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Author Topic: Message from Fort of Last Hope  (Read 1197 times)


Message from Fort of Last Hope
« on: July 15, 2011, 08:48:00 pm »
A message is briefly delivered from Daniella Stormhaven to Lord Alexander via the cell stones.  She briefly informs him of the following points:

  • General Siphe wishes to be formally acknowledged by the Hilm Protectorate and the other nations of Belinara as the new steward of the Fort of Last Hope and the surrounding lands that were previously under its jurisdiction.
  • He has said that should his stewardship be acknowledged he will lead his forces with ours to retake Briardusk.
  • He has made a deal with Ractrafiorez that he would train the dragon's soldiers, and in return, Ractrafiorez is protecting the Fort from Molvaren's forces.

Later on, another message is sent after the stone could be charged again.

  • General Siphe, in return for presenting his request for legitimacy has offered 5 Siphe Garra members to go with the Allied troops in order to offer possible tactics of the enemy within Briardusk.  A warning was also given by General Siphe that the Drach Ori have something big planned at Briardusk and to approach with caution.
  • Siphe understands only a little of what the Fort of Last Hope's purpose is, but that she believes he will accept its duty should he be accepted as steward.
  • She also notifies that the attack of the Toranite unit on the Siphe Garra were doing so under orders that came from the office of Commander Stargazer.  She informs that only one of the unit remained alive from their attack, and she is in custody as a prisoner at this time.  She states that as soon as she has more information she will send word.

A couple days later again:

  • Daniella notifies them that the traitorous order supposedly came from a Field Commander that had remained in Hilm, and asks for a full investigation to take place.  He went against the orders of his superior officers, against the will of Toran, and against the rules of warfare in terms of truce.  His actions caused the deaths of his comrades as well as put a tentative alliance in jeopardy.
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Lance Stargazer

Re: Message from Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2011, 08:56:50 pm »
// this is of course once the notice reaches to Lance .

**Lance upon reading the report frowns, he inmediately goes and find the unit captain on the structure on the order, he inmediatelly activates his stone to confer with Lord Protector Alexander alone on his tent*

*Once that its done , he comunicates with his logistic liuteniant in order to locate the activity reports for the units under his command, he does a comunicate that emphathizes the order to respect the truce, and to not attack again to the Siphe garra, future offences would be treated the same as treason and would be submited to the offenders to a martial court.*

*There as well Lance sent a word and locates the captain that was in charge of the unit that attacked*


Re: Message from Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2011, 11:26:31 pm »
*Within hours of Lances commands in Hilm a deputation of Hilm and Toran guards arrest Field Commander Arran Den along with three other Toranites who tried to stop the arrest. Field Commander Arran Den has already defended his actions saying the True Virtues will strike as necessary to ensure that Torans truth and righteousness will reign supreme.

The Field Commander and the three Toranites in league with him are being held in the Hilm prison currently."


Re: Message from Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2011, 11:28:57 pm »
*Within hours of the arrest Hilm interrogators have discovered that the Field Commander was paid a considerable sum of money in the week prior to the army leaving Hilm for Briardusk. The Field Commander refuses to make any further comment on the matter except that The True Virtues will simply replace him with another when he is gone he is now demanding he be sent back to Huanjgin for trial.*


Re: Message from Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2011, 08:25:51 pm »
*Within days the actual formal document arrives and is given into Lord Alexanders hands, an urgent meeting is called after that and the document shown to those present which includes Queen Langovale and her faithful War General. Copies are also dispatched immediately to Sir Lance, Queen Mallaird, the High Druid in the Horn Kingdom and the Blackford War Council.

Most honourable Lords and Ladies,

I bring salutations from the remnants of what was previously known as the Fort of Last Hope and currently is the holding of the Siphe Garra.

Before I outline my request there are several points of fact that you should, in full honesty, be aware of as they will affect your decision making process in regards to this matter.

Firstly, I, Jaedon Siphe, Former General to Molvaren, current ruler of Kuhl are totally in control of the Fort of Last Hope remnants and its surrounding lands. This also gives me access and control of the Eastern passage through the Orsgaunt Mountains.

