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Author Topic: The God Free'ers  (Read 146 times)


The God Free'ers
« on: September 07, 2006, 06:35:15 am »
*For thows in the in who are there a small Female elf wwalks in,
with white skin, jet black hiar and an all over body tatoo that seems to
be some form of scriptuer. She walks over to the bord not stoping for a drink and pins a note all the wall*


The time has come to brake free of your bonds
and smash the cages of the mind that hold you back
from true enlightenment. The time is coming when all
shall be free and no longer will our eyes be covered
with the deceets and lies inflected on us buy the
greedy and manipulative gods. Free you selfs we say of there lies
they are succubus of will and soul and embark on the glorious path
beyond any thing there temporal dreams can manifest.

Enlightenment is our aim and right and no god will hold us in
thrall to there will over our own.

THE GOD Free'ers.


Re: The God Free'ers
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 11:40:48 am »
*looking over the notices, green eyes fall on this latest notice. Thinking of each of the devout Freelancers and their patrons, AnnaLee shakes her head. At first she contents to let it alone, leaving the free voice scream in to the space of this note. However, after walking past it a fifth time that day, she tears it down. She mutters to herself, and the patrons close by can hear the words "crossing lines even for free speech" amongst other things.*

