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Author Topic: *Something that was not quite expected*  (Read 1059 times)

Lance Stargazer

*Something that was not quite expected*
« on: June 26, 2012, 03:56:59 pm »
**One rainy nigth, the Buckle seems to be on its usual mood, the patrons enjoying the escape of their pains by taking ale and spirits as it lasts, with the famine to have a drink its becoming slowly a more rare delight.*

*There is some concern as all of sudden some crystals got broken in the central area of the inn, the music stops for a moment and the patron looks around as the strange event just happened without explanation *

*As Michael  calls for Jetta to move to position ( if she is not around there already ), the center of the hall start to clear itslef of patrons , leaving a grinning elven girl sitting looking up at them all with a surprising and perhaps a bit ashamed expression*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2012, 10:37:10 pm »
*While the crowd seems to part around the Elvin lass, Jetta instead moves in toward her, and where the sound of breaking crystal came from.  Her keen eyes survey the scene, taking in every detail.  When Michael begins to call for her, he sees she's already there and well on top of the situation, rather than elsewhere in the inn on one of her frequent security sweeps.  In a friendly and courteous business voice she looks to the Elven lass and speaks,*
"Well hello there.  What seems to be the trouble here, miss?"

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 10:58:07 pm »
*She looks up to Jetta as she appears*

A combination of sounds that should not have been combined milady.. er.. Its there Master Andrew around?  


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2012, 11:06:38 pm »
*purses her lips on the verge of a frown*
"Perhaps.  Who would I tell him is looking for him?"

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2012, 11:11:27 pm »
*She answers in a quick and gentle voice*

You should not frown miss,  it may scare people, your hair is long and preety, if you smile more you may look preetier.  

I am so thankful for asking then, please tell him that Amaria is looking for him.

*Then looks upon Jetta again with an expecting look*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 11:29:23 pm »
*For a moment Jetta continues to regard the woman coolly, then she grins a most shark-like grin with a bit of a twinkle in her eye, gesturing the Elven lass to stand and follow.*
"Come with me, Amaria."
*She leads Amaria to the meeting room near the front entrance to the inn and directs her inside while she asks,*
"Have a seat, and please tell me how it is you know Andrew?"

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 11:55:19 pm »
*She sits on the couch * I met him quite well. I was here when that woman came with his son and all the fiasco you know? ..  you his wife now?  

**she tilt her head trying to make sure what to do of Jetta*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2012, 07:42:02 am »
//OOC  - For clarification, the Meeting Room to which Jetta has lead Amaria is the room with the long table and all the chairs next to Andrew's office, not the lounge area with the couches near the fireplace.
*smiles in her predatory way at Amaria.*
"Oh, no.  I'm certainly not his wife.  I'm the chief of security here at the Silverbuckle.  It's my job to ask questions."
*After seeing Amaria to be seated in one of the chairs in the meeting room, Jetta moves bak to the doorway.*
"Now, just wait here while I track him down and tell him you're here to see him."
*With that, she closes the door behind herself on her way out of the meeting room and motions for her three personal minions to come over.*
"Alright, there's an Elven lass in there waiting to see Andrew.  See that she doesn't leave that room until he or I return, and don't let anyone else in there either."
*After instructing Arthur, Winston, and Greg to guard Amaria she heads off in search of her employer.  The first stop in her search is Andrew's office, and she knocks before poking her head in to see if he's there.*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2012, 09:25:34 am »
He is not in his office, but a faint whiff of cigar smoke and sandalwood can be followed to the clinic where singing can be heard.


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2012, 05:19:35 pm »
*Jetta follows the odor of cigar smoke to the clinic, stepping in and looking around for Andrew.*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2012, 06:43:44 pm »
Singing to a patient, a sailor whose chosen side in an argument didn't meet with his debate partner's approval, Andrew pauses his tale of pirate woe and nods as Jetta pokes her head in.  "Is everything alright out there?  I thought I heard a crash.  If they're hassling Heloise again, please kick them out if you would."


