26-2010:

Sounds like a CDQ maybe?


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2010, 07:06:52 pm »
Originally posted by Harlas Ravelkione 8-26-2010:

The plot team generally tries to keep quests surrounding the Dragon Storm Campaign Setting open. That is not always possible, but generally we try. Even events that might otherwise be a CDQ, as was mentioned here, we try to keep open as much as possible to allow the whole community to become or remain part of the campaign. It is meant as nothing else but a service to the players of the community.

Therefore I urge you to not see this quest as a one-man show, but rather an invitation to keep in touch with current events. Also, some characters might go on a quest this like particular one with their own agenda in mind. That is fine, too, for as long as things remain realistic in game and you consider the consequences for your character and those of others.


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2010, 07:07:25 pm »
Originally posted by Dorganath 8-26-2010:

This effort is in line with this:


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2010, 07:08:22 pm »
Originally posted by Pseudonym 8-26-2010:

Cool, think there might have been some confusion amongst folks (including me) reconciling;

Originally Posted by Ed
4) realizing the sessions will probably be open to everyone


Originally Posted by Milty
it will be Steel and Steel alone. But you can be there to witness it! Bring popcorn.

Happy days.


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2010, 07:09:17 pm »
Originally posted by Dorganath 8-27-2010:

Well remember this too, Pseudo.

Originally Posted by EdTheKet View Post
//potential popcorn eaters be advised: the above mentioned guarantee is made by milty and milty alone and not by the GM running things or the plot GMs.

You'll be at Firesteep, with Fisterion. That situation is high on the list of dangerous situations to be in. I think it would be safe to say, even though I am not the GM running this, that Ed's blunt interpretation of the Calem rule will apply: Action stupid will get you killed!

You have been warned!

So if Fisteron decides to have Steel for a snack and wants that snack heated up first, chances are plenty of people around him will get a bit charred as well.

And he may still be hungry.


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2010, 08:17:43 pm »


Re: The Deal.
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2010, 10:00:03 pm »
//missing post IDs

1702508 / miltonyorkcastle
1702566 / EdTheKet
1702569 / Aerimor
1702571 / Alatriel
1702637 / Pseudonym
1702661 / miltonyorkcastle
1702691 / Lynn1020
1702701 / Harlas Ravelkione
1702706 / Dorganath
1702716 / Pseudonym
1702724 / Dorganath