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Author Topic: Mulnari, Novlar 9, 1473 - DARTS  (Read 159 times)


Mulnari, Novlar 9, 1473 - DARTS
« on: November 16, 2010, 09:41:33 am »
Come assist the [SIZE=16]Silver Buckle[/SIZE][/FONT] in tournament darts rules!

-Drink heavily and throw sharp, pointy objects at a dot the size of a pixie's fist!

-Make bets on who's going to win!

-Spout opinions on how the owner should remodel the place anyway!

[SIZE=16]Bar is restocked![/SIZE]

//Thursday night around eight-thirty-ish est, Tod you better be there

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Re: Mulnari, Novlar 9, 1473 - DARTS
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2010, 01:03:52 pm »
A certain Old Man heads to the Silver Buckle with darts and a dart board, eager to participate in the sport.

"Been a long time since they had a dart competition.  Oh yeah...  that's because I helped host the last one!"

Upon meeting Andrew, he smiles and asks where he can set up.


Re: Mulnari, Novlar 9, 1473 - DARTS
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2010, 01:50:06 pm »
A black-haired seven-year-old boy, starting to get leggy and moving a mile a minute, streaks from around the bar and tackles the old man.

"GRANDPA!  You have to see this placeitsobig - come see my room, till they move it, it's downstairs, we can slide on the big floor in our socks!" The boy grabs the old man's hand and tugs, eyes bright.

"Ty, easy!  Grandpa's not built for that kind of punishment anymore." The father flashes an easy grin at the old man. "Set up...over here, away from the bar.  If they miss this wall's getting knocked down anyway.  Good thing you have a board - do you have extra darts?"


Re: Mulnari, Novlar 9, 1473 - DARTS
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2010, 02:16:40 pm »
The Old Man lifts his Grandson up with on arm, smiling at him.  "Big, huh?  You know this place used to be home to an Emerald of Beryl?  Great Man, errr Elf, he was...  is..."  The old man looked confused for a moment, then shrugged.  "How 'bout you take these..." he hands the boy numerous small boxes of darts, "and put them with yer Pa's darts while he and I talk.  Then you can show me yer room."

He then puts the boy down and ruffles his hair before he waddles off with the load of darts.

"So yer taking this place apart, eh?"  He looks around nostalgically.  "I remember when..."  He stops mid sentence, eyes full of pain and fear.  "Nevermind.  Good to see you trying to revive this ol' building.  Ya need any coin?  I ain't spending mine any time soon."


Re: Mulnari, Novlar 9, 1473 - DARTS
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2010, 02:37:12 pm »
"You save those 'remember whens'.  Behind this wall there's going to be a special place built just for telling those stories and I'm expecting you to come do that."  The younger man smiles, pushing his glasses up onto his nose. "And yes, I'll take any contributions you care to give.  She's a grand old dame with great bones -" He pats a wall timber, stained with smoke and age but solid "-but fixing her up to be a debutante again is taking some doing.  Lucky I have a premier architect and some incredible work crews.  And for Muse's sake don't tell Tyra you gave me money, she'll go ballistic."  He laughs and turns to look at the boy, doing an impatient shuffle right behind him.  "You'd better go see someone's room before he spontaneously explodes." The younger man smiles and turns back to attaching the dartboard, humming to himself.


Re: Mulnari, Novlar 9, 1473 - DARTS
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2010, 02:58:17 pm »
The senior adventurer grinned a bit.  "Actually, I gots a great idear.  A prize fer the winner."  He picked up the boy and sat him on his shoulder.  "We can discuss it later, but I gots all sorts ah ol' crud from my adventures still.  Maybe we can offer some of it up."  With that he wandered off into the vaults below the Silver Buckle, the sound of clawed boots scratching a trail behind him, a small boys excited yammerings following close behind.


Re: Mulnari, Novlar 9, 1473 - DARTS
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2010, 07:42:47 pm »
Darts happening now!


Re: Mulnari, Novlar 9, 1473 - DARTS
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2010, 11:02:52 pm »
Minu was in reverie, having run her feet off baking and tending bar for the darts night.  He cleaned counters and wiped water rings off tables; a good bit of their stock was drunk, but the echos of happy friends and customers still lingered.

Symphony was the last to leave, seeming content to sit and discuss variations in play, different methods of scoring and debating the finer points of the rules after the room emptied out.  Trust a Rofireinite to find pleasure in that, but he needed the help - his special cigar had a kick he hadn't anticipated and he was loopy for a good part of the evening.  He'd had a hell of a time keeping up with the scores, who was Killer, even getting out the rules at one point.  The halfling had kept him straight on more than one occasion.

Now the great room was quiet, his lady tucked snugly in bed, his son asleep downstairs (after a lengthy protest over not being allowed to attend) and his inn settled a bit with a soft moan of bricks and timber.  He put the last mug in the kitchen and returned to stand by the bar.  His bar.  It was a moment for prayer and his song was made up on the spot.

For those whose laughter grace this room
For those also who stand and serve
For those whose hands and heart create
For all those who in life deserve

Muse watch over them, Muse watch over us
And give us inspiration
Fill our lives with love and friends
And bless this celebration

He'd finish it later.  The darts he stacked in a display table next to the dartboard, who pristine face had been ravaged by two dwarves, two elves, two halflings, one half-elf and two humans, one of whom could not hit the broad side of a barn even with a catapult and a gnomish guidance system.  He'd been the first one out too.  Still - another great night at the Silver Buckle.  He blew out the candelabras, humming softly, and went to join Minu.  It occurred to him that he liked this life, more than he'd ever though he would.

Maybe I'm getting old.  But it's not such a bad thing...

//thank you to all who attended the Darts Night