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Author Topic: Fort of Last Hope  (Read 5337 times)


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #280 on: May 18, 2011, 06:27:53 pm »
*Storold tells Richard that it is fine for him to tag along, and that he will be able to watch. However there can be things which cannot be shared with him due to the rules of the Reaching, but there will be plenty of magic to observe beyond that.

After having made sure that everyone is ready to head out Storold follows the instructions of Richard(If he chooses to come along) or the map given to him by Daniella. Once there he sets up camp with the research team and tries to study the reasons for the wild magic as much as a full days work will allow them to before starting to work on the dismantling of the area.

Storold tries to involve the other mages as much as possible and ensure that the wild magic is compared to the effects felt outside Hlint many months ago. Storold writes as much as time allows him to into a report and returns to the Fort proper after two-three days depending on how the journey back and forth goes.*


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #281 on: May 19, 2011, 08:53:16 am »
Quote from: cbnicholson

 "Commander, with all due respect, this fort cannot hold any longer despite the determination and faith of its defenders. I believe the time has some to make use of your fallback plan." Daniel seems almost reluctant to continue, but standing amidst the destruction and battle he gathers his courage. "Your troops have done all they can, There is little to be gained from dying here." Daniel lowers his voice for her ears only. "I am asking your permission to withdraw to Hilm and for you to dismiss me from your service, Lady Daniella. Our strength is needed in Hilm now and I know there is a purpose for me elsewhere.. I am to join with Steel, where ever he may be. Will you not help me in this? " He waits a few moments for her reply, barely wincing as yet another section of the wall falls.

Daniella purses her lips tightly as she listens to Daniel.  "It's a shame that you could not hold out one more day, Captain.  We start evacuating to Hilm soon, since the portal cannot handle everyone all at once.  If you cannot wait that long, then go.  May you and the rest of the Mercenary's team fare well, for our success or failure in Hilm may depend on it.  I'll find someone to take over your post.  Toran's blessings be with you, sir."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #282 on: May 19, 2011, 09:54:07 am »
Daniel smiles, "You did a fine job here, Commander, despite ultimate withdrawal. Toran choose his champion well." Daniel snaps to attention and salutes solemnly, "May the strength of the Great Dragon be upon you in these final days." Daniel makes his way to the portal to Hilm.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #283 on: May 20, 2011, 04:06:41 am »
// Day 26

As Daniel steps through the portal word starts to arrive where Daniella is already discussing evacuation plans to take place over the next few days before Ractrafiorez returns of several adventurers already who have left the fort not even bothering to announce their departure.

Annoyed at the news Daniella sends orders to the Lucindites Conner left in charge of the portal to refuse to send anyone else through without permission from her.

Focusing then on the task before her with Vrebel, Argali, Kromlek, griff, Ferrit, Drexia and Kobal she begins to outline which divisions and groups of soldiers will make their ways into the tunnels and when.

Towards the end of the meeting Adjutant Werrin appeared at the doorway and sauntered in past the guards outside listening to the tail end of the conversation.

Daniella looked up at the sturdy dwarf, one of the few remaining leaders who had survived from the beginning in the fort. he looked tired and worn but had a look of steely determination in his eyes.

"Did you have something to add Adjutant?"

He grunted and spoke bluntly as was his way. "Beggin, yer pardon Commander but ave yeh worked out how yeah beh going to maintain deh illusion dat we beh holdin deh fort an not abandonin it fer deh enemy?"

Daniella frowned slightly, "The plan is to withdraw unit by unit over the next few days. Some of the mages will set up illusions as best they can of soldiers on the walls and a number of other diversions will be enacted to try and maintain the appearance of a well defended fort."

"Dat General out der is nay stoopid he'll beh inside and on us before we can escape an he'll have his dragons and Myr'drachs scouring deh countryside till he foinds the exit and weh beh out in deh open an soft targets." Werrin rested his hand on a well worn axe slung through his belt.

"That is a risk we have to take Adjutant."

"What ifn yea didnae ave teh?" Werrin regarded her coolly.

"What do you mean?"

Werrin glanced around at the faces gathered. "Oi've lived in dis place fer all my liofe, along wif a lot of deh odder lads and lasses. Heres deh thing. Yea all beh needin tiome teh make dis work an teh do dat yeah need deh defence of deh fort teh look real anough until it beh too late. Well, Oi've put deh call out and Oi figure oi got just over a fiove hunnard willin teh stay behoid wit meh and fiohgt deh bastards to deh bitter end an buy yea all deh tiome yea need."

