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Author Topic: In Cooperation for the Weave  (Read 188 times)


In Cooperation for the Weave
« on: April 10, 2008, 11:27:58 pm »
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: In Cooperation for the Weave
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2008, 03:06:47 pm »
//OOC Next meeting for the cooperation will be same time, same place, April 20th, I would like to thank everyone that has shown interest so far, and hope that you return again for the next meeting.

I am steadily working to outlining the information we have discussed so far and welcome anyone to PM with their ideas and suggestions so far.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

