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Author Topic: Slaughter in Northpoint!!  (Read 95 times)


Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:51:44 am »
Residents and authorities of Northpoint, trying to come to grips with the recent heavy rains, minor floods and storms have been shocked at the latest events to occur in their beloved city.

Hommels House of Orphans, an orphanage set up and run by the Aerdinites of North Point came under attack by an unknown group who stormed the building and slaughtered men, women and children alike for no apparent reason.

The Aeridinite priests at the main temple are in deep mourning after it was revealed that over a dozen clergy were killed as well as fourteen men and women who work in the building and over 26 children.

The only survivor the deeply saddened and traumatised people of the city found was a little boy who was two terrified to speak to anyone of what he had undergone. The Aeridinites have taken the boy into the mian temple to care and nurture him until he is able to tell tehm what happened.

Residents in the vicinity of the orphanage recall seeing a large group leave the building after a series of loud noises but noone can recall their descriptions as they had all begun bickering amongst themselves at the time that it occured.

Since the incident a calm seems to have settled over the city and with the skies starting to clear up they are numbly trynig to put the city back together and wonder at who would do such a henious thing.