Dead silence greeted his words as those realised exactly the import of the words Werrin had just spoken.

Daniell finally spoke with a soft voice, "You realise we will have to collapse the tunnels behind us when we leave?"

Werrin nodded brusquely, "Oi realise an so do all deh rest who beh wit meh."

Kobal walked over to Werrin and clasped him on the shoulder, the gesture meaning more than words ever could then walked out of the room. Slowly one by one the others followed suit each giving Werrin their won form of respect as they left until only Daniella, Drexia and Werrin remained.

"I would argue against this Werrin if the situation was any other, but frankly, you are right and as must as it pains me I will not stop you from this gesture. All I can say is that is has been an honour to serve with you, every one of those within this fort over the last month."

Werrin forced a half smile, "Nauw don't go gettin all mushy on meh Commander. Just get out aloive and teach dese bassards a lesson deh never forget." With that he saluted in such a way as to convey without words the respect he had for the commander who had led them through all the trials and tribulations of battle over the long weeks and turned and walked out.

Daniella sighed and glanced at Drexia, "A hard sacrifice, but Toran has provided us this opportunity, we should make their sacrifice count. Go and give the orders to start the evacuations. Storold left the tunnels earlier having finished his work so everything is good to go."

Over the next few hours men and women started to file out of the fort through the tunnels in small groups. Arfur, Portlie and Andrew led the first groups into the maze of passages and tunnels showing them the way.

// Day 27

The day began with a full scale invasion of the Eastern Wall by the Myr'drachs and a Dragon that had systematically made their way along the eastern passage from the makeshift docks and began their assault on the wall itself. With relatively few defenders left their within an hour of their assault the signal was given to fall back to the inner wall and soldeiers were told to abandon the partially collapsed southern wall as well.

The remaining forces were now corralled in the inner fort where already after days of constant barrages the western wall was showing signs of imminent collapse. Still Kobal ranged back and forth on the wall with Kromlek and Griff and many soldiers fending off determined attacks by the enemy.

Vrebel had taken over on the northern wall as Wren, Ferrit and Gel had departed just before the order to retreat with another large group of defenders. While the northern wall was relatively in tact there was a considerable gathering of Myr'drachs on that side all flying up and dropping many grappling hoofs onto the walls with knotted ropes attacked for the drachs and other cult soldiers to climb.

To the south over the day the enemy scaled the broken south wall and by evening were preparing to begin assaults on the southern inner wall and were also fanning out through the streets and buildings to assess their chances of taking the inner eastern wall as well.

// Day 28

Cult soldiers had surrouned the inner fort completely, diggers were already working at the bases of the east and south walls trying to destabilise the walls so the work of the catapults being brought closer would go quicker.

Two huge chunks had been torn out of the western wall during the night and the defenders were forced to hold their ground against a determined push by the Cult to break into the inner fort. The battles were pitched and fierce and if it weren't for Kobal, Kromlek, Griff, Daniella and Drexia they surely would have penetrated the fort before the allies were ready.

Under the cover of the heavy fighting Richard and Argali led another large group away through the tunnels.

The fighting raged all day with only brief lulls and it was evident close to nightfall that sooner rather than later the Cult were going to overrun the inner fort defenders.

Daniella ordered another large group to withdrew as darkness closed. It was risky and ahead of schedule but if she didnt there was a good chance their plan would fail.

Griff, Drexia and Kromlek were the next to go, it took some fierce arguing to get them to move but eventually with the responsibility of so many defenders on their soldiers they agreed to go heading into the tunnels.

During the night the Cult broke through on the western wall and started to flood into the inner fort. Horns were sounded and the remaining defenders abandoned all the walls and fell back to the only remaining stone structure left standing in the inner fort blockading themselves in the thick stone walled tower. A similar one to the Fort Commanders tower destroyed by Ractrafiorez near the start of the conflict.

At the signal the remaining mages left through the portal and set it to be destroyed. Even as Cult soldiers poured intot he ruined top floors of the structure housing the portal and began to descend the steps trying to capture it intact there was a loud boom and dust, rock, stone chips and fiery orange explosions ripped through the night sky as the portal was destroyed.

Meanwhile in the remaining tower, Kobal, Vrebel, Gorm and last of all Daniella descended into the tunnels leaving Werrin and his five hundred to hold out against the Cult now thudding against the walls of the remaining tower.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #284 on: May 20, 2011, 10:14:38 am »
// Day 29  // Note these events take place more than a week or so before the Stormcry and Hilm Plot quests.

