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Author Topic: A call fer dwarfs  (Read 183 times)


A call fer dwarfs
« on: October 11, 2007, 06:19:08 pm »
I be callin on all dwarfs to aid in beatin down dem trolls what have used our kin as slaves. An takin revenge ginst dem!

I be goin inta da swamps wher oi found dead kin who had been used as slaves fer da trolls.

Dis will not stand. Our kin must be avenged...adn ifn any is still aloive..we be freein em.

Fer dose what want...da platinum dat was moined by our kin as dey was slaves...dat roightfully belongs to dem dat moined it. Ifn none is goes to da dwarfs an dose what helped in der revenge.

Me ...oi want heads. Oi will not stand fer dis. Send word ta all our kin. Oi be callein fer a warparty!

Grenna Rockbasher.

///meet in hempstead at 10:30 pm est for th trip to the mines. Dwarfs are prefereable but any are welcome.

oh yeah...this coming saturday nite. October 13th :D

