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Author Topic: Prayers of the Faithful  (Read 2320 times)


Prayers of the Faithful
« on: August 30, 2005, 01:11:00 am »
*A scroll bearing the following letter is posted in every temple of Rofirein*

Fellow devotees of the Great Dragon,

We are collating together prayers of the Faithful from around the world in a show of unity of the Faith and our devotion to our Lord.

It is hoped that this will provide direction, solace and strengthen the faith of all those in the world who believe in the Golden Protector.

Please submit your prayers in the box supplied beneath this message so they may be brought together as we hope to bring together all our Faithful.

May the Light of the Dragon be with you.

// Post them here or PM me and I will collate them into a book then I am hoping to be able to have it made into an in game book your characters can carry with them! The First Holy Book of Prayers of Rofirein!

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Prayers of the Faithful
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2005, 02:07:00 am »
"Lead me, Lord Protector, so that I may lead others on the path of the Light!"

"Vorax sharpen my blade! Rofirein broaden my shield!"

"Let your might protect us from the darkness and evil of this place. Let your glory shine true, and blind the eyes of our foes."

"Lord Protector! Infuse me with strength, so that I may stand firm against the onslaught of my enemies!"

"I pledge myself to you my Lord. Lead me on paths of wisdom and courage to the benefit of all."

// I don't have prayers I use again and again, since I forget them. :) So I make them up when I need them, fitting to the situation I am in - mostly short and to the point.

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Prayers of the Faithful
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2005, 03:37:00 am »
* Kobal's Morning Prayer to Rofirein *

"As the light of the sun spreads on the world,
the first rays of light are reflected in thy golden armor
and engulf me in an aura of warmth, hope and courage.
The beginning of the day signifies the beginnning of a path.
The beginning of the path was the beginning of a vow.
It speaks to me of loyalty, friendship, protection, guidance and hope.
Loyalty to all that show loyalty to you.
Friendship to those that walk the path of the light.
Protection of those in need.
Guidance to the misguided.
Hope for a time of glory and peace in your name.
As the light intensifies, so does my preparation for the path.
The warmth of the sun infuses my armor with the strength of your scales.
The light of the sun empowers my axe with the sharpness of your claws.
As the sun continues on its path, I will continue on my path.
My Lord. Guide me in the name of the light."



RE: Prayers of the Faithful
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2005, 12:15:00 am »
// Come on your support!


One of Ael's Prayers
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2005, 01:02:00 am »
*Prior to meditating, Ael always recites this prayer silently and mindfully:*

Oh Mighty, Wise, and All-Seeing Lord Protector,
Unveil to us the face of the True Spiritual Sun,
Illuminated by Your Wisdom, and
Hidden by a Disk of Golden Light,
That we may come to know the Truth,
And do our entire duty
As we journey to Thy sacred feet.


Invocation of the Great Golden Wyrm
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2005, 10:27:00 pm »
From the point of Light within the Mind of the All-Seeing
Let light stream forth into the minds of the faithful.
Let Light descend upon our realm.

From the point of Wisdom within the Heart of our Lord Protector
Let wisdom stream forth into the hearts of the faithful.
May Justice and Peace return to our realm.

From the center where the Will of the Great Golden Wyrm is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of the faithful –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the Church of the All Seeing
Let the Plan of His Wisdom and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Wisdom and Power restore the His Plan upon this,
Our Realm of Layonara.


Revision, correction, and disclaimer
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2005, 11:56:00 pm »
//Lol.  I noted these after the 30-minute deadline for editing had expired.

1.  Third line of the first post (meditation prayer): substitute "Thine" for "Your" to make this reference consistent with the "Thy" in the last line.

2. Next-to-last line of the Invocation post should read: "Let Light and Wisdom and Power restore His Plan upon this," .  Somehow, an unwanted "the" sneaked in there.  :P


RE: Prayers of the Faithful
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2005, 05:35:00 pm »
//Let have some more Rofireinites.....


RE: Prayers of the Faithful
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2005, 05:27:00 pm »
A Child's Prayer

O Great Dragon, may your Golden Scales protect me from harm.  Please guide me as I grow, that I may be strong and wise.  Help me to help others, my Lord Protector.


RE: Prayers of the Faithful
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2005, 01:24:00 pm »
A Voraxian prayer

Might Vorax, hear a faithfull warrior in need.
Father of battles, lend me your strength to smite the corrupt and cowardly,
Eternally viginent one, lend me your insight that I may see through the plans of my enemies,
Great warrior, lend me your grace so I may deflect the fatal blows of those who oppose you,
My lord, lend me your courage that I may face great danger and not flinch from my duty,
Vorax hear me, and lend your blessing to this battle!


Oh father of battles, hear me!
Fill my allies with courage and lay low my enemies with fear at the coming of my righteous axe!
Turn aside the vile blades of pain and fear, that my heart may know your truth and never falter!
With my keen edge and stout shield I shall claim victory this day, your will be done!



RE: Prayers of the Faithful
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2005, 12:37:00 am »
A common blessing a Rofireinite may give:

May the Wings of the Dragon enfold you with love, his Scales protect you and his Claws give you the strength to face life without fear.

// I need a whole lot more to show Rofirein we care!