"Take day ya bassards!" Werrin roared from a stone hatch in the top of the tower. Buckets of boiling oil poured down onto the soldiers below the tower causing screams to rise to where Werrin looked down on them. All around the tower cult soldiers withdrew from the scolding liquid that he and a dozen others have dropped right around the circumference of the tower. he ducked back suddenly as several bolts thudded into the wall near his head.

Looking back into the room dull thuds resumed below at the lower level where the cult had brought up a heavy battering ram and were trying to smash in the sturdy timber double doors into the tower. Men and women sprawled around the area, many were wounded and dying, some were already dead, dragged upstairs out of the way of where the fighting was going to happen below when the cult finally broke through the doors.

Of the three levels in the tower they had two left to defend. The cult had breached the first room several hours after Daniella had sealed the tunnels and the defenders had fought bitterly before retreating back through a dobule stairwell to the second level and it was those doors the Cult were close to breaking through now.

Werrin moved back downstairs offering a reassuring word to those he passed. Descending the wide stairway the second floor of the tower was full of soldiers ready for that urgent moment when the timbers of the door would shatter and burst apart and the battle would begin once again.

By midday the door gave up its fight to remain in place and Myr'drachs mixed with cult soldiers poured through the shattered remnants and the battle began anew. In the closed quarters of the tower the fighting was close and brutal. There was no mistaking the determination of the cultists this time, they meant to finish the task once and for all. Werrin drew his axe and leapt into the fray.

The battle raged while soldiers on both sides slipped and slid on the bodies and blood of their comrades beneath them. As Werring battle with his soldiers there was a sudden surge in the room and a new combatant entered the fray. Werrin was unable to see over the heads of the massed combat what was going on but it wasnt long before own soldiers began to fall back, pressing against him moving towards the stairs to the final level. Werrin shouted at them to hold, to turn about, but it was no use and then as if by magic a space cleared before him and he saw why. The enemyt general Jaedon Siphe was cutting a path through the defenders. his blade flickered this way and that each time causing mortal wounds. With him can a dozen Drach Garra, men completely loyal to him and who had served and trained with him for many years. They dealt death by the bucketfull as they cleared a path into the ranks of their opponents.

Within moments Werrin was face to face with Siphe and raised his axe to engage. It was almost a futile gesture, Jaedons sword severed the arm that held the axe like it was parting butter, then came a leg and finished with his head before the swirling deadly steel continued on its way through the defenders.

By the time Jaedon had reached the stairs the defenders were done, those left alive dropping their weapons and raising their hands without even trying to flee up the stairs and lock the last remaining door. Jaedons people spread out surrounding them as he drew closer to one. A lieutenant in the dwarven heavy infantry who had remained with Werrin. Hofsten looked up at Jaedon as he placed his hands on the back of his head as instructed by his captors.

Jaedon gaze him a steely glare, "Where did they go?"

Hofsten hawked and spat at the General. Siphe wiped at the spittle with a gauntleted hand then ran the dwarf through and proceeded to the next captive. "Same question."

The man, a soldier in the Hilm light infantry from the fort sobbed and begged for his life before the general just as one of his Drach Garra returned from upstairs. "Over a hundred surrendered, several score of wounded upstairs, some we put out of their misery."

Jaedon nodded at the Garra soldier. "Get them all outside into the main courtyard, wounded as well. Bring in any healers we have to tend to them and see that they get fresh water and some food." As the Garra moved to carry out his orders he turned to the others. "Spread out and find me their escape route. It has to be here somewhere. Get the Dragons airborne, I want them circulating to find them. NOW!"

Men jumped to carry out his demands and the prisoners were marched in long lines outside into the main courtyard.

Hours later the Cult had secured what remained of the Fort of Last Hope. It had been a great Fort once, and now it was mostly rubble. Jaedon looked out over the wreckage of the Fort and the town that was built around it, at the devastation and carnage that had put a permanent blight on the face of the land around the Fort. The lost lives to capture the fort had been overwhelming but he had done what he set out to do.

He stood looking out over the area from the top of the one remaining tower in the fort where the last defenders have give a valiant last stand. he turned his gaze north. Somewhere in that distance Molvaren had been fighting for weeks against Fort Hilm. He weighed up his options and turned over in his hand a piece of parchment he had received from the women who had thwarted him for so long in the Fort of Last Hope. There wasnt much writing on it but if it was true... He considered his options as a guard emerged onto the roof with him.

"Sir, the remains are secured. We found the passage they used in the bottom of this tower but its sealed sir. They collapsed the tunnel it led into. The Garra are falling back to the main camp as you instructed and the remaining Ori and Tesak are already claiming their victory here my General." The last was said with a distinct frown. "Sir, if I may be so bold, you won this victory, not the Tesak, or the Ori."

