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Author Topic: Melody Widgeweaver  (Read 377 times)

Jilseponie Wyndon

Melody Widgeweaver
« on: August 07, 2011, 09:28:53 pm »
*She looks a bit nervous as she 1st enters the large imposing place of the Buckle, and it must have been a slow night as not many folk were about.  She wanders over to the stage as she hears piano music and sees a man at the piano.*

"Hello," she smiles a bit nervously.  "I'm Melody, I was told I could come here to play."

"Hello, young lady, I'm Billy.  of course you're welcome to play here.  Would you like to try a song?" He runs a couple scales quickly on the keys, stops quick and smiles to her.*

"Well, I've been hearing much about this war that is going on, and I sort of wrote a ballad."

"Well, then, you get it started and I'll chime in when I feel I have your rhythm, all right?" *She nods to him, takes out some papers, takes a deep breath.  In a smooth tenor voice, she sings.*

"They came offering peace, we offered them heat, a roof o'er their heads, bread made of wheat, we wined them and dined them, they ate of our meat, and they slept in the house of Layonara.

They came from Kuhl with murder in mind, the Captain had orders, their leader had signed, put all to the sword, these words underlined, leave no one alive in Layonara.

They came in the night while our men were asleep, this band of Dragonmen, on silent wings did creep, like murdering foxes among helpless sheep, they butchered the peoples of Layonara.

Some died in their beds at the hand of the foe, who then fled in the night, dark as a crow, some lived to avenge those, who fell to the first blow, and did unite the peoples of Layonara.

*She pauses, and begins again, this time altering the beat slightly.*

Midsummers eve, the moon barely seen, Two armies draw up on the green, The hardiest force that e'er was seen, On the Edge of the Great Water.
To crush the Enemy was the Heroes boast, And protect our land from coast to coast, Let the Enemy quail before our host, Like lambs before the slaughter

The Enemy outnumbered three-to-one, Take up their places on the run, The bulwarks in the morning sun, Defiant as the thistle
The Heroes lines of armour bright, Present an awesome, fearful sight, Behind each mounted Brave knight, The spears and lances bristle

The Heroic knight Stargazer, whom, In armor silver from toe to plume, Spurs out to change the Enemies tune, Amid the flight of arrows.
He thunders at them cross the plain, And wields his weapon in disdain, And drives his sword through skull and brain, And ends the Enemies tomorrows

Then charge the Enemy to the field, Towards the hedge of sharpened steel, And into the mud and carnage wheel, In waves of dead and fallen.
The Arcane Archers join the fray, And send aloft their deadly spray, And countless in their saddles slay, Who's death knell now is tolling.

The name of Stargazer sing with pride, Argali and Daniella brave beside, And all who swelled that gallant tide, To stem the enemies advancing.
And here's to Lance Stagazers name, Our own true knight renowned in fame, His flag like Blue and Golden, flame, In Layonara's honor dancing.

Here's to the enemy that we spurned, With pride, each Enemy heart should burn, As they back to home do turn, To mourn their fallen glory.
Hail to the Heroes of the north, Send trumpeter and herald forth, To tell the world of our enemies worth, And place in freedom's story.

So draw your sword and about turn, See the enemies dignity return, Let the foreign tyrant learn, Each man is at his station.
Join the Heroes of the north, And drive the false invader forth, To show the world of our enemies worth, and send them to damnation.

*It ends abrupt, she kinda of blushes a a bit, as its still a piece in progress.*
The following users thanked this post: Serissa, cbnicholson, Anamnesis, Lance Stargazer, davidhoff, RollinsCat


Re: Melody Widgeweaver
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2011, 11:53:38 pm »
From the bar, two men clap and whistle - one a six-foot blonde, the other bearing a strong resemblance to the first but four fingers taller and built like a bear.  A few patrons also clap, and one, a short, older human male, whistles and winks at her.  "One more, honey!  Good stuff, there!"

Lance Stargazer

Re: Melody Widgeweaver
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2011, 02:03:55 am »
*Several nights after the debut , A knight clad in blue and gold, and his lady a humble dressed elf in a practical and simple dress approaches at the inn and can be seen amoung the patrons. After the show they approach to the gnomish bard and thank her for the work.

Lance will smile and spoke to her saying that she made him sound more braver than what he actually is, showing a humble and relaxed attitude*

