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Author Topic: Pyrtechon  (Read 1103 times)


« on: September 16, 2004, 01:36:00 pm »
Aliases: The Destroyer, The Raging One   
Race: Dragon  
Alignment: CE  
Worshippers: Worshippers of Pyrtechon are primarily human, with a few elves or dwarves. Pyrtechon also has a significant following among the monstrous races.  
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE.  
Domains: Strength, War, Destruction, and Evil.  
Governs: Destruction, chaos  
Consign Layonara and all of its attendant races to oblivion. Do not preserve; preservation is not the way of Pyrtechon. Only in the purity of absolute destruction can the world be cleansed.  
The fires of The Destroyer will purge this place, life plays no part beyond its brief dance in the flames. Glory in destruction, and do not cease until all life is extinguished.  
Clergy Favored Weapon and Clothing:  
Clerics of Pyrtechon show no particular favor toward one weapon type, seeing all as tools to achieve the ends of their Dark God. Weapons are made to kill and are all considered to be worthy of use. Indeed, many Clerics of Pyrtechon are skilled in the use of a range of weapons, far beyond the followers of other deities. Weapons are often enchanted with fire, to emulate Pyrtechon’s breath.  
Clerics are normally heavily armored for better protection in combat, which they often see. Flame-red platemail and splintmail are highly favored, as both are considered representative of the scaled hide of Pyrtechon.  
Clerics often wear a necklace of basalt (always chipped from the statue of Pyrtechon held in the central worship hall) carved into the representation of a talon wreathed in flames of gem dust. The more powerful the cleric the more valuable the gem dust of the wreath, with ruby considered to be at the pinnacle. Beyond ornamental purposes, these charms are used by Pyrtechonites to evaluate each other’s abilities, with challenges not uncommon for those considered to be exaggerating their powers.  
Clergy and Temples  
Clerics of Pyrtechon are an individualistic array, and thus find it difficult to establish a truly coherent structure. This individualism, added to the clergy’s inclination toward destruction of both life and social order, makes a complex formal hierarchy almost impossible to achieve. Followers of Pyrtechon tend to be solitary individuals who keep their worship out of the public eye.  
With this attitude toward life (and, indeed, each other), one would expect that these clerics would be disorganized. This is far from the truth. Though formal temples are few and far between, small groups are often highly effective at working together to create as much havoc as possible. These groups are typified by a cleric who rules by virtue of strength alone and rules only as long as he is able to hold that position.  
In theory, all Pyrtechonites are answerable to the High Priest. Much like the leaders of smaller cabals, he maintains authority through strength and achievement. If the High Priest was ever to falter, he would be consumed by someone within his own ranks. The temple has a highly effective network of communication, thus allowing them to keep in contact with the many small groups operating throughout Layonara at any one time.  
The central temple itself is a remarkable edifice of red stone, dominating and impressive. A strange miasma of violence fills the halls, making all feel watched by the baleful gaze of the Dragon God. Naked flame lights the temple, illuminating the richly appointed suites and corridors, casting a garish glow throughout. The Hall of Worship is accessible to all, with a huge basalt statue of Pyrtechon at the central point of adoration. The statue is exquisitely carved, the ruby eyes glaring down upon the assembled faithful, no damage apparent from the horde of amulets chipped from its stony skin.  
Beyond this hall, however, is where the true rites of the faith, dark and gruesome, are performed. This sanctuary is only available to the High Priest and those few he selects to aid him in the rituals to Pyrtechon’s greater glory. These rites are sadistic and violent, and it is not only flames that bathe the room red. The remainder of the temple is devoted to housing the clerics who reside at the temple, the Chambers of Learning, and the Hall of Petitions.  
Clerics of Pyrtechon pray for their spells at dusk or dawn. Both are seen as a time of death, with one state – day or night – being banished to oblivion in favor of another. Most, however, choose the death of the sun as the holiest time, due to its symbology of life and all that its fall represents.  
Pyrtechon’s constellation ‘The Eternal Flame’ consists of nine stars making up the rough shape of a small flame. All the stars of this constellation carry a light red hue and glow brightest at dusk when most clerics of Pyrtechon prefer to pray.  Many of the prayers directed towards this constellation come in the form of a cleric of high rank tracing the outline of the constellation in the dirt with a sword of flame. However being as secretive as many of the followers of Pyrtechon are, little is known about just why they do that.  
Allies and Enemies:  
Allied: Corath, Baraeon Ca'Duz , Grand  
Friendly: Shadon, Branderback, Mist, Vierdri’ira  
Neutral: Aragen   
Unfriendly: Ilsare, Goran, Shindaleria, Sulterio   
Enemy: Rofirein, Vorax, Dorand, Aeridin, Deliar, Toran, Lucinda, Katia, Az'atta, Kithairien, Beryl, Xeen, Folian S'pae, Prunilla, Grannoch  