Secondly I have currently at my disposal over seven thousand highly trained warriors with more arriving every day, each and every one battle hardened, and full of resolve, and loyal to me.

Thirdly, I am aware of your current forces in the field and you knoiw and I know unless ou abandon the war against Kuhl you do not have the means to displace me from my current position.

Fourthly, as you must be well aware by now it will be years before you will be in any position to bring any sort of force against me and by then the toil of time will have done its task and your soldiers will want to return to their homes and see peace in Belinara once more.

Fifthly, The Siphe Garra and the lands upon which we stand are now officially under the protection of the dragon Ractrafiorez.

While my intention is not to be alarmist or to shadow the context of this request with veiled threats, I feel it would be remiss of me if I did not make our position perfectly clear before proceeding.

This I can now attend to the matter before us.

Please accept this as an official request to the powers of Belinara whom originally came together to found the nation of Hilm in much the same manner when it was required to face the demon menace and invasion by Blood himself.

I, General Jaedon Siphe, leader of the Siphe Garra, exiles of Kuhl and custodians of the captured (by fair combat) Fort of last Hope, do solemnly request the formation of a new sovereign principality that shall comprise the remnants of the Fort of Last Hope and land extending for 100 miles in every direction. This land and all it comprises shall then be called the Sovereign  Siphe Principality of Hilm and will operate as a free and independent city state. The rule of the province shall be by Marshal decree with its first Sovereign Lord to be myself by unanimous verdict of the Siphe Garra Captains Elect.

In exchange for such an establishment the Solvereign Lord of the Principality shall adhere by the original decrees Hilm was beholden to in its formation, those being;

- to fight and defend against demons and all their ilk that threaten the land
- to ensure, by martial means if necessary, the peace of the continent of Belinara
- to settle disputes between neighbouring countries within Belinara as required

We await your deliberations and responses.

Should the combined leaders of Belinara agree to our wishes then in response the Siphe Garra will honour Hilms original decrees and will help to restore who the Belinaran nations declare to be the rightful ruler of Kuhl, to said throne.

General Jaedon Siphe
(Marked below his name is the Siphe Garra emblem of two crossed swords with points downwards, one sword black and the other white) superimposed over a Red Dragon banner)


Re: Message from Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 09:46:05 am »
In Castle Hilm Queen langovale, her War General and Lord Alexander have spent several days in deliberations on Jaedon Siphes request.

On the third day a messenger arrives from the Council of Druids of the Horn kingdom with a letter.

*Lord Alexander,
We have read the document forwarded to the Council, we have discussed its contents and wish to inform you that the Horn Kingdom has very little interest in the war you are engaging in south of our borders.

Since we were asked to decide in favour of one way or the other we must tell you we came to a decision rather quickly. We know nothing much of this Jaedon Siphe beyond the fact that he has distinguished himself in a number of engagements in different lands over the years and was an active adventurer prior to assuming a War mongers life. We know enough of Molvaren to know that what he has brought to the world has caused some angst and even death to the land and nature on several occassions that brings us sadness and some concern.

We had hoped to remain nuetral in this affair but your attached letter indicated we had no choice but to decide either eway.

Therefore the Council of Druids makes its recommendation that if this Jaedon Siphe keeps his promises to uphold the original tenets our forebears put in place at the time of Hilms creation we see no reason why he should not be provided with land for his people to nurture and grow with.*

The letter ends with the official symbol of the Council of Druids of Horn.

Queen Langovale seems torn by the decision to be made and eventually the meeting after the receipt of the Horn Kingdoms letter closes for the day with the Queen indicating she will make no decision until she receives word from Queen Malliard in Nesar.

Meanwhile, hundreds of miles to the south of Castle Hilm the leaders of the main Hilm and Allied army prepares to assault Briardusk.


Re: Message from Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2011, 09:16:00 am »
// The day that Abi and Gel find the oil supply for the trench around Briardusk which is approximately 2 weeks after the failed assault led by Vrebel against Briardusk

That morning Lord Alexander is summoned to Queen Langovales suites and leaves not long after a pained expression on his face. Upon arriving in the main war room of Castle Hilm he addresses those gathered and sends word to Sir Lance at Briardusk.

