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Author Topic: The Late Ifion Witseeker  (Read 183 times)


The Late Ifion Witseeker
« on: May 25, 2007, 04:04:55 am »
*Tyrian tacks up a notice, elegantly written, but tear stained*
 [SIZE=24]The search for and gathering of knowledge of any kind is paramount.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]A great man has left us.
If ye wish to hear the story of his death, seek me out, I have the knowledge... and hold the blame.
I can tell the tale, a tale of love lost, and of a foolish woman.
May Aragen take his soul, knowing he was a true and devouted follower.
If there are any of his faith that wish to accompany me to return his books to the temple, please, send me a bird.
Continue to enlighten the unenlightened.
 [SIZE=16]Signed in Anguish,
Tyrian Baldu'muur


Re: The Late Ifion Witseeker
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 09:42:34 pm »
*After being away for a long time Zandor walks into the Freelancers Tavern. he takes off his dented helm and sets his blood stained greataxe and travel pack on the floor next to his chair.He orders a drink then walks over to read some of the notes nailed to the board to learn what has been happening while he was gone.He sees this note covered up with a few other notes and reads it, then pulls out some parchement and his quill*

Ifion Witseeker was a good friend and could hold his own in a fight good for a half-elf. It be a sad day when he died and may Vorax watch over his soul on its way to Aragen.

-Zandor Glowingaxe

*he takes his ale and raises it to the Ifion* "May he have lived will and died with honor".

"a hero is no braver then an ordinary man he is just brave 5 minutes longer"
"courage is fear holding on a minute longer"
"he who fears being conqured is sure of defeat"
"Those that thank they can not be stoped soon fine the truth at the tip of a sword."

