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Author Topic: Portal In The Freelancers Tavern  (Read 231 times)


Portal In The Freelancers Tavern
« on: October 01, 2006, 01:40:45 pm »
*a notice is hung outiside the Freelancers Tavern and next to the portal.*
  Please do not just pass through just to use the portal. It was put their for the convience of helping with doantions to Roldem and for Freelancers customers. Not for individuals who want to walk or "ride your horse either" right throught the tavern. Please use good judgement when using this portal or it will be moved.


Re: Portal In The Freelancers Tavern
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2007, 09:10:57 am »
*a red headed bard squints and looks around the portal. Noticing this fallen piece of paper she picks it up and dusts it off, and reads it over. Her mouth twitches slightly, but she tacks it back up on the wall next to the portal. Standing back she looks at it, and shakes her head. She moves it to a different more visible place on the wall, and stands back looking at it once more. Narrowing her eyes at the note and then at the portal, she turns, scooping up an infant and moving back through the tavern, resuming her cleaning duties.*


RE: Portal In The Freelancers Tavern
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 01:55:47 pm »
*I a well written fashion but not overzealous*
    It has now been at least 2 months (ig time) that I have passed by the freelancer deposited some things to donate to find out that the portal was not there to be used. I did not take back what I have donated, but I do feel that the fact the donation crates are still there is a bit misleading in thinking the portal is now still being freely offered, with a small donation, to the use of the public.
    Will it be put back up soon?
    Lex'or Gravedigger  Cleric of Aeridin


Re: Portal In The Freelancers Tavern
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2007, 03:04:41 pm »
*her hair pulled back in a loose tail to keep it out of her face, the red head draws the back of her hand over her fore head and looks at the large tree. She sighs heavily and twists the tree's terracotta base around and slightly more to the right so that the light's rays touch the delicate leaves of the tree and steps back, eyeing the arrangement once more.

A heavy sigh of relief slips from her quietly as she is finally satisfied with the placement. Singing softly to the tree she begins tending it, with a gardener's care. Ending with this with a good soaking from her bucket.*

"Care t-to hold this for me f-friend?" *she smiles softly and looks for a nice place to settle the hickory parchment. Settling on a bare spot in the branches she sets the parchment so that the branches gently cradle the paper in visible sight*

Dear Sir or Maddam:

I regret to inform you that the portal has been forcibly moved. Many passerby were using the portal as an escape of boat fare, and as such have put some of our most loyal patrons out of work! This is hardly acceptable to the staff of the Freelancer and we made a decision to move the portal.

The portal now resides within one of our sleeping rooms, which has been cleared and reorganized to support such activity. To those whom wish to simply use the portal as a transportation device you need to purchase a room key from our Gnomish Tinkered Innkeeper One Thousand and seek out the room just nearest the kitchen door. Those who are leaving donations, we ask that you do so during business hours so that we might offer the inn master key in lieu of your having to pay an additional fee.

All proceeds of the Gnomish Tinkered Innkeeper One Thousand, will be donated to the out of work sailors and dockworkers who frequent our tavern, be it through the bread line or otherwise. Please help us support our faithful patrons either by sailing with them or through use of the portal.

Freelancer Management


RE: Portal In The Freelancers Tavern
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2007, 03:17:18 pm »
*Comes back a few days later,reads the notes and looks at himself smilling slightly*
  M'lady, M'Lord
  I am pleased to know that a better arrangment was found for the use of the portal. I will try to leave donations regardless of the business hours as I do not look for any reward. It is only natural that we help those that need the help.
  Lex'or Gravedigger Clerci of Aeridin