"Queen langovale has agreed to General Siphes request on the provision that he aids in the capture of Briardusk and the restoration of her to the throne in Kuhl.  I want messengers dispatched immediately to bring this to Siphe and see if he will abide by those terms for her support."

Amid the flurry of activity in the war room after his spoken words several guards arrive in the room led by his Chief of Staff. All appear nervous and flustered.

"My Lord," His chief of staff bows nervously, "You have visitors. There are several representatives here from Nesar awaiting an audience."

Lord Alexander frowns, the day had already proven to have begun with one concern after another and now this. "Show them in."

Within minutes three Nesar Elite Castle Guards enter the room, soldiers personally selected to protect Queen Maillard herself. Behind them come two Black Ravens, servants of the Dark Temple that resides within Arnax. Their appearance draws scowls and dark looks from many of those present including Lord Alexander himself. Beyond them comes a woman in a heavy black dress with red and yellow panels of silken cloth in long streaks down the length of the dress that just touches the floor making it seem as if she glides across the tiles of the room. Her long dark hair was drawn back tightly behind the nape of her neck and decorated in small glittering gems. Her eyes were cool and hard as she entered and a large dark onyx holy symbol hung around her neck. One abhorant to many of those present especially after the news of Zolinar.

The woman swept through the room and bowed deeply to Lord Alexander before straightening. Lord Alexander barely moved showing his extreme displeasure and his mouth was drawn into a tight line. Her eyes swept across those nearby with disdain then back to Lord Alexander.

"Lord Alexander, I am the Lady Hreth'lanis, Personal Advisor to the Queen of Nesar. I have come personally to deliver the Queens wishes in this matter regarding the renegade general of the Green Dragon Cult, General Siphe."

"The Queens wishes? or your own Faiths wishes?" Lord Alexanders words carried across the room sharply and full of bitterness and contempt. The woman barely gave any hint that there was anything wrong.

"Why the Queens of course. She is the rightful ruler of Nesar and can make her own decisions." She smiled without humour and matched Lord Alexander stare for stare.

His shoulders stiffened before speaking once again, his tone indicating his displeasure. "What does the Queen have to say."

"In this we have complete agreement, that is to say she has a very clear idea of what must happen here. In light of recent events it is perfectly clear that we must begin to harbour and consider the idea of, to put it delicately, greater allies. This ex general has vital information that can aid the swift removal of Molvaren and the remainder of the Green Dragon Cult. He also promises certain key advantages in dealing with him of the...draconic type. With recent events as they are the Queen feels that we may have need of that sort of support in the not too distant future."

"You mean the dragon that almost wiped out Fort of Last Hope, that burned the walls of Castle Hilm, that killed hundreds of innocents in burning and rampaging around Briardusk before it was captured, and was responsible for thousands of our soldiers deaths?" Lord Alexander's face was red with fury.

She went on, ignoring the fire building in Lord Alexander. "The very same, it would not be prudent of us to miss the opportunity of grasping the aid of such where we can."

"Of all the idiocy..." Lord Alexander reeled suddenly, his face paled and sweat stood out on his forehead. He spluttered several times and clutched suddenly as his chest. Several guards rushed forward as he started to collapse and the woman took several steps back for the first time seemingly unsure.

"HEALER! GET ME A HEALER!" The cry came up from the chief of staff who was pulling open Lord Alexanders formal tunic trying to help him breathe. Bodies rushed everywhere and in the chaos that ensued Lady Hreth'lanis stood quietly with her guards near one wall, watching the scene unfold.

Within moments several priests of Toran raced into the room along with a number of mages and other attending staff that hovered and surrounded Lord Alexander.

Within half an hour Lord Alexander was carried by stretcher from the room to his private chambers attended by dozens of staff leaving a small handful including Lady Hreth'lanis in the War room.

Soon after General Vargrin of the Northern Armies of Hilm approached her. "My lady I regret to inform you Lord Alexander will not be returning to duty today and most likely tomorrow either. I am happy to officially receive your queens declaration so that you may leave and return to Nesar."

The woman dutifully handed over the document and left, a troubled look on her face as she did so.