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Author Topic: Did ye hear?  (Read 335 times)


Did ye hear?
« on: May 05, 2006, 03:38:11 pm »
Two drunked dwarfs stumbles into the inn. All eyes rest opun them, as they loudmouthly talk about stuff the killed and ales they drunk. They come to a rest at the deskcounter, and then the first dwarf starts to say:
  "Did ye hear?"
  "Hear what lad?", the second dwarf sputters with ale in his mouth.
  "The hero, Gotak Gungur, was found dead in the demonmountains, and army of demons dead in miles around him".
  "Really?, cause thats not what I heard. I heard he was found dead up near the entrance to Firesteep, and the person that found him, could hear a dragon roar all over the isle, as if it had been wounded".
  A third dwarf listens in on the conversation and breaks in.
  "Ye both got it wrong lads, Gotak dinnae dye from demons or dragons, he was found dead near Cloven Mountains, where dem stonehammer clan was fighting off dem orcs. They told me he singlehandly held back the orcs for 2 hours, giving the relieve force time to gather a counterattack, that won the day, but alas he was mortally wounded and dinnae survive"
  The two other dwarfs drinks a sip of the ale, and bleches loudly into the inn.
  "Well, whatever the way he died to, it would have to be something big that killed him, or an army, bigger than the number of ales he had in his life"
  The two other dwarven nods.
  "Here to Gotak Gungur whereever he may be".
  All three dwarven smash their alemugs into each other while they all three shout out:
  "Deathward is fer Pansies"