Siphe turned to face the man a wry look on his face. "No, Jurn, everyone lost this battle." He tossed a broken piece of rock into the corner of the roof, crumpled the paper in his hand and put it into his pocket.

"It's time we left our betters to enjoy their victory. We will withdraw to the camps and await further orders."

"But Sir, we received orders to march for Fort Hilm immediately to aid Lord Molvaren in the seige on Fort Hilm."

"Did we Jurn? I seem to forget the details of that missive. Did it actually say by when we had to reach there?"

"Well no Sir it just said we had to go north as soon as we have finished with the Fort of last Hope."

Jaedon put an arm around the Garra. "Good, We still have some work to finish here, we'll move north once we are finished here."

Jurn seemed to catch onto the Generals implied meaning. "But that might take a while to prepare the men to match to restock provisions isnt that right sir."

"Sadly, thats very true Jurn. Inform the rest of the Garra of our urgent need to ensure everything is in tip top shape before we move north."

"Yes Sir." The man saluted and sharply turned and left.

Jaedon paused a moment longer and said into the air as he headed for the steps. "Alright Commander, lets see how this plays out."

The next morning Jaedon took a group of trusted garra to a rocky outcropping where he had spent a lot of time observing the ongoing battle with the Fort. Just as he reached there a messenger ran up to him.

"General! General! Another..dragon...dead."

The General and the men with him glanced at the messenger. "How" said Jaedon.

"It was Ractrafiorez Sir, the dragon was sent over the mountains to the north. It's body was dropped into the eastern passage beyond the fort an hour ago."

"Where are the other two?" asked Jaedon.

"They came back last night and are at the feeding fields."

Jaedon nodded, "See that they stay there."

Even as the messenger rode off an ear splitting roar filled the air and a massive red shape descended from above the nearby mountains towards the fort. Dust and soot clung to it from the rumbling volcano to the north in the Orsgaunt mountains.

"So you were right." muttered Jaedon.

Ractrafiorez unleashed his fury on what was left of the fort and those within, his fire melted metal, cracked stone and turned wood to cinders. Meanwhile out of the mountains fire giants rushed down and engaged those left alive. Ractrafiorez content to fly over the fort plucking Myr'drachs from the batle and crushing them in his claws or tearing their wings off and letting them fall from high up to the ground.

In the background the dark clouds formed by the volcanic peak further north were a fitting appearance for the ongoing spectacle.

Before long more and more of Jaedon Siphes men come and stood nearby to watch the devastation.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #285 on: May 20, 2011, 11:39:59 am »
Andrew's last few days with the Fort were spent making copies of Arfur's map for those leading the defenders away, singing healing on those he could, and preparing.  He made sure that all those who were leading groups through the tunnels had a copy - but kept the original safe.  He'd joked with Arfur about framing it for posterity and hells, he just might.  The man's work was expediting their retreat and it was fine work to boot.  If Arfur didn't want it or didn't mind, he might put it up in a prominent place at the Buckle.

Before he, Arfur, and Portlie lead the first groups through in he did a scouting mission to make sure that creatures from unexplored passageways had not wandered into the path out.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #286 on: May 20, 2011, 12:56:50 pm »
* Kobal was clearly not happy about leaving the 500 dwarves and men behind. Not only did his own officers have to persuade him again and again, no, he was almost dragged through the entrance to the lower dungeons. In the end it was his responsibility to clan and kin that made him turn his back on the last defenders of the Fort of Last Hope, never to be seen again.

Before leaving he spoke in length with Wessir and his dwarves - during times of waiting, listening to the pounding of the Cult's battering ram against the heavy doors to the inner keep.

Kobal made note of any next of kin, who were to be notified and asked whether such would be able to take care and make a living for themselves after the war. If not, he assured the warriors that he would make sure they were cared for. In most cases that would mean an invitation to live with the Runic Anvil clan beneath Mount Norand. *

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #287 on: May 20, 2011, 01:54:55 pm »
Hours before Gel was ordered through the portal, he took some time to draw a group of Werrin's men sitting together in a moment of peace.  Closing up his journal, he makes ready his supplies and makes for the portal.  Before bring bathed in Al'Noth he wondered if what he was going to would be as remarkable as what he left.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #288 on: May 20, 2011, 02:11:50 pm »
//clarification- the plan was to take the portal to Hilm, but to cave in the tunnels to make it look like we left through the tunnels, then once we had gone through, we shut down the portal.