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Author Topic: *Something that was not quite expected*  (Read 1060 times)


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2012, 09:22:34 am »
Tips his head.  "I wonder if perhaps you are developing the powers of a skald?  Could it be that?  I've seen some amazing breakage come from the voices of those who've learned to use sound that way."


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2012, 11:27:36 pm »
*comments as well, not quite remaining the quiet fly on the wall, as it were.*
"I've seen men's ears bleed and lines of warriors flee in terror at the sound of a skald's voice."
*her eyes flick back and forth between the other two for a moment, and again she leans back against the wall into silence.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2012, 11:37:44 am »
I'd rather define myself as myself still *grins* If having a tag is needed well. guess it would be needed to someone else, but I've learned from the people of krashin, their drumwork its awesome must say,

But i can show you if you can.. that if the reality doesn't fail me now *smiles*

Come.. play something. . *grins*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2012, 11:47:24 am »
"To the stage then - after you, Milady.  So you're drumming now?"  Opening the door for both her and Jetta, he whispers to his security head as she passes.  "Make sure any audience is in the second row of tables by the stage please, Jetta...just in case."

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2012, 11:51:52 am »
*shakes her head*  No, no stage.. I want to see how things work here.  I would not risk it yet. Now i only perform in open spaces, at least for the time being .. To do so in a closed space i feel limit the beauty of the sound sparces.  Practicing and showing in other hand seems alright.  so just play something,  anything.  


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2012, 12:52:53 pm »
A nod and he sings up light and then pinches the flame off each candle in the two candelabras, again - just in case.  Holding up a finger, he heads out to his office next door and picks Bella up off the stack of scores she was resting on.

Returning, he puts the bow to her strings and pauses a moment to think.  What music for this confident, more world-weary lady - still desperately young for her race and growing so very fast?

The words trickle back and his fingers move on the neck of his violin, a melody he's never played for a song sung only once.  But yes - that.

"Gold and silver? A door or a key?
She’s not here by accident, listen to me
The flowers are blooming, the entry awaits
She wishes and wants to see past the gates..."

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2012, 01:02:46 pm »
*The young elven lass closes her eyes for a moment , with her harp already on her hands, as the sound of the music invades the room, she seems focused listening, then she opens her eyes abruptly, a single note is played by her harp, a sharp C, that echoes and mixes on the very moment that andrew plays a G and D, making the chord complete, then...

.... a small tremor can be heard on the room, vibrating the glasses on the screen and the holders for the candles , they all crash immediately making a single sound, you can almost .. almost think that the crash was done to mimic the very chord that the two musics were done. the tremor continues, then the crack of some wooden walls are heard, finally the wall where Jetta and the other men are listening cracks open, leaving them in full view of the room making the moment a bit awkward now that the cracks have made a hole in that very wall, ( and they are now seen from inside the room ).

*The small girl blushes deeply* Sorry .. *says in in very low voice *


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2012, 01:14:53 pm »
"Muse..."  He looks to her first to see if she's suffered any hurt at all before getting up and carefully inspecting the damage, centering it out from her voice, and humming the notes back to himself.


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2012, 01:25:27 pm »
After a long breath, he walks over and puts a hand on Amaria's shoulder.  "The damage can be fixed, don't worry about that.  I'm thinking that perhaps we should be seeking someone who can help you train that terrible, marvelous, amazing talent you now have however."


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2012, 02:05:59 pm »
"Holes in the walls do not make keeping the Buckle secure easier, Boss.  Take it outside next time, eh?"
*grumbles, and then when her back is turned, smirks*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2012, 10:06:07 am »
Staring at the damage to the wall and the curious faces peeking in, then patting himself over, the bard lifts his hand from the elven lady's shoulder and instead offers it to help her from her seat.  "Amaria, if you would indulge me, let's move outside to a quiet part of the Inn grounds so I can listen to you sing again - on further thought, skald talents tend to hurt people, and what you're doing involves structural damage..."  Another look at the parted boards.  "Muse, Buddy's going to kill me.  But there is no tissue damage, we're all fine.  I'd like to listen deeper in the Heartsong while you sing."  

A pause, then a dimpled grin.  "There is an old shed in the back that we were storing used barrels in, it's mostly empty now.  It can be sacrificed in the name of research and understanding I think."


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #31 on: July 07, 2012, 10:30:30 am »
"Boss, you still need me to watch over the two of you out at the shed too, or should I begin delegating staff to get these holes patched?"
 *Jetta asks as if this is the sort of thing that happens every day at the Silverbuckle.*
 *muttered as an afterthought to herself*
 "Gods, I'm becomming Chief of Maintenance too now."


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2012, 10:47:56 am »
"Please, Jetta.  I'll send a letter to our local builders later this afternoon."

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2012, 12:41:57 pm »
*The elven girl looks at him and stands but whispers*  I'd rather not do so.. I came to see you and talk not to perform . Could we just go so somewhere quiet to talk , i've made enough rockus on your inn already  

*she smiles as she finishes speaking*


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2012, 02:00:55 pm »
"As the lady wishes, of course."  A nod to Jetta and he leads Amaria out and to his office only a few steps away but far more comfortable, closing the double doors behind him.  Indicating the comfortable red velvet chair with foot cushions for her, he flips his desk chair around and sits facing the young elf, arms resting on the chair's back.  "What's on your mind?"

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2012, 05:01:53 pm »
Well. just needed a good sight to stay. As i said i've been traveling over Kranshin on the last years, I am heading towards Bydell myself soon, just wanted to stop and see if the place was still standing, have heard of lots of things happening on this southern lands i wanted to see on my own ..


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2012, 11:26:19 am »
"Still standing, yes - some days I wonder for how long, but so far, bless Ilsare, we're here and I'm happy to provide you with a place to stay for a while, if you don't mind sharing with Clarisse again?

"Amaria, perhaps it's not my place, but you feel a touch sadder then last I saw you."  Resting his chin on one hand, he focuses on his former elven charge.

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2012, 07:30:44 pm »
*She looks up at him and asks* So?  *as if that really makes no importance

*she smiles sadly at him, awaiting for his answer *


Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2012, 12:29:45 pm »
"So...if you want someone to listen, and not offer up any advice or try to fix things - just listen and then keep their mouths shut - I'm here."

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Something that was not quite expected*
« Reply #39 on: August 06, 2012, 02:32:16 pm »
*She grins at him*  I am sure you are indeed, and I'll come to you with histories as soon as I can decipher them myself , you know you were the one who said about facing our demons isn't it? And there are as you said as well, some trips that should be done alone. Since it was one alone who gets into that?

Who knows one may learn something at the end of the trip.

Yet in something you are right . I've seen a lot of things that had made me lose the happy sight i had on things. Kranshin is not only cold and cruel in weather, but in way more other things as well.

I never thanked you for the introduction you did to me to Mr Whenissy, I must say that the time i spend with them was indeed quite .... intresting.