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Author Topic: Merchant's Night  (Read 85 times)


Merchant's Night
« on: March 20, 2007, 09:42:45 pm »
[SIZE=18]Attention: Guilds, Independent Crafters, and Collectors[/SIZE]

I am endeavoring to organize a showcase/market of crafted and collected items to be held annually in the City of Port Hempstead.

The planned date of the event is conjunction with the city's summer festival, on Junar of this year.

Participants will be limited to a showcase of 30 items and there is space for eight (-8-) merchants.  If the venue is not full extra items may be possible.

The event will take place in my harbor side home at 108 Port Hempstead

If you are interested in participating in such an event please note you name below so that we may formalize any arrangements.


Katrien Hommel
The Foundation

//PM me if interested.  Real life date is Sat April 21, since it is a Saturday I would like to see it with GMT to PDT coverage if possible.  Date is subject to change due to my work and moving schedule.

