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Author Topic: Seeking a person..  (Read 269 times)

Lord of the Forest

Seeking a person..
« on: April 17, 2007, 08:22:59 pm »
*Dorena walks into the Inn and posts a note for everyone to see.*

Greeings everyone,

I am looking for a halfling named Goronil Dragonscale.

He is described as little and has orange hair and usually is dressed in black/orange.

If you have seen this hlafling around please let me know about it or even better point Goronil towards me.

No worries, he did not do anything wrong, but he knows about some happenings I'd like to know.

I can be found either around the Wolfswood Forest by the Headquarter of the Corps, at the Raven Guild Hall located in Port Hempstead or in Vale in the Forest of Fogs.

You might want to know how I look like to contact me. Well I am an elven lass after all, usually wearing green clothes. Med-cut hair and green eyes.

Thanks for your help!

*signed, Dorena Abianca*