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2012, 12:12:20 am »
"You know Elohanna will have your head for smoking in the clinic, Boss.  Anyway, there's an Elven lass calling herself Amaria here asking for you.  I left her guarded by Greg, Winston, and Arthur in the Meeting Room.  You know her?"

*watches Andrew's expression as she delivers her news*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2012, 12:17:35 am »
"...Amaria?"  He stands immediately.  "Yes, I do...I'm sorry to cut this short, friend.  My wife or Kat will be back to check on you shortly."  He pats the patient's shoulder - the unbruised shoulder - and heads out to the main tavern floor using all the stride in his long legs to get him to the Meeting Room next to his office.  He opens the doors, nodding to Jetta's minions, sits across from the elven girl, and reaches to take her hand in greeting.


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2012, 06:55:26 am »
*Being curious, Jetta follows Andrew matching his stride and slips into the Meeting Room as well.  She chooses to stand to one side of the door, closing it behind herself after thanking Greg, Arthur and Winston and handing them each coin for another round of drinks.  She then turns her attnetion to Andrew and Amaria, watching and listening with a nuetral expression.*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2012, 07:27:46 am »
she lets out a soft patient sigh as she steps into the clinic to tend to the wounded guest and smells the scent of the cigar, making note to have a talk with Andrew, if Father Xander doesn't beat her to it.

She then moves to the wounded man and begins to assess the severity of his wounds in a professional, patient and empathetic way.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2012, 11:21:10 am »
*The girl seems to be a bit older, amd dressed with better clothes and even discrete dark make up, it seems a bit darker though to accentuate her  eyes and giving her a mysterious and exotic look, she doesn't seem the same unsecure girl you met some time ago,

 - Mister Andrew  *she speaks softly*

I heard that you were married some years ago, I was a bit busy on the far islands of Kranshin by the time. . but i am glad that you are doing well ? *she smiles , a sad smile that seems that she has been now well developed *


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2012, 11:47:03 am »
"I am doing as well as I can, as always."  The smile is returned, then it brightens.  "I am married - you remember Elohanna I'm sure?  We've been wed for some time.  

"It's good to see you, I had checked with the Resonance on you from time to time but lost touch.  Krashin you say?  Tell me what's happened since last I saw you, Milady."

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2012, 11:59:04 am »
What is a life but what happens to us as we do other plans  *grins*  

I've been around traveling and knowing things, my ability to play has returned but it seems that i have a natural talent to break things by now. *She smiles*  Lets just say that i am glad that life has treated you kindlier than the last time i saw you?  I do hope that no more jail time for you then?  And faced our fears we learned to do no?

One can be happy once one faces their fears , but those change you , you know? *Said with almost resigned tone on this , but then she smiles again at him*  And yes i do remember your now wife. I see that the clinic is prospering too, even if i find odd that a clinic its on a bar too. but guess extraordinaire people do extaordinaire things .


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2012, 12:20:54 pm »
"Life is what happens when we plan other know, that is as succinct a summary as ever I have heard."  He looks delighted for a moment, then sobers.  "Ah, I have no plans to be in jail any time soon.  However, plans, as you just said..."  A shrug.  "I can't say life is treating me better but I can say I'm able to react to it better, which is a blessing I thank Ilsare for every day.  And you'd be surprised how handy it is to have a clinic in a bar.  I think the ship's captains are glad enough we can patch their sailors together after a bar fight and send them back to sea whole."  A moment's pause.  "It's good to hear your voice is back.  I hope you'll share it with us if you plan to stay a bit.  I am curious though, what do you mean 'a natural talent for breaking things'?"

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2012, 04:24:29 pm »
*She smiles at that*

What that means only,, things tend to break when i am around. . Its not something you can explain, pretty much as your Heartsong, you can't explain it you either feel it or don't .. its not either like tilting your head and  listening to the air or something its something you see and understand.

And i kinda think its the same but not at the same time, its something that happens , but i am able to see the sound needed for something to happen. but .. well instead of that they break .. if that make sense.