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Author Topic: Heard through the stone walls of the Buckle...  (Read 592 times)


Heard through the stone walls of the Buckle...
« on: September 16, 2015, 12:49:46 pm »
...a woman's voice, husky even at full volume. "EIGHT. YEARS!" A hand slap punctuates each word, flesh on solid wood, echoing in the dining hall. A dwarf slurping soup at a nearby table lowers his shoulders and slurps more quietly."Elaina. It's not the first time he's gone on sabbatical.""SABBATICAL." "...retreat? I don't know. It's his way.""Michael, eight YEARS. With NO. NOTICE." The dwarf slides his bowl across the table and takes a chair against a wall, eyeing the tall, furious ebony-skinned woman. Leeks, barley and broth dribble over his beard as he tries to feed himself without looking down."I never said he was sane. You knew that when you married me."Her voice drops an octave. "Gods in heaven. If his skinny rear says even ONE thing about anything you, I, or anyone else who has kept this place running for nearly a decade while he was off - off - COMMUNING with ILSARE, or whatever he was doing, it better be good - I swear to - ONE THING. Just let him complain ONCE." Two children, nearly teenagers with dusky skin and dark hair and eyes that favor their mother, are watching from behind the bar. The boy polishes glasses, the girl stacks plates. Neither seem fearful of the large woman's fury, although they do not interrupt. The tall blonde man facing her is similarly unruffled though his manner hints at long practice. "If he does, my wife, you and I will have to draw straws to see who gets to go first." One black eyebrow on her anger-darkened face rises a flea's girth. Her lips twitch, twitch again, then compress into a quivering line. She tips her chin up, cheeks betraying a held-back smile."Something we can agree on. Very well. I'll let the others know." As she heads to the Residence Hall, her muttering is clear to anyone within ten feet. "And if Elly doesn't rip his happy stick off for this stunt, I WILL." The dwarf slumps down as she passes, tossing a sympathetic look to the blonde man when she's gone."Daddy." The girl speaks as her mother strides out of earshot."Yes, Cassie?"She rolls her eyes at the nickname. "Should we clean our toys and things out of his office then?""That's a good idea." She nods, placing a Reid pottery plate down with a clink. "...but..." Her brother turns an ear to listen. "...but...leave some surprises. I'll let you decide what, and where."

