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Author Topic: Vierdri'ira  (Read 773 times)


« on: September 16, 2004, 12:59:00 pm »
Aliases: Mother of Darkness, Quarvalsharess (Goddess in Dark Elven)
  Race: Dark Elf
  Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Worshippers: Dark Elf females only   Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Trickery, War  Governs: Stealth, night, darkness, poison
Dogma:  Worship the Mother of Darkness or die. Destroy the weak and the faithless. Strive to better yourselves, even at the expense of others; in this way you will gain and keep the favor of the Mother of Darkness. Dark elves are the supreme race, and females are better than males. The Dark Elvesshall reign supreme in Underdark. Annihilate the surface elves and take their lands from them. Do not aid the enemies of the People.
Clergy Favored Weapon and Clothing:   Priestesses of Vierdri’ira prefer to use a whip. They’re always dressed in black, whether they’re in armor or clothing. They prefer armor made from blackened mithril or adamantium. Usually they wear an obsidian necklace with two red eye-shaped rubies hanging from it. The only other colors they occasionally add to their black garments is purple or red.
Clergy and Temples:  Priestesses of Vierdri’ira are the most powerful people in Dark Elf society, next to Priests of Baraeon Ca’Duz. Every Dark Elf city has one temple for the Mother of Darkness. Temples are led by a High Priestess, who only remains in that rank as long as no other, more powerful Priestess removes her from that position.
Two red eyes always glow menacingly above the entrance of Her temples and only females are allowed to enter; males entering the temple will be killed.  Inside these temples, it is very dark, with only the slightest purple or red glow to light the way. The main room of a temple is the Hall of Submission, where the Dark Elvesworship their goddess. Further inside the temple is the Inner Sanctum, where the most secret and powerful rituals are performed. It is only during these rituals inside the Inner Sanctum that the name “Vierdri’ira” is used, and the Inner Sanctum is also the only place that the sacred High Drow language is still used. During all other rites, the language used is Deep Drow and she is referred to as “Quarvalsharess” or “Mother of Darkness.” Since the Inner Sanctum also holds the temple’s most powerful artifacts, only the six most powerful priestesses are allowed to enter.
Females who do not worship her but enter the Inner Sanctum of a temple are to be sought out and killed unless they are converted to worship the Quarvalsharess within seven days. Proof of conversion is given by undergoing a Test to demonstrate their loyalty to Vierdri’ira and Baraeon; those who fail either die or are transformed into the fearsome Driders. This is the same test that all Dark Elveshave to go through to prove their loyalty to their deities and their People.   Clerics pray for their spells before they go into reverie. The Mother of Darkness requires that her followers bring her many offerings, be they riches or offerings of slaves, captives, or traitors.
Constellation:  The Mother of Darkness does not have any constellation associated with her, but some wonder to what constellation two glowing red stars, almost like red irises, located relatively close to eachother in the sky, belong to.
Allies and Enemies:  Allied: Baraeon Ca’duz, Pyrtechon  Friendly: Shadon, Branderback, Corath,Xeen  Neutral: Lucinda, Mist, Aragen, Grand, Grannoch  Unfriendly: Sulterio, Goran  Enemy: Ilsare, Az’atta, Rofirein, Vorax, Aeridin, Deliar, Toran, Katia, Kithairien, Shindaleria, Beryl, Folina S’pae, Prunilla, Dorand

