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Author Topic: A Large Leaf next to the Tavern Door  (Read 99 times)


A Large Leaf next to the Tavern Door
« on: November 28, 2006, 06:32:13 am »
:in block letters:

   a gathering of leaves is hereby called for for all those who tend the wilds and their friends who come with a leafs word

the ancient stones just north of the wooden palisade humans call hlint is the place for all leaves to come and share what they have gathered in their travels

on the high sun of the next moons passing all leaves shall arrive and be known to their fellows gifted in natures hand

: a cheetahs paw print marks the base of the leaf with more letters:

:the small elven boy nods and they head back to the boat that will take them back to mistone:

//event is on calendar 12/3 at 12 noon edt//