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Author Topic: News of a wedding  (Read 133 times)


News of a wedding
« on: February 04, 2007, 01:18:42 am »
*Ireth walks into the inn, singing softly...A bounce in her step as she places the notice on the board*
Geldar Astendor & Ireth Telrunya cordially announce
their marriage at the Temple of Toran,
Fort Llast
on the 22nd of Decilar
with a reception to follow at
the Freelancers Tavern
All Geldar and Ireth’s friends are welcome
but only those receiving invitations will be catered for
Elladan, Quantum, Michaelis, Brisbane, Jet, Trysk, AnnaLee, Geir, Angela, Sabrissia, Ael Sahala, Jacchri, Dorena, Celgar, Rhizome, Enzo, Ranewin, Yard, Jill, Daren, Alleina, Synal'dur, Alantha, Plen, Elhara, Varka, Rolf, Matilda, Talan, Lin’da, Key, Ralinda, Elderwen, Quillwem, Freldo, Caighd, Sallaron
//Sorry but far too many people to PM or send birds so if your listed here, you’ve received a personal invitation  
If you can attend will you please sign up on the entry on the Player Events Calendar to give us an idea for catering.